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[NBKPrimeSieve] Mini rework (#118).
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oscbyspro committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 81e6bc2 commit 3830966
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Showing 3 changed files with 197 additions and 89 deletions.
232 changes: 163 additions & 69 deletions Sources/NBKCoreKit/Models/NBKPrimeSieve.swift
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/// ### Customization
/// This sieve offers multiple customization options, which may improve performance.
/// Here's an example that's suitable for numbers up to a billion on a machine where
/// the CPU's L1 data cache is 128 KiB:
/// Here's an example that's suitable for numbers up to a billion on a 64-bit machine
/// where the CPU's L1 data cache is 128 KiB:
/// ```swift
/// NBKPrimeSieve(cache: .KiB(128), wheel: .x11, culls: .x31, capacity: 50863957)
/// NBKPrimeSieve(cache: .KiB(128), wheel: .x11, culls: .x67, capacity: 50863957)
/// ```
/// - Note: The size of the cache determines the size of each increment.
public final class NBKPrimeSieve: CustomStringConvertible {

/// A collection of all the primes that fit in one byte.
/// - Note: It contains `54` elements.
@usableFromInline static let primes = [
0002, 0003, 0005, 0007, 0011, 0013, 0017, 0019,
0023, 0029, 0031, 0037, 0041, 0043, 0047, 0053,
0059, 0061, 0067, 0071, 0073, 0079, 0083, 0089,
0097, 0101, 0103, 0107, 0109, 0113, 0127, 0131,
0137, 0139, 0149, 0151, 0157, 0163, 0167, 0173,
0179, 0181, 0191, 0193, 0197, 0199, 0211, 0223,
0227, 0229, 0233, 0239, 0241, 0251] as [UInt8]

// MARK: State
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,6 +90,14 @@ public final class NBKPrimeSieve: CustomStringConvertible {
// MARK: Initializers

/// Creates a new instance and sieves the first page.
/// - Note: It uses the default arguments of the main initialization method.
@inlinable public convenience init() {

/// Creates a new instance and sieves the first page.
/// - Parameter cache: A collection of bits used to mark composite numbers.
Expand All @@ -87,11 +108,16 @@ public final class NBKPrimeSieve: CustomStringConvertible {
/// - Parameter capacity: The prime buffer's minimum capacity.
/// - Requires: Each element in `wheel` must exist in `culls`.
/// - Note: A page contains `1` odd number per bit in `cache`.
/// - Note: The defaults strike a balance between size and performance.
public init(cache: Cache = .KiB(32), wheel: Wheel = .x07, culls: Culls = .x11, capacity: Int? = nil) {
public init?(cache: Cache = .KiB(4), wheel: Wheel = .x07, culls: Culls = .x11, capacity: Int? = nil) {
guard wheel.primes.last! <= culls.primes.last! else { return nil }
self.cache = cache
self.wheel = wheel
self.culls = culls
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,12 +173,7 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
// mark composites not hit by the wheel
let iteration = 1 &+ NBK.PBI.quotient(dividing: NBK.ZeroOrMore(self.limit &>> 1 as UInt), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))

for pattern in self.culls.patterns {
var pattern = NBK.CyclicIterator(pattern)!
self.cache.sieve(pattern: pattern)
self.cache.sieve(patterns: self.culls.patterns, iteration: iteration)
// mark composites using prime elements
Expand All @@ -172,8 +193,8 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
guard product.partialValue <= limit, !product.overflow else { continue }
Swift.assert(start <= product.partialValue)

inner.setIndex(unchecked: Int(bitPattern: self.wheel.indices[Int(bitPattern: multiple % self.wheel.circumference)]))
cache.sieve(from: (product.partialValue &- start) &>> 1 as UInt, stride:{ prime &* &>> 1 as UInt }) // OK
inner.setIndex(unchecked: Int(bitPattern: self.wheel.indices[Int(bitPattern: multiple % self.wheel.circumference)] ))
self.cache.sieve(from: (product.partialValue &- start) &>> 1 as UInt, stride:{ prime &* &>> 1 as UInt }) // OK
Self.commit(&self.cache, to: &self.state)
Expand All @@ -198,15 +219,15 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {

cache.base[index] = chunk.onesComplement()
cache.base[index] = UInt.max
state.limit &+= UInt(bitPattern: UInt.bitWidth) &<< 1 as UInt

