As a preamble, I do this successfully on the L432. I setup the G473 with 8MHz oscillator on PF0 . My code is setup the G473 to use HSE and run the system clock at 150Mhz. I have done similar code in stm32CubeIDE (I have included) which works as expected. Have I missed something? meClock_G473.h
stm32CudeIDE code
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Which G473? RE?... |
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the Arduino was a fresh install about a week ago. |
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to help debugging I setup the serial port using bare metal below.
works correctly. (proving system clock) The error is that SystemCoreClock = 450Mhz and I don't know how it got that number. I have now added Serial Setup
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looking at SystemCoreClockUpdate(), I now print all the variables used in this routine and I can't see how SystemCoreClock comes to equal 450Mhz. My code and output below. new Main Loop
and the results
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SystemCoreClock is updated by HAL when it configures the clock. As stated here: So, in our case, it is when Anyway I think I've found the issue. By default HSE_VALUE for STM32G4xx is 25MHz but in your case you used a 8MHz so you have to redefine it. You can use That should explain why you get 3x. https://github.com/stm32duino/wiki/wiki/Customize-build-options-using-build_opt.h |
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SystemCoreClock is updated by HAL when it configures the clock.
As stated here:
Lines 49 to 57 in 72524db