- Terminal hotkeys
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Package management
- Group statements, substitutions
- Variables
- Arrays
- Control statements
- Test command/keyword
- Glob, regex
- Function
- Script
- Environment variables
- History
- Processes, tasks
- IO
- Filsystem
- Files, directories
- Text processing
- Network
- Tmux
- Vim
- Systemd services
- User management
- Miscellaneous commands
Cut all before cursor: Ctrl U
Cut all after cursor: Ctrl K
Cut a word before cursor: Ctrl W
Paste: Ctrl Y
Clear screen: Ctrl L
Freeze stdout: Ctrl S
Unfreeze: Ctrl Q
SIGINT - interrupt current task: Ctrl C
SIGTSTP - pause current task: Ctrl Z
EOF, exit: Ctrl D
/boot/ # boot loaders
/dev/ # essential devices
/proc/ # virtual filesystem providing info about processes and kernel info
/mnt/ # temporarily mounted filesystems
/media/ # mount points for removable media
/bin/ # essential command binaries available for single user mode
/sbin/ # same for root
/lib/ # libraries for /bin and /sbin
/opt/ # optional software packages
/etc/ # system-wide configs
init.d/ # init scripts and daemons
rc # do runlevel changes (run rcN.d/ scripts)
rcN.d/ # init scripts running at certain runlevel N (links to init.d/)
# 0 - shutdown
# 1 - single user mode
# 2 - multiuser, no network
# 3 - multiuser, with network
# 5 - multiuser, GUI
# 6 - reboot
fstab # filesystems table
passwd # list of users
shadow # passwords
group # list of groups
gshadow # group passwords
skel/ # default user's configs
/usr/ # secondary hierarchy for readonly files (Unix System Resources)
local/ # tertiary hierarchy for local data specific to this host
/tmp/ # temp files (usually removed on reboot (see $TMPTIME env var))
/var/ # variable files (logs, spool files, emails, etc.)
tmp/ # temp files to be preserved between reboots
lib/ # state information, e.g. databases
cron/crontabs/ # users' crontabs
/root/ # root's home directory
/home/ # users' home directories
# Install package:
brew install <package>
# specific version:
brew install <package>@<ver>
# Uninstall:
brew uninstall <package>
# Uninstall unused dependencies:
brew autoremove
# Search packages:
brew search <text>
# or:
brew search /<regex>/
# View package details:
brew info <package>
# Update package:
brew updgrade <package>
# Install package:
dpkg -i <deb_file>
# Uninstall package:
dpkg -r <package>
# Uninstall package and its dependencies:
dpkg --purge <package>
# Print package status details:
dpkg -s <package>
# List all installed packages:
dpkg --list
# Update index:
apt-get update
# Install newest versions of all packages:
apt-get upgrade
# Install package:
apt-get install <package>
-f # try to fix broken dependencies
# Uninstall:
apt-get remove <package>
apt-get purge <package>
-y # automatic "yes" to prompts
# Print package records:
apt-cache show <package>
# Search package in index:
apt-cache search <regex>
{ <statement1>; <statement2>; ...; }
Grouped statements interpretes as one command and returns output.
Can be used for IO redirection, e.g.:
} > dir/file
Execute statements in a subshell:
( <statement1>; <statement2>; ...; )
Subshell (child process) has own scope, so variables will not be available in parent script.
$( <command1>; <command2>; ...; )
Executes in a subshell and substitutes result.
echo "List of files:"
ls -l
echo "$a" # Quoted to preserve whitespaces
<( <cmd1>; <cmd2>; ...; )
Interprets output as file and allows its redirection.
# Print 2th+ lines of `ls` output:
while read line; do
echo $line
done < <(ls -l | tail -n +2)
I.e., short circuit evaluation
<command1> && <command2>
<command1> || <command2>
{<m>..<n>} # By range
Command will be interpreted as command with list of arguments generated by {...}
Could not contain unescaped spaces!
mkdir ./d{1,2," end"}
# is the same as `mkdir ./d1 ./d2 "./d end"`
(( <expr1>, <expr2>, ... )) # Arithmetic expressions group
$(( <expr1>, <expr2>, ... )) # Arithmetic expression substitution
# Returns result of the last expression.
echo $(( a = 1 + 1, b = 6 / 2 )) # 3
echo $a # 2
(!) Always quote variable substitution!
# Without spaces!
${varname} # same
${varname:-default} # Value if defined and not empty, default otherwise
${#varname} # Length
${varname:offset:length} # Substring
${varname/pattern/str} # Replace first match by str
${varname/#pattern/str} # Replace if on start
${varname/%pattern/str} # Replace if on end
${varname//pattern/str} # Replace all matches
${varname#pattern} # Delete shortest match on start
${varname##pattern} # Delete longest match on start
${varname%pattern} # Delete shortest match on end
${varname%%pattern} # Delete longest match on end
echo ${Q/\-/_} # "qwerty_uiop"
unset varname
arr=(<val0> <val1> ...) # Create and fill
arr=([<index0>]=<val0> [<index1>]=<val1> ...) # Explicitly set index
declare -a arr=(<val0> ...) # Declare array
declare -A arr=([<key>]=<val1> ...) # Associative array
Set value:
Append value:
Value by index/key:
By values:
By indexes/keys:
# Get filenames by glob pattern:
# Iterate values:
for val in "${arr[@]}"; do # Don't forget to quote
echo "$val"
seq <end> # Numbers [1; end]
seq <start> <end> # [start; end]
