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Pasan Kamburugamuwa edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the osomemastodon documentation.

API Documentation

API Endpoints

  1. Instance - Get Mastodon Instances API
  2. Status - Search by keyword API
  3. Status - Most recent by hashtag API
  4. Status - Most recent for instance API
  5. Status - Single status by Id API
  6. Accounts - Search by keyword
  7. Accounts - Single Account by Id
  8. Get Hashtag metadata

1. Instance - Get Mastodon Instances API


The Mastodon Instances API provides a list of Mastodon instances based on specified criteria, including minimum active users, count, sorting, and authorization. You can access the official documentation from here.

Official API Endpoint



OSoMe API Endpoint



Note Data is returned in JSON format.

2. Status - Search by keyword API


The Search API provides a method to retrieve accounts, statuses, and hashtags based on a specified search keyword. In this API, we get the statuses results as a json format. You can access the official documentation from here.

Official API Endpoint

GET https://{mastodon_instance}/api/v2/search?q={search_keyword}&type=statuses&resolve=true

Name Type Description
access_token string (Required) Bearer token for retrieving statuses.
search_keyword string (Required) The search keyword.


The following header must be included in the request:

  • Authorization :Bearer token for authentication

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

Request Example (POST request)

curl --location 'https://{mastodon_instance}/api/v2/search?q={search_keyword}&type=statuses' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 'TOKEN'


  • Ensure the provided access_token is a valid Bearer token.
  • The response includes lists of accounts, statuses, and hashtags. But only populated statuses as we specifically select it.

3. Status - Most recent by hashtag API


This API endpoint allows users to retrieve public hashtag information from a Mastodon instance. You can access the official documentation from here.

Official API Endpoint

GET https://{mastodon_instance}/api/v1/timelines/tag/{hashtag}?limit={limit}&local={data_type}


  • Headers
  1. Content-Type: application/json
  • Parameters
  1. mastodon_instance (string): The Mastodon instance name.
  2. hashtag (string): The hashtag to fetch data for.
  3. data_type (boolean): Indicates whether to include local data (true/false).
  4. limit (integer): The maximum number of statuses to retrieve.
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