@inline(never) @inlinable static func makeInitialState(_ cache: inout Cache, _ wheel: Wheel, _ culls: Culls, _ capacity: Int?) -> State {
Swift.assert(wheel.primes.first == 00000000000000002)
Swift.assert(culls.primes.first != 00000000000000002)
precondition(wheel.primes.last! <= culls.primes.last!, "must cull multiples of each element in wheel")
Swift.assert(wheel.primes.last! <= culls.primes.last!, "must cull multiples of each element in wheel")
Swift.assert(cache.base.allSatisfy { $0.onesComplement().isZero })
Expand All @@ -222,10 +243,7 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
// mark each number in: 1, culls
cache.base[cache.base.startIndex] = ~1

for pattern in culls.patterns {
cache.sieve(pattern: NBK.CyclicIterator(pattern)!)
cache.sieve(patterns: culls.patterns)
// mark each number in: composites
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,28 +384,37 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
// MARK: Transformations

/// Sieves the `marks` with the given pattern `cycle`.
@inlinable mutating func sieve(pattern cycle: NBK.CyclicIterator<[UInt]>) {
var cycle = cycle; for index in self.base.indices { self.base[index] &= }
/// Sieves this instance using cyclical bit `patterns` from `iteration`.
@inlinable mutating func sieve(patterns: [[UInt]], iteration: UInt = 0) {
self.base.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { base in
for var pattern in{ NBK.CyclicIterator($0)! }) {
for index in base.indices {
base[index] &=

/// Sieves the `marks` from `start` with strides of `increment`.
/// Sieves this instance from `start` with strides of `increment`.
/// - Requires: `increment() <= UInt.max - UInt.bitWidth + 1`
@inlinable mutating func sieve(from start: UInt, stride increment: () -> UInt) {
var index = NBK.PBI.dividing(NBK.ZeroOrMore(start), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))
while index.quotient < UInt(bitPattern: self.base.count) {
var chunk =

while index.remainder < UInt.bitWidth {
chunk &+= 1 &<< index.remainder
index.remainder &+= increment()
self.base.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { base in
var ((index)): QR<UInt,UInt> = NBK.PBI.dividing(NBK.ZeroOrMore(start), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))
while index.quotient < UInt(bitPattern: base.count) {
var chunk =

while index.remainder < UInt(bitPattern: UInt.bitWidth) {
chunk &+= 1 &<< index.remainder
index.remainder &+= increment()

base[Int(bitPattern: index.quotient)] &= chunk.onesComplement()
index.quotient &+= NBK.PBI .quotient(dividing: NBK.ZeroOrMore(index.remainder), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))
index.remainder = NBK.PBI.remainder(dividing: NBK.ZeroOrMore(index.remainder), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))

self.base[Int(bitPattern: index.quotient)] &= chunk.onesComplement()
index.quotient &+= NBK.PBI .quotient(dividing: NBK.ZeroOrMore(index.remainder), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))
index.remainder = NBK.PBI.remainder(dividing: NBK.ZeroOrMore(index.remainder), by: NBK.PowerOf2(bitWidth: UInt.self))
Expand All @@ -406,29 +433,44 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
/// A cyclical pattern used to skip small prime multiples.
@frozen public struct Wheel {

/// A wheel formed by the sequence: 2.
/// A wheel formed by the sequence: `2`.
/// - Note: It covers `2` elements in `1` increment.
@inlinable public static var x02: Self {
Self(primes: [2])
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[...0])

/// A wheel formed by the sequence: 2, 3.
/// A wheel formed by the sequence: `2`, `3`.
/// - Note: It covers `6` elements in `2` increments.
@inlinable public static var x03: Self {
Self(primes: [2, 3])
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[...1])

/// A wheel formed by the sequence: 2, 3, 5.
/// A wheel formed by the sequence: `2`, `3`, `5`.
/// - Note: It covers `30` elements in `8` increments.
@inlinable public static var x05: Self {
Self(primes: [2, 3, 5])
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[...2])