seq <start> <step> <end> # [start; end] with step
if <command>; then
# ...
elif <command>; then
# ...
# ...
case <str> in
<pattern1>) <command1> ;;
<pattern2>|<pattern3>) <command2> ;;
# ...
*) <command_default> ;;
while <command>; do
# ...
# Repeat every 5 seconds until cancelled:
while [ ! $cancel ] && sleep 5; do
(( n++ ))
echo "iter $n"
[ $n -ge 5 ] && cancel=true
E.g., read lines from file:
while IFS="" read line; do
echo $line
done < ./file.txt
until <command>; do
# ...
for (( <init>; <check>; <step>; )); do
# ...
for <item> in <sequence>; do
# ...
for v in "one" "two" "three"; do
echo "$v"
select <selected> in <item1> <item2> ...; do
# ...
# Will ask user to select item.
# Uses PS3 as prompt.
# Selected variable will contain selected item value or "".
# REPLY will contain number of selected item (from 1).
# Without break will ask again.
Unix-shell-compatible (POSIX).
[ <expr> ]
can contain:
-e <path> # Is exists
-s <path> # Is file exists and not empty
-f <path> # Is file
-d <path> # Is dir
-h <path> # Is symlink
-r|-w|-x <path> # Is readable|writable|executable
-t <fd> # Is file descriptor opened on a terminal
# e.g., `[ -t 0 ]` - true if it's an interactive shell
-z <str> # Is string empty
-n <str> # Not empty
<str1> == <str2>
<str1> != <str2>
<str1> \< <str2> # ASCII sorting
<str> \> <str2>
! <expr> # NOT
<expr1> -a <expr2> # AND (not reduced)
<expr1> -o <expr2> # OR (not reduced)
\( <expr> \) # Group to change precedence
<num1> -eq <num2> # Is numbers are equal
<num1> -ne <num2> # Not equal
<num1> -lt <num2> # Less than
<num1> -le <num2> # Less or equal
<num1> -gt <num2> # Greater than
<num1> -ge <num2> # Greater or equal
if [ $char == "a" ]; then ...
[[ <expr> ]]
It's more powerful but available in bash, not POSIX.
can contain (additionally to test command):
<str1> == <glob_pattern> # Without quotes!
<str1> != <glob_pattern>
<str1> =~ <regex_pattern> # Without quotes!
<str1> < <str2> # ASCII sorting
<str> > <str>
<expr1> && <expr2> # AND (reduced)
<expr1> || <expr2> # OR (reduced)
( <expr> ) # Group to change precedence
Glob can be used to match string or filenames.
Special characters:
* # Any number of any chars (exclude "/" when matching filenames)
** # Any file or dir and its subdirs (recursive *)
# Should be enabled by `shopt -s globstar`
? # Any single char
[a-z] # Single char from range
[^a-z] # Inversed
Glob pattern implicitly anchored from start to end of line.
ls -l ~/*.txt # List all txt files in home dir.
rm -r ./* # Remove all files and dirs from cwd.
if [[ filename = *.png ]]; then ...
shopt -s extglob
?(pattern1|pattern2|...) # Zero or one occurence
*(pattern1|pattern2|...) # Zero or more
+(pattern1|pattern2|...) # One or more
@(pattern1|pattern2|...) # One
!(pattern1|pattern2|...) # Inverse
# List all files except jpg and gif:
ls !(*.jpg|*.gif)
^ # Beginnig of line
$ # End of line
. # Any char
[a-z] # Single char from range
[^a-z] # Inversed
<abc> # Word (space-separated sequence)
* # Zero or more occurences
Additionally to BRE it supports:
+ # One or more occurences
? # Zero or one occurence
{n} # n occurences of previous char or group
{n,} # n or more occurences
{n,m} # from n to m [n; m] occurences
| # Logical OR
() # Grouping
Since bash3.0 supports =~
operator for [[]]
It matches string from left side by regex from right side and returns 0 (matched), 1 (not matched) or 2 (incorrect pattern syntax).
if [[ some =~ ([a-z]{2})([a-z]{2}) ]]; then
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[0]} # "some"
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # "me"
(!) Do not quote glob or regex.
function func_name() {
# ...
echo $1 # First argument
func_name <arg1> <arg2> ... # Invoke with arguments
unset func_name
Special variables available inside function body:
$1, $2, ... # Arguments
$# # Number of arguments
By default all variables defined inside function are available in caller's scope and can overwrite existing outer variables.
Define local function variable:
local varname=<value>
Function can return only number, it's like an exitcode.
return <n>
Bash is a dialect of Shell.
To make file an executable bash script:
- Add shebang (
) at first line with path to bash interpreter:
#!/bin/bash args
for posix-shell-compatible scripts - Set executable permission for file
indicates a comment.
can be used to separate multiple siatements in single line.
