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98 lines (95 loc) · 3.62 KB

Online presentations for ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) and some ECMAScript 7 (ES2016) features.

Table of Contents

  • Destructuring assignment
    • What is destructuring?
    • Object destructuring.
    • Object destructuring, shorthand notation.
    • Object destructuring, nested properties.
    • Array destructuring.
    • Pick what you need.
    • Mix objects and arrays.
    • If a part has no match.
    • Default values.
    • Destructuring in a function's parameter list.
    • Destructuring with computed property names.
    • Good to know.
    • Use cases.
  • Let, const, temporal dead zone
    • Variables declared with var.
    • Let declaration.
    • Let declarations in loops.
    • Const declaration.
    • Redeclaration pitfall.
    • The Temporal Dead Zone.
  • Arrow and block-level functions
    • Arrow functions. Syntax.
    • Arrow functions. IIFEs.
    • Arrow functions. Lexical binding.
    • Block-level functions. Strict mode.
    • Block-level functions. Non strict mode.
  • Default, rest parameters, spread operator
    • Default parameters.
    • Default parameters and arguments.
    • Default parameters expressions.
    • Default parameters with cross-usage.
    • Default parameters and scopes.
    • Spread operator.
    • Rest parameters.
  • Template and object literals
    • Template literals.
    • Multiline strings.
    • String substitution.
    • Tagged templates.
    • Object literal syntax extensions.
  • Classes
    • Class-like structures in ES5.
    • Class declaration in ES6.
    • Class expressions.
    • Inheritance.
    • Accessors.
    • Static methods.
    • Static fields.
    • Abstract classes.
    • Abstract methods.
    • Private fields.
    • Functions overloading.
    • Interfaces.
  • Modules
    • What are modules?
    • Exporting declarations.
    • Exporting statements and renaming.
    • Re-exporting.
    • Importing single, multiple bindings or all.
    • Renaming imports.
    • Importing without bindings.
    • Exporting and importing default values.
    • Resolving paths for importing.
    • All supported syntax at a glance.
    • Imported read-only bindings.
    • Module syntax limitations.
    • Loading modules in browsers.
    • Importing a module conditionally.
    • Using variables in module name.
  • Symbols
    • Creating Symbols.
    • Using Symbols.
    • Sharing Symbols.