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Ajmal Khan Ajmal16
Aspiring web developer with a strong foundation in full-stack development from Le Wagon. Passionate about building user-friendly and impactful web applications.

Berlin, Germany

Tran Hoang Tu hoangtularva
Web Developer

HCM City

Bogomir Engel bogn83
Backend Development & SRE.          Work account.                 Pretty sure we're a good employer and we're hiring.

@dbdrive Frankfurt am Main, Germany

for a long time, maybe a good time
Muhammad Ahsan mahsan0312
A well-educated and experienced Full Stack Ruby On Rails Engineer. A talented, innovative and energetic engineer with excellent communication, analytical skills

@carecloud pakistan

Nathan Lopez andrewdsilva
Back-end developer Ruby on Rails

Qonto Toulouse

Isabelle IsabelleLePivain
Junior full-stack software engineer. I love learning and problem-solving!


Raj rajmalviya456

BestPeers Infosystem Pvt. Ltd. India

GitHub isabella232

Viacheslav aka-nez
Ruby developer

@wallarm Sofia, Bulgaria

Bertrand Dubaut bdubaut
I build systems. Sometimes with code, sometimes with people.

@bookingcom Amsterdam, Netherlands