Bash has no types. Any command is a string.
Command and arguments should be separated by whitespaces.
Command becomes meaningful because how it used.
echo "-n abc" # "-n abc\n"
echo -n abc # "abc"
echo -n `abc` # "command not found"
can be used to escape special characters.
"some_val" # Escape most of specchars in expression, except "$", "`" and "\".
'some_val' # Escape all specchars, except only "'".
$'\n\t...' # String that contains ANSI-C escape characters.
Run external program:
exec <path>
Process will be replaced.
Run script in the current shell (like an import):
source <path>
# or
. <path>
Concat and evaluate given command:
eval <cmd> ...
Returns its exit code.
means success exit code.
(or :
) is NOP command that always returns 0.
is a command that always returns 1.
Stop script execution:
exit <code> # Quit script with specified exitcode [0-255]. 0 means normal exit.
variable contains exitcode returned by last evaluated command.
Special variables:
$0 # Command or script name
$1, $2, ..., ${10}, ... # Arguments
$# # Number of arguments
$@ # All arguments as string (separated by IFS)
sn=`basename $0`
echo "Script name: $sn"
args=("$@") # Arguments as array
IFS="," echo "${args[*]}" # print args separated by ","
Change arguments:
shift <n> # Shift arguments list to left (exclude $0)
# n = 1 by default
set <arg1> <arg2> ... # replace arguments
Parse arguments:
getopts <format> <arg>
# <format>: string like "a:bc:"
# ":" after key means that value required for this key.
# <arg>: variable that will contain key.
# To get value use OPTARG variable.
while getopts "ad:" arg; do
case $arg in
a) a=true ;;
if [ -d "$OPTARG" ]; then
fi ;;
Trap can be used to perform cleanup.
Create a trap:
trap '<command1>; <command2>; ...' <signal>
Print traps list:
Restore to default:
trap - <signal>
Where <signal>
is one of:
trap 'rm -f somefile' EXIT
trap 'exit $?' ERR # Exit from script when any error occured
set -x # enable debug mode
set +x # disable debug mode
Expose variable to child processes:
export <name>=<value>
Print current env variables:
Extend current environment with passed variables and run command:
env <name>=<value>... <cmd> <arg>...
BASH_VERSION # String describing the version
HOSTNAME # Hostname of your computer
PPID # PID of the parent process
PWD # Current working directory
RANDOM # Random number between 0 and 32767 (new on each expanding)
UID # ID number of the current user
COLUMNS # Width of terminal in characters
LINES # Height of terminal in characters
HOME # Current user's home directory
PATH # Colon-separated list of paths
PS1 # String that describes the format of shell prompt
TMPDIR # Directory that is used to store temporary files
IFS # Args separator (' \t\n' by default)
For login shell:
For nonlogin shell:
For interactive shell:
For noninteractive shell:
Print list of N last executed commands:
history <N>
!! # Run last command
!-<N> # Run N'th command counting from end
!<N> # Run command number N
!<str> # Run last command beginning with str
!<str>:p # Just print command, do not run
^a^b # Replace a to b in last command and run
echo qwe rty
^qwe^iop # Will run `echo iop rty`
!$ # Get last word or argument of last command
!* # Get all arguments of last command
Start reverse-search in history:
Ctrl R
Press again to search next (older) command.
Stop, copy found command to input:
Ctrl J
Cancel search:
Ctrl C
Precede command by the whitespace to prevent saving it in history.
contains PID of recently started background task.
contains PID of current process.
Run command as a background task:
<some_command> &
Pause current process until a specified process stop:
wait <pid>
Resume paused (e.g., by ctrl+z
) task in background:
bg <pid>
# <pid>: PID (process id) or `%task_number`
Bring background task to foreground:
fg <pid>
or %task_number
can be omitted, so the most recent task will be used.
List of active background tasks:
can be found here.
# Run in subshell, mute output, save pid to `p` variable:
( curl -o ubuntu20.img https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/focal/release/ubuntu-20.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img 2> /dev/null ) & p=$!
# Stop:
kill -INT $p
Live task manager:
-d <sec> # Updates interval (10 seconds by default)
List processes:
-A # All
u # User-oriented format
a # All with TTY, include other users
x # All without TTY
r # Only running
-t <tty> # By TTY
-p <pid> # By PID
-u <user> # By user id or name
ps uaxf | grep "vscode"
Send signal to a process:
kill <signal> <pid>
# where <signal>:
-15 # SIGTERM (default)
# <pid>: PID or %task_number
Kill process by name:
killall <name>
-s <signal>
-i # Interactive
Trace process activity: syscalls and signals:
strace -p <pid>
Pause current process:
sleep <n_sec>
Flush any buffered data out to disk:
Print to stdout
echo <value>
-n # Without ending newline
-e # Enable escape-sequences
-E # Supress escape-sequences
Read line from stdin
into variable(s):
read <varname>...
