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Developer & Designer

TheGalaxyStars Space (Online)

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


shiyan lim linshiyan1992
Learning CS as a Rookie
itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Aahnik Daw aahnik
computer science undergrad

@aahniks India

Rakib Hasan Babu imRHB
Specialized in cutting-edge web and mobile technologies as well as pixel-perfect designs. STACK ▶ JavaScript | Next JS | Express JS | MongoDB | Tailwind

@Standard-Insights Dhaka, Bangladesh

Muhammad Tayyab Muhammad-Tayyab-Awan
MERN Stack Developer, WordPress Developer, Content Creator

@infowithawan1 Islamabad, Pakistan

Nhan Nguyen nhannguyendevjs
I’m a web developer, and I am really passionate about learning web development | MEAN.

NTGVN Vietnam

Diego Jose Chavez Chirinos Diego-18
| Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer | 💻👨‍💻 #Laravel #Javascript #Typescript #NestJS #Vue #Web

Arca Group Medellin - Colombia

manupanand manupanand
Mechanical engineer turned coder, merging hardware finesse with software flair on GitHub|Fullstack|MERN|Python|Go|DevOps|AWS


Anas Attas atttaskalyar
Full Stack Developer | Working on Gen AI products | loves web performance, and great web metrics

Vyro Islamabad

Kamensky Andrey Kamensky124
Software developer | Node.JS | Typescript | React | Redux | REST API | Apps Script | AppSheet | SQL | Python
Mukesh Selvaraj mukeshselv
AI Researcher 🐢| Deep Learning 💡, Gen A🎉, AGI, NLP, Computer Vision, & Beyond

Bengaluru, India

Victor Lucas Santos Gonzaga Guedes VictorLucasSantos
Cursando Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Delphi, SQL aprendendo sobre Full Stack Python


Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

MonkeyMike.eth mon-key-mike
I build Blockchain Business Services, along with other infrastructures. Available to Hire. I work for DAOs, Communitities, and Private companies

@MonkeyMike Inside the Singularity of the Multiverse, and then residing within that inside the microcosmic reflection of the our Universe. My location is right in front of you.

Moozon moo-w
Frontend Developer


codeninja819.eth codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

Steven de Salas sdesalas
Developer. Hardware, boardgame, and blockchain enthusiast. I create interfaces and automations that make everyday tasks simpler and more enjoyable.


flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Viraj Patel virajp

Bangalore, India

Htay Than Aung h-t-a
manner maketh man

University of Computer Studies Sittway sittwe

José Escoli joseescoli
IT infrastructure & SAP Basis Admin. I like coding in different languages. Currently learning Full-stack webdev. HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, React.

Empresa de Energia Argentina

Clark Hsu cclhsu

Taipei, Taiwan

Kevin Mazzocchi kevin-mazzocchi
Systems Engineer | Tech Director @ Globant


HELEN HelenaKai
Frontend-разработчик | JavaScript | React | HTML & CSS | GIT

Saint Petersburg

Karuppiah Natarajan karuppiah7890
Ooohhh.....I am Karups!!! Also known as Karuppiah

@OlaCabs Chennai, India


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Kévin Alves KevOneRedOne
Developer FullStack

Paris Ynov Campus Paris, France

Philix philix27
Web3 developer

Philix Nigeria