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magazinkrisso 13inccc
➕🔒🔞📂▫️\\ sofia

s.kosik kosik
Security is not just thing which exists or not. Security is a process
Stephen Rayner gruckion
Fullstack developer Typescript, React, C#.Net, Python, AWS and Azure


Kaiza Ilomo kaizakunonu
Python, SQL

Kigali, Rwanda

Tanguy Launay tanguy-launay
I am a 2nd year master student in NLP.
Ulf Andreasson UlfAndreasson
hacking, not really coding ....


Mandy singyichen

kaohsiung, Taiwan

@zorohu zorohu
Only do what your heart tells you.

auth0 dream

Artur Sak artur-sak13

@twopt Chicago, IL

Kan Ouivirach zkan
ODDS| Passionate in software engineering, data engineering, and data science. ♥

BearCamp (  ̄(エ) ̄) Bangkok, Thailand

Leonard Xu leonardBang
Apache Flink PMC member & committer, Flink CDC Lead

@alibaba @apache hangzhou