-p <prompt> # Show prompt
-s # Hide input
-r # Don't allow backslash escaping
-a # Split to array
-d <char> # Use specified character instead of EOL
-t <sec> # Timeout
-n <n> # Read max <n> chars if delimeter not received before
-N <n> # Read exactly <n> chars. Ignore delimeter.
-u <fd> # Specify FD instead of stdin
uses IFS as delimeter.
Here document: special-purpose code block.
Can be used to feed commands list to an interactive program.
<cmd> <<-EOF
<some content line>
Such a multiline string IO redirection.
Create/replace file descriptor:
exec N< <file>
where N
: number of file descriptor.
exec 3< "file_to_read.txt"
read -u 3 line
echo "first line of file: $line"
0 - stdin
1 - stdout
2 - stderr
Redirect input:
<target> N< <source>
= 0 by default.
Redirect output rewriting:
<source> N> <target> # rewrite, create if doesn't exist
= 1 by default.
Redirect output appending:
<source> N>> <target>
= 1 by default.
, <target>
: input/output - file, statements group, etc.
: FD number.
cat >> file.txt
iconv -f cp1251 -t utf8 < album_cp1251.cue > album_utf8.cue
Redirection can be filtered or joined.
some_cmd 2> "$file" # Write stderr to file
some_cmd > "$file" 2>&1 # Write both stdout and stderr to file
some_cmd &> "$file" # same
some_cmd > "$file_out" 2> "$file_err" # Write stdout and stderr to different files
some_cmd 1>&2 # Redirect stdout to stderr
: system's black hole.
Writing to it will always succeeds.
Reading from it is equivalent to read EOF.
It can be used e.g., to silence stdout or stderr.
{ command1; command2; } 2> /dev/null # Errors will be muted
: infinite stream of null-bytes (0x00).
: current terminal.
Can be used to guarantee that output will reach terminal although stdout redirection.
Uses for chaining: get stdout from one command and send it to stdin of another command.
<cmd1> | <cmd2>
cat somefile | grep "word_to_search"
cat somefile | tr abc ABC > file2
To paass stdout to argument use xargs
, e.g.:
cat url.txt | xargs wget
cat url.txt | xargs -i wget "{} something" # with placeholder
List users which are using filesystem or file:
fuser <file>
-m <mount_point>
-k # Kill all found processes
-v # Verbose
View FS usage (devices/partitions used/capacity):
df [<mount_point>]
-h # Human-readable format
List devices:
fdisk -l
List device partitions:
fdisk -l <device>
# <device>: block device, e.g., /dev/sdb
List block devices:
-o <output>
# comma-separated options: "name", "rm", "size", "ro",
# "type", "fstype", "mountpoint", "label", "uuid",
# "log-sec", "phy-sec", etc (optionally with "+" sign to append).
# Default: name,maj:min,rm,size,ro,type,mountpoint
Copy data blocks:
dd if=<source_file|device> of=<target_file|device>
Mount filesystem:
mount <partition> <mountpoint>
# <partition>: e.g., /dev/sdb1
# <mountpoint>: target directory to mount
# Options:
-t <type> # Filesystem type: "ext4", "ntfs", "vfat", "smbfs", etc.
-o <rights> # Permissions: "rw" (read,write), "ro" (readonly),
# "force" (for repair), "remount" (change mountpoint or rights)
--bind <dir> # Create mirror
sudo mkdir /mnt/somemp
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/somemp
Unmount filesystem:
umount <partition_or_mountpoint>
Change partition table:
fdisk <device>
mkfs -t <type> <partition>
Change label:
mlabel -i <partition> ::<label> # Change FAT label
ntfslabel <partition> <label> # Change NTFS label
e2label <partition> <label> # Change EXT label
E.g., make bootable USB:
sudo -s
umount /dev/sdb1
mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1
dd bs=4M if=./someimage.iso of=/dev/sdb && sync
# or
# cat ./someimage.iso > /dev/sdb && sync
fdisk /dev/sdb
# then select option "a" to enable boot flag
mlabel -i /dev/sdb1 ::LIVE
Disable journaling on HFS+ to make it writable in GNU/Linux:
diskutil disableJournal /path/to/volume
Change permissions:
chmod <value> <file>
# <value> can be:
# in ABC format:
# where:
# A - "u" (user,owner), "g" (group), "o" (others), "a" (all),
# "ug", "uo", etc.
# B - "+" (add permission), "=" (rewrite permission),
# "-" (remove permission)
# C - "r" (read), "w" (write), "x" (execute), "rw", "rwx", etc.
# Special flags:
# "s" - setuid|setguid (execute with owner's permissions)
# "t" - sticky bit (only owners can delete|rename files in this directory)
# e.g., `chmod ug+x file.txt`
# in UGO format:
# where:
# U - number 0-7 - permission for owner
# G - number 0-7 - permission for group
# O - number 0-7 - permission for others
# where:
# 0 - forbidden
# 4 - read
# 5 - read and execute
# 6 - read and write
# 7 - read (4) + write (2) + execute (1)
# e.g., `chmod 754 file.txt`
# options:
-R # Recursively
--reference <file> # Copy privileges from another file
-v # Verbose
-f # Silent
Change owner:
chown <user>:<group> <path>
-R # Recursively
sudo chown -R $(whoami) some/dir
Print current working directory:
Change current working directory:
cd <dir>
Print list of items in directory or info about file:
ls <dir|file>...
