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Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Nafiseh Kakhani nafisehkakhani
AI-based Geo-spatial Science

Tuebingen University Germany

Benjamin Lozes byjtew

Zürich - Switzerland

Maxouch742 Maxouch742
Geomatics student in Switzerland

HES SO Master Sion, Switzerland

RaphaelGerth 3l-gee
GIS engineer with an interest in data visualisation, interaction and processing.

ITV Consult AG zurich

Data scientist at the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)


Matej Varga mvarga1989
CEO&Co-founder of ScanBIM GmbH ETHZ postdoc

ETH Zurich

Charles Gignac Charles-Gignac-CGQ
Coordonnateur scientifique au Centre de Géomatique du Québec (CGQ)

Centre de Géomatique du Québec Ville Saguenay, Québec

Roy Yali Samaniego ryali93
GIS Developer - Geospatial data geek - Geographical Engineer

USAL Avila - Spain

Xavier Willemin xawill

slashnet Lausanne, Suisse

ivandortenzio ivandorte
MSc in Applied Geology. Master in GIS. 🌍 3 years working experience in GIS Industry. 🐍 Looking for an opportunity. Italy.

NULL Island Europe/Italy

Salvatore Maione salvatoremaione
I'm a PhD Researcher at @SUPSI-DEASS-CPPS of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland Lugano, Switzerland

Jules GD julesgd
Environmental engineer with a passion for applying data science and AI to natural sciences.

Wegaw Lausanne

Nicolas Beglinger nicolasbeglinger
Geographic Information Science
Alessandro Cerioni acerioni

Etat de Genève Geneva, Switzerland

Goldener Stefan tpcgold
This is my company profile

@prosperity-tech Schaan

zhiyongzhou chouisgiser

University of Zurich Zurich

Je suis un passionné de science des données mais plus important encore, de technologie. Actif et dynamique, je suis toujours en recherche de progression.


Urs Sommerhalder urss1
Entwicklungen im Bereich Web- und GIS-Software. HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, C#, .NET

sumali - Urs Sommerhalder

Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Jeremy Osih jeremyosih
Currently learning how to think and craft.

@kima-ventures Earth

Gwenaëlle GwenaelleSa

STDL Wabern, Switzerland