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GilGuidi gilbertaguidi
"Associação de corpo & cérebro"
Anton Malofeev Arenukvern
Software Engineer & Enthusiast. Making useful (hope so:)) apps with Flutter & Dart


jlreartes cua4atro
Escribo codigo Flutter, like a Senior. Hago videogames en Rust 'cuz se aprende jugando. Implementado a blockchain de juguete para el Estanciero. True story.

@DartAndFlutter-ar Córdoba, Argentina.

Rodrigo Navarro reu

Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, São Paulo, Brasil

Rutvik Tak rutvik110
Crafting code 🪄


Yii Chen chyiiiiiiiiiiii
Flutter Boy || Organizer FlutterTaipei || Writer, Speaker || wanna make Flutter strong in Taiwan.

Taipei, TW

Félix Alejandro Guzmán felixalguzman

Santiago De Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic

Adrian Pierra Fuentes apierraf
Android and Flutter developer, I love UI/UX, studying and researching about Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, entrepreneur at times.

In Home Cuba

Christian Dev-Owl
Software developer working in the marine industry with a little camera/photo obsession ;)

IDEA Data Solutions GmbH Germany

Iain Smith b099l3
Software Developer working with Flutter. Also likes to run 🏃🏻‍♂️

@lollipopai Scotland, United Kingdom

Oleksii Halahan skyne98
a vaporware developer