-a # Show hidden (beginning with '.')
-A # Omit ./ and ../
-l # With info (chmod, size, mtime)
-F # Mark directories by "/" and executables by "*"
-h # Human-readable size (kb, mb, gb)
-t # Sort by modified time (desc)
-S # Sort by size
-r # Reverse order
-s # Show blocks number
-d # Directory itself instead of its content
Print size of file or directory (recursively):
du <dir|file>
-d <n> # Max depth
-c # Show grand total
-h # Human readable
-s # Print only total for each argument
Identify file type:
file <filename>
Copy file or directory:
cp <source>... <target>
-r # Recursively, to copy directory
-i # Interactive mode (will prompt before overwrite)
-u # Update mode (only newer or non-existing)
-P # Don't follow symbolic links in source
-L # Always follow symlinks in source
--preserve=<attrs> # Preserve attributes
# Available params: "mode", "ownership", "timestamps", "context",
# "links", "xattr", "all"
-p # same as `--preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps`
-a # Preserve all attributes
-v # Verbose
Move file or directory:
mv <source>... <target>
-v # Verbose
-i # Interactive mode
-u # Update mode
Create empty file or update mod time of existing:
touch <file>
-c # No not create if doesn't exist
-a # Only update access time
-m # Only update modified time
-d <rel_date> # Change modified time
Create directory:
mkdir <dir>
-r # Recursively
-v # Verbose
Delete file or directory:
rm <file>
-r # Recursively, to remove dir
-f # Force - without prompt for subdirectories
-v # Verbose
Create link:
ln <file_target> <link_path>
-s # Symbolic link
-v # Verbose
Copy bytes:
bs=<c> # Read|write up to <c> bytes at a time (e.g., "1M")
if=<source> # Input file or device
of=<dest> # Output file or device
Quick file search:
locate <filename>
-i # Ignore case
-b # Match only basename
-c # Print only count of found files
--regex # Use extended regex (ERE dialect)
Uses precompiled index.
Search executable location:
which <name> # In PATH
whereis <name> # In system dirs
Recursively search files or directories:
find <dir> <search> <action>
# where <dir> is a directory to search in.
# where <search> can contain:
! <expr> # NOT
<expr> -o <expr> # OR
<expt> -a <expr> # AND
-name "<glob_pattern>" # Search by filename
-path "<glob_pattern>" # Search by path or filename
-mtime <n> # By date modified (days)
# where <n>:
<N> # <N> days
+<N> # more than <N>
-<N> # less than
-type <type> # By type
# where <type> is:
f # file
d # directory
c # character device
b # block device
l # symbolic link
-size <size> # By size (blocks)
# where <size> is:
<N> # <N> blocks
<N>c # <N> bytes
<N>b # blocks
<N>w # 2-byte words
<N>k # kilobytes
<N>M # megabytes
<N>G # gigabytes
+<N>|+<N>c # more than
-<N>|-<N>c # less than
-user <username>
-perm <mode>
\( <expr> \) # Group expressions to change precedence
# and where <action> is an action to perform on each found item:
-print # Just print (default)
-exec <command> "{}" \; # Execute command(s) for each found file.
# `{}` is a placeholder for the found file path.
-exec <command> "{}" + # Execute once and use results as an arguments list
-quit # Stop execution on first match
# Update modified time recursively:
find ./* -exec touch -m {} \;
tar <file>...
-f <file> # Archive file
-C <file> # Destination
-x # Extract
-c # Create
-r # Append files
-u # Update mode. Append files if they are newer
-t # List contents
-z # Use gzip compression
-j # Use bzip2 compression
# Extract gzip:
tar -xz -f ./archive.tar.gz -C ./target
#Extract bz2:
tar -xj -f ./archive.tar.bz2 -C ./target
# Extract xz:
tar -xJ -f ./archive.tar.xz -C ./target
# Gzip current directory:
tar -cz -f "../${PWD##*/}.tar.gz" .
zip <archive_file> <file>...
-d <file>... # Delete files from archive
-r # Recursively
-u # Update mode
-e # Encrypt
zip -r ./archive.zip ./file1 ./file2 ./dir
unzip <archive>
-d <path> # Target dir
Create dump:
dump -<n> <fs>
# <n>: backup level (0 - full)
-u # Save date and level in /etc/dumpdates
-f <dumpfile>
-a # Auto size, fill destination device
Restore/view dump:
-f <dumpfile>
-x <filename> # Restore certain file
-r # Restore to cwd
-i # Interactive restore
# commands:
# cd, ls, pwd, add <filename>, extract
MD5 hash:
md5sum [<file>]
HEX editor:
shed [<file>]
-r # Readonly
-s <n> # Cursor offset
View file or input with pagination:
less [<file>]
-N # Show line numbers
-M # Show prompt (number of lines, percent, filename)
Print beginning of file or input:
head [<file>]
-n <lines> # Number of lines to print
-c <bytes> # Bytes to print
Print ending of file or input:
tail [<file>]
-n <lines>
-c <bytes>
-f # Watch for updates
Search by pattern in file or stdin:
grep <pattern> [<file>...]