/// A wheel formed by the sequence: 2, 3, 5, 7.
/// A wheel formed by the sequence: `2`, `3`, `5`, `7`.
/// - Note: It covers `210` elements in `48` increments.
@inlinable public static var x07: Self {
Self(primes: [2, 3, 5, 7])
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[...3])

/// A wheel formed by the sequence: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11.
/// A wheel formed by the sequence: `2`, `3`, `5`, `7`, `11`.
/// - Note: It covers `2310` elements in `480` increments.
@inlinable public static var x11: Self {
Self(primes: [2, 3, 5, 7, 11])
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[...4])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,6 +532,10 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
// MARK: Initializers

@inlinable init(primes: [UInt8].SubSequence) {

@usableFromInline init(primes: [UInt]) {
Swift.assert(primes.allSatisfy({ $0 >= 2 }))
Expand All @@ -508,7 +554,11 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
let count = Int(bitPattern: 1 + value) - self.values.count
self.values .append(contentsOf: repeatElement(value, count: count))
self.indices.append(contentsOf: repeatElement(self.increments.count, count: count))
}; self.increments.append(self.circumference - self.values.last! + self.values.first!)

let last = self.values.last! // default to zero if empty is allowed
let first = self.values.first! // default to zero if empty is allowed
self.increments.append(self.circumference - last + first)
Expand All @@ -524,41 +574,81 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {

/// A collection of cyclical patterns used to cull multiples of small primes.
/// - Note: Even numbers are culled by omission, not by bit pattern.
@frozen public struct Culls {

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11.
@inlinable public static var x11: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11])
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `5`.
/// - Note: It stores `15` elements and culls `2` primes in `1` loop.
@inlinable public static var x05: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...02])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.
@inlinable public static var x13: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11, 13])
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `11`.
/// - Note: It stores `68` elements and culls `4` primes in `2` loops.
@inlinable public static var x11: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...04])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17.
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `17`.
/// - Note: It stores `193` elements and culls `6` primes in `3` loops.
@inlinable public static var x17: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17])
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...06])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19.
@inlinable public static var x19: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19])
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `23`.
/// - Note: It stores `426` elements and culls `8` primes in `4` loops.
@inlinable public static var x23: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...08])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23.
@inlinable public static var x23: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23])
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `31`.
/// - Note: It stores `829` elements and culls `10` primes in `5` loops.
@inlinable public static var x31: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...10])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.
@inlinable public static var x29: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29])
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `41`.
/// - Note: It stores `1466` elements and culls `12` primes in `6` loops.
@inlinable public static var x41: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...12])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31.
@inlinable public static var x31: Self {
Self(primes: [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31])
/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `47`.
/// - Note: It stores `2383` elements and culls `14` primes in `7` loops.
@inlinable public static var x47: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...14])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `59`.
/// - Note: It stores `3662` elements and culls `16` primes in `8` loops.
@inlinable public static var x59: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...16])

/// Cyclical bit patterns for multiples of primes from `3` through `67`.
/// - Note: It stores `5373` elements and culls `18` primes in `9` loops.
@inlinable public static var x67: Self {
Self(primes: NBKPrimeSieve.primes[1...18])

Expand All @@ -580,6 +670,10 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
// MARK: Initializers

@inlinable init(primes: [UInt8].SubSequence) {

@inlinable init(primes: [UInt]) {
self.primes = primes
self.patterns = Culls.patterns(primes: self.primes)
Expand All @@ -591,9 +685,13 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {

/// Patterns grow multiplicatively, so chunking reduces memory cost.
/// g([3, 5, 7, 11, 13]) -> [f([3, 13]), f([5, 11]), f([7])]
/// g([3, 5, 7, 11]) -> [f([3, 11]), f([5, 7])]
/// - Requires: The number of primes should be even for performance reasons.
@usableFromInline static func patterns(primes: [UInt]) -> [[UInt]] {

var patterns = [[UInt]]()
var lhsIndex = primes.startIndex
var rhsIndex = primes.index(before: primes.endIndex)
Expand All @@ -604,10 +702,6 @@ extension NBKPrimeSieve {
patterns.formIndex(before: &rhsIndex)

if lhsIndex == rhsIndex {
patterns.append(self.pattern(primes: [primes[lhsIndex]]))

return patterns as [[UInt]]

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