You'll need desktop python, pip and git for this.
We use poetry to manage our environment. You can install it with:
pip install poetry
poetry install
To work in the project use poetry shell
to activate the environment.
If you do not have one, an ssh key is recommended for this.
Generate an sh key if you don't have one, I suggest ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521
Use the Raspberry Pi imager, select the Other Raspberry Pi OS versions and pick Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit). Use the config to enable SSH, name the pi hostname, set the wifi passwords and country. Setup the ssh key.
Write the image to the SD card.
Copy the VPA config example on wpa_supplicant.conf_example to wpa_supplicant.conf, swapping your own network credentials for the ones listed. Copy this onto the SD Card for the Pi. Important: Do not commit Wi-Fi passwords in Git.
We suggest making a copy of .env_example to .env, with your pi details.
That way, you can then use source .env
to have your PI hostname in $HOST. Handy if you sometimes forget!
This project uses pyinfra. You can deploy with pyinfra deploy/
. The other deploy commands are in the deploy folder.
npm install git+