-r # Recursive
-G # Use basic regular expression (BRE) (default)
-E # Use extended regular expression (ERE)
-P # Use perl regex
-F # Fixed string, don't interpret pattern as regex
-m <n> # Specify max count of matches
-v # Invert match
-i # Ignore case
-w # Match whole words
-x # Match whole lines
-C <n> # Show <n> lines around (context)
-H # Show filenames
-h # Don't show filenames
-n # Show line numbers
-l # Print only filenames
-L # Print only filenames of not matched
-c # Print only count of matched lines per file
-q # Supress output (will return only exit code)
-s # Supress warnings
ls -a | grep ".bash*"
SED: stream editor.
Applies an expression or script to the each line of input (file or stdin).
sed <expression> [<file>]
-e <expression> # Specify multiple expressions
# ";" can be used as separator instead
-f <script_file> # File containing sed expressions
# Also uses for interpreter script: `#!/bin/sed -f`
-n [<print_command>] # No printing unless an explicit request to print
-r # Use extended regex
-i[<suffix>] # Save backup (if suffix provided) and rewrite file instead of printing to stdout
# Expression syntax:
<address> # Address lines to work width (at beginning of expression)
# <address> is:
<n> # Line number (count from 1)
# $ - specchar for last line
<addr1>,<addr2> # Lines range [addr1; addr2]
<addr1>,+<n> # Line <addr1> and next <n> lines
<n>~<step> # Line <n> and every <step>'th line
! # Invert address restriction
{ <commands> } # Group commands
p # Print line
= # Print line number
d # Delete line
a <str> # Append line after current
i <str> # Insert line before current
c <str> # Replace current line or range
s/<regex>/<repl>/<flags> # Substitute (first occurence by default)
# regex - basic regular expression (BRE)
# & - specchar - found substring to past in replacement pattern
# flags:
<n> # Address occurence
g # Global
I # Ignore case
y/<chars>/<chars>/ # Transform (like `tr` command)
h # Put pattern buffer to hold buffer
H # Append to hold buffer
x # Exchange pattern buffer and hold buffer
g # Put hold buffer to pattern buffer
G # Append to pattern buffer
r <file> # Read file and paste contents after current line
w <file> # Write to file
n # Skip line
q # Quit (skip all next lines)
# Wrap words into parentheses on every lines exclude line 2 and write modified lines to the file:
sed "2 ! s/([a-z]+)/(\1)/g w out.txt" -r
# Wrap lines 1 and 2 and print to stdout:
sed "1,2 {
i qwe
a rty
# Modify ES imports and rewrite files, recursively:
find ./static/ -type f -name "*.es6" | \
xargs -i sed -r -i \
"s/import ([a-z0-9_]+) from '(.+)'/import * as \1 from '\2'/I" {}
Sort lines:
sort [<file>]
-u # Unique
-n # Numeric sort
-f # Ignore case
-r # Reverse
-k <select> # Sort by selected fields
# where <select>:
# <n> - fields from <n> to EOL
# <n>r - reverse order
# <n>,<m> - range [n; m]
-t <char> # Fields separator (whitespace by default)
Filter duplicated lines:
-c # Print duplicates with counters
-d # Reverse, print only duplicates
Select fields:
cut [<file>]
-c <select> # Select characters
-b <select> # Select bytes
-f <select> # Select fields
# where <select>:
# <n>,<m>,... - numbers of chars, bytes or fields
# e.g., `-f 1,3` - first and third fields
# <n>-<m> - range [m; m]
-d <char> # Fields delimeter (\t by default)
-s # Do not print lines without delimeters
Count lines, words, bytes:
wc [<file>]
-l # Count lines
-w # Count words
-m # Count chars
-c # Count bytes
Replace characters:
tr <str1> <str2>
# replace all chars from <str1> to appropriate (by index) chars from <str2>
Show differences:
diff <file1> <file2>
-c # Context format
-u # Unified format (+, -, @@)
-N # Treat absent files as empty
-a # Treat all files as text
-r # Recursively compare files in subdirectories
# Replace double-spaces by tabs, then diff:
diff ./scroller.vue -u <(cat ./scroller-v2.vue | sed "/.*/ s/ /\t/g")
Apply diff file:
patch < <patch_file>
-c # Interpret diff as context
-u # As unified
-p <n> # Strip <n> leading slashes from file paths
-i <patch_file> # Read patch from file instead of stdin
-o <out_file>
-b # Backup changing files
IpRoute2 package: ip
, ss
, bridge
, ctstat
, etc.
View and manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels.
