All notable changes to the GatsbyHub extension will be documented in this file.
- Fixes server issue with fetching plugin packages
- Updates ViewsContainer with new Blob logo w/o 'G'
- Updates Readmes with new images using Blob logo w/o 'G'
- Deletes extraneous files with old unused logo
- Updates to README
- Pop up message content when downloading plugins or starters
- Updated READMEs with warning that GatsbyHub is only compatible with npm
- Fixed bug where GraphiQL button would show up when starting production server
- Sorts plugins, starters, and themes by popularity
- Adds trycatch blocks where get requests are made
- Added menu button to tree view items that opens respective documentation
- Fix bug when creating default gatsby starter
- Fixes error where GatsbyHub logo disappears from views container
- Adds more command options in the extension's settings
- Adds config directory in utils that handles possible config combinations
- Configured eslint and prettier with pre-commit hook
- Updates method input/output types to match interfaces in the interface file
- Updates issue templates
- Adds interfaces.ts file to hold interface types
- Adds configuration options for extension in package.json
- Adds method for grabbing port config in Utilities
- Adds methods in GatsbyCli that use a port so that they grab the port from the user's config choice
- Adds Contributing instructions
- Adds Pull Request Template
- Adds and configures Webpack to bundle extension during development and for production
- Updates conditional checks in createSite, buildSite, developServer, and installPlugin, that checks it's workspace and executes accordingly
- Adds conditional checks for CLI commands
- Adds method that gets workspace URI
- Commented out code to check if Gatsby is initialized to the root path since it was causing errors
- Refactors module imports to only import necessary methods instead of importing the entire module
- Adds openGraphiQL command and icon to 'command' viewTitle
- Adds check method for OS type so that commands are tailored to Mac or Windows
- Makes code easier to read and more modular
- Moves files into more intuitive directories and changed the direct paths to each
- Fixes all ESLint and Prettier problems/errors
- Updated menu icons for installing plugins, starters, and themes
- Refactors how npm package data is fetched so that 3 separate classes are reduced to 1 npmData class
- Fixes edge cases when creating a new site and starting a server
- Adds npmData.ts file to replace pluginData, starterData, and themeData
- Adds method for checking if current workspace is empty
- Adds method for checking if current workspace has a Gatsby site in it
- Updates Plugin and Starter Menu buttons so that they successfully download and install plugins and starters
- Updates webview panel so that only one new window is created when you click on plugin or starter
- Updates README with imgur image instead of repo's image
- Adds Themes treeview which follows similar logic to Plugins and Starters
- Adds webview header with install button
- Adds loading state to TreeView plugins, starters, and themes
- Added PluginData class that fetches Gatsby Plugins from npm (modeled after Gatsby's plugin script)
- Added WebView command so that clicking on a plugin opens a new webview window
- Added WebView functionality so that it fetches markdown from github repository
- Added loading message to StatusBarItem while developing and disposing server
- Added functionality to 'Develop Server' such that the server is developed using the root path of the active text editor
- Added TreeView infrastructure for Plugins
- Added Webview infrastructure for Plugins
- Fixed bug where new site would be created if input was undefined
- Fixed bug where message and input would appear simultaneously
- Added 'Create New Site' button
- Added 'Develop Server' button
- Added 'Develop' status bar item
- Added 'Build Site' button
- Updated 'Develop Server' functionality so that the button and status bar toggle between developing server and disposing server
- Updated 'Create New Site' functionality so that message pops up with option to open new folder
- Added commands directory
- Added "Install" button
- Added functionality to access CLI through our extension
- Added README
- Initialized Yeoman with starter code for VSCode Extension
- Added TreeViewsContainer and Views for GatsbyHub