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轻茹莉莉酱 e-kiss-me
Do more of what makes you happy.

o’flye Koryo

University of Calgary master of software meng grad
Dodge (Lang HE) DodgeHo
I am not just a C++ developer, but also capable of writting algorithm in digital signal processing, and able to use a bit of machine learning in data analysis.

Hong Kong, SAR

安琪 AnneLau
I'm fond of art and coding.


Foggy flow LFG12
GISer/Runner/Coder 新手; 喜欢接触一些有趣的项目让生活更便捷。

Yangtze University Yangtze University

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Aliaksei piniazik

ITSDev Poland