List network interfaces:
ip link|l
ls up|down # Only up|down
-s # Show interface statistics
Change interface attributes:
ip link set <device>
up|down # Up or down network interface
<name> # Rename
mtu <mtu_number> # Set MTU value
multicast on|off # Set MULTICAST flag
address <addr> # Set IP or MAC address
broadcast <addr>
promisc on|off # Enable|disable promiscuous mode
Show interface attributes:
ip show <device>
Bring interface(s) up or down:
ifup|ifdown [<interface>]
-a # All interfaces
List addresses associated with network interfaces:
ip addr|a
-4 # Only IPv4
-6 # Only IPv6
show <device> # Only specified interface
Add or remove ip address for interface:
ip addr add|del <addr> dev <device>
Broadcast address:
ip addr add|del broadcast <addr> dev <device>
Show ARP table entries:
ip neighbour|neigh|n
Add ARP entry for neighbour addr:
ip neight add <addr> lladdr <mac|lladdress> dev <device>
Change state:
ip neigh chg <addr> dev <device> nud <state>
# <state>: perm|noarp|stale|reachable # Neighbour Unreachability Detection
# perm: valid forever and can only be removed administratively
# noarp: can be removed when its lifetime expires
# stale: valid but suspicious
# reachable: valid until the reachability timeout expires
ip neigh del <addr> dev <device>
ip neigh flush <addr>
List route table entries:
ip route|r
<addr> # Only entries for specified address
Add or remove route:
ip route add|del [default] <network>/<mask>
via <gateway>
dev <device>
# Set network mask
ip addr add dev enp6s0
# Set default gateway:
ip route add default via
Dump socket statistics:
-r|--resolve # Try to resolve numeric address/ports
-n|--numeric # Do not resolve
-l|--listening # Only listening
-a|--all # Show both listening and non-listening
-e|--extended # Show detailed information
-p|--processes # Show processes using socket
-i|--i # Show internal TCP info
-4|--ipv4 # Show only IPv4
-6|--ipv6 # Show only IPv6
-0|--packet # Show PACKET sockets
-t|--tcp # Show TCP
-u|--udp # Show UDP
-o|--options # Show timer information
-s|--summary # Print summary statistics
telnet <addr> <port>
-l <user>
-n <tracefile> # Record trace info
-S <tos> # Type of service
# commands:
mode line|character|isig|-isig|edit|-edit
send eof|eor|el|escape|nop|susp
E.g., SMTP:
$ telnet 25
HELO smtp.example.com
MAIL FROM: sender@host
RCPT TO: receiver@host
Subject: some subject
some message
Download files via http, https or ftp:
wget <url>
-t <num> # Number of tries
-O <path> # Output file
-c # Continue partially downloaded file
-r # Recursively
-D <domain> # Restrict only for specified domain
-S # Collect headers
--spider # Do not load content
Get public ip:
curl ifconfig.co
Search process by listening port:
fuser <port>/<protoocol>
ping <addr>
-s <bytes> # Packet size
traceroute <addr>
-n # Don't resolve names
Dump traffic:
tcpdump [filter]
-i <interface>
-c <n> # Limit number of puckets
-n # Don't resolve names
-A # Print as ascii
-X # Print both numeric and ascii
-l # Make stdout line buffered
-w <file> # Dump to file
-r <file> # Read dump from file
# filter:
host <addr>
port <n>
Scan ports:
nmap <target>
-sL # List scan
-sn # Ping scan
-Pn # No ping (skip discovery stage)
-n # No DNS resolution
--dns-servers <dns_servers>
--traceroute # Trace hop path
-sS, -sT, -sA, -sW, -sM # SYN, Connect, ACK, Window, Maimon
# TCP scan technique
-sN, -sF, -sX # Null, FIN, Xmas TCP scan technique
-sY # INIT scan SCTP technique
-sU # UDP scans
-sI <zombie_host>[:<port>] # Idle scan
-sV # Probe to determine service version, info
-p <range> # Set range of ports to scan
-iL <file> # List of hosts from file
apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get install openssh-client
ssh <user>@<hostname> [<commands>]
# <commands>: single quoted commands to execute
-i <path> # Private key for authentication (default: "~/.ssh/id_rsa")
-p <number> # Port number
-A # Forward key
-L <local_host>:<port>:<target_host>:<port>
# Local port forwarding
# Creates tunnel from local_host:port to target_host:port
-R <port>:<target_host>:<port>
# Remote port forwarding
# Creates tunnel from remote_server:port to target_host:port
Generate key pair:
-t dsa|rsa
-b <n> # Length (1024 (def), 2048, 4096)
-f <path> # File to save keys (default: "~/.ssh/id_rsa" and "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
ssh-copy-id <user>@<hostname> # Send public key to server into remote "~/.ssh/autorized_keys" dir
-i <path> # Public key file (default: "~/.ssh/id-rsa.pub")
-p <number> # Port number
Convert ssh key:
puttygen -o <destfile> -O <type> <keyfile>
# <type>: output format. "private" (putty format),
# "private-openssh", "public" (ssh.com standard),
# "public-openssh", "fingerprint"
Transfer files via ssh:
scp [<user_from>>@<host_from>:]<path_src> [<user_to>@<host_to>:]<path_dst>
-i <path> # Private key (passes to ssh)
-P <number> # Port number
-p # Preserve mtime and modes
-r # Recursively
-v # Verbose
Transfer files using delta transfer algorithm (sync, backup):
rsync [<user_from>@<host_from>:]<path_src> [<user_to>@<host_to>:]<path_dst>
-A # With ACL
-a # Recursively with symlinks and devices saving mtime, owner, group
-b # Backup files instead of rewriting (uses "~" prefix by default)
-u # Skip files which target mtime > source mtime
-r # Recursively
-z # Compress
--exclude <pattern> # Prevent syncing (root is a root of src)
--delete # Delete extraneous files from target (absent in source)
--ignore-errors # Delete even in case of IO errors
--existing # Do not create new files, only update
--ignore-existing # Do not update files, only create
--devices # Copy devices
--specials # Copy special files
--links # Copy symlinks as symlinks
--times # Preserve mtime
--perms # Preserve access permissions
--group # Preserve groups info
-v # Verbose
# If <path_src> have trailing slash it will be the same as "/*" glob
rsync -auv --delete \
--exclude "/files/*" --exclude "/logs" \
./ "$user@$host:$dest"
~/.ssh/config or /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Tmux: terminal manager.
