- Where did the y axis label go?
- Layout
- Define plot size ratio
- min width
- size and text labels
- Heatmap
- Axis and labels
- Limits under scatterplot
- Add smooth to scatterplot
- Smooth data in R
- pass smooth to js
- represent ribbon in d3 (with area chart)
- fix smooth for other pollutants
- tabs
- connect eu limits
- bring x axis on 0
- interaction scatterplot
- tooltip - [x] Disappear at mouseout - [x] Display percent rounded to first decimal.
- select the underlying circle
- vertical line
- Maybe there's no need for a vertical selection line, otherwise fix it so that it appears in all panels --> fixed
- add the right color scales
- remove nested smoothed data? Do I need them in the frontend
- interaction heatmap
- show data
- Fix filtering when date not specified, fix filtering reactivity => Could do with mutable values, but not needed
- Fix hover errors on margins
- Style dots
- Typography
- Add monospace font
- Switch thin to thicker font?
- Style table
- connect data
- Style axes
- Deploy
- remove stripes over table
- Blur background for ios
- Tooltip for touchscreen
- Tooltip width for touchscreen
- readme
- license (general, colors, fonts, data)