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Daniel Brai Daniel-Brai
👨🏽‍💻 Software Engineer | Computer Science Student

Lagos, Nigeria

Vikas Singh vikasosmium
Software Engineer


Karan Janthe KMJ-007
Serial key presser!


Sameer Kolhar kolharsam
i can write and read code.


Goutham Krishna gouthamkrishnakv
Focusing on the things that matter.

@Synine Hyderabad

Atish Kumar Naskar atish1999
Web Developer and Competative Programmer
ABHISHEK RAJ rajtheinnovator
Senior Android Developer(Freelance & Consultant)

Bangalore, India

Manoj Mohan manoj-makkuboy
Libre n0t Gratis


Nikhil Bhutani NikhilBhutani
Striving for excellence

New Delhi

Mohamed Awnallah mohamedawnallah
Open Source Data Engineer exploring new frontiers and touching the stars with the power of data. ✨ GPG key: 3AB41BED6DC9C9188A65C5965D55706029E9B87E


Gurpreet Singh imGurpreetSK
Learner, Software Engineer working with Android, tries to write simple, clean, maintainable code. Likes experimenting - KMP, Kotlin, F&RP, some rust and go.

JobGet, ex-Gojek, ex-Kite Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kiran Gangadharan kirang89
Dad. Programmer. Coffee Enthusiast.

@nilenso Bengaluru

Jon Bittner jonbittner Providence, RI

Emre Balkay EmreBlky
Sevdiğin Her ne ise Onu Bull ve Seni Öldürmesine İzin Ver.....!!!

MicroChipTecnology Körfez

Benjamin Kadel Kardelio
Senior Android Developer working in Berlin (DE) with an aspiring Tech/Dev YouTube Channel

Babbel Berlin

Thomas Carr htcarr3
Software Developer

@protocollar | @verdalabs Knoxville, TN

Jerric Lyns John jerriclynsjohn
Startup Founder | Product Designer | Software Engineer | DX | Svelte Enthusiast


Oscar Ortega odortega
Fullstack dev | React Native | ionic | JavaScript | TypeScript | Angular | PHP | Laravel l GraphQL | Redux | MobX | AWS 🔗
rawknuckles raunaqgupta
Hello, world.

Cisco Remote

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Shivam Goyal shyvum
Lead Engineer / Avid Programmer

Navi Technologies Bengaluru, India

Vikalp Gupta vikxlp
Product Designer


Ratik Sharma libhide
(An)Droid @Fueled.

@Fueled Noida, India