Tmux has three levels of hierarchy: Sessions, windows, and panes.
Sessions are groups of windows, and window is a layout of panes.
Start tmux session:
# or
tmux new
-s <name>
In the tmux CLI press the Ctrl B
, then use commands available:
- Detach
- Switch to scroll mode
- Quit current mode
- List sessions
- Rename session
- New window
- Rename window
- Kill window
List active sessions:
tmux ls
Attach to session:
tmux a
-t <name>
End session:
tmux kill-session
-t <name>
Vim: terminal text editor.
Open a file in Vim editor:
vim <file>
-R # Readonly
-r # Restore from temp backup
Vim will launch in command mode.
Switch to edit mode:
i # Before cursor (insert)
I # At line start
a # After cursor (add)
A # At line end
o # At new line below
O # At new line line above
Switch back to command mode:
gg # Go to start
G # Go to EOF
<N>G # Go to line N
0 # Go to line start
^ # Go to first non-whitespace char of the line
$ # Go to line end
w # Go to next word
W # Go to next word (skip punctuation)
w # Go to previous word
W # Go to previous word (skip punctuation)
Ctrl+f # Next page
Ctrl+f # Prev page
J # Join current and next lines
x # Delete char after cursor
<N>x # N chars
X # Delete char before cursor
<N>X # N chars
dd # Cut current line
<N>dd # Cut current line and next N-1 lines
d0 # Cut from cursor to line start
d$ # Cut from cursor to line end
dG # Cut from cursor to EOF
yy # Copy current line
<N>yy # N lines
y0 # Copy from cursor to line start
v # Start selection mode
d # Cut selection
y # Copy selection
p # Paste after cursor
P # Paste before cursor
u # Undo
CTRL+r # Redo
/ # Search after
? # Search before
n # Find next
:%s/<regex>/<subs>/ # Substitute first occurence for each line
:%s/<regex>/<subs>/g # Substitute all oocurences
Open, Save:
:e <file> # Open file in new buffer
:buffers # List opened files
:b <N> # Switch to file
:w # Save
:w <file> # Save to file
:w>> <file> # Append to file
:Nw>> <file> # Append line N to file
:N,Mw>> <file> # Append lines [N; M] to file
:r <file> # Read file and append below current line
:Nr <file> # Read and append below line N
:q # Quit
:q! # Quit without save
:cq # Quit with non-zero exit code
:set number # Show line numbers (nonumber to disable)
:set incsearch # Enable inremental search
:set autoindent # Enable indentaion
:set syntax=some_lang|off # Enable|disable syntax highlighting
CTRL+g # Show filename, size and status
. # Repeat last command
Settings can be defined in VIMINIT
environment variable.
export VIMINIT='set number incsearch'
Systemd: create and manage services.
To create a service put unit file into /etc/systemd/system/<servicename>.service
Index new unit files:
systemctl daemon-reload
Enable autostart on boot:
systemctl enable <servicename>
Start manually:
systemctl start <servicename>
View service info and status:
systemctl status <servicename>
Example of unit file:
Description=My Service
# "simple", "forking", "oneshot", "dbus", "notify", "idle"
# "always", "on-success", "on-failure", "on-abnormal", "on-watchdog", "on-abort"
RestartSec=0 # delay
Get current username:
Get user id and groups:
id <username>
Create user:
useradd <username>
-d <dir> # Set home directory
-m # Create home if not exists
-g <group> # Set primary group
Edit user:
usermod <username>
-L # Lock user
-U # Unlock
Change shell:
chsh <username>
Change password:
passwd <username>
Delete user:
userdel <username>
-r # Delete home dir
while ( nc -l 80 < <some_response_file> > : ); do
while true; do
inotifywait -r -e MODIFY <some_dir> && <some_cmd>
fswatch -o <dir> | xargs -n1 <cmd>
Print time (%H:%M:%S):
date +%T
Print timestamp:
date +%s
Date to timestamp:
date -d "12/31/2016 23:59:59" +%s
-u <username> # For specified user
-e # Edit
-l # Print content
-r # Remove
# CPU:
# Hardware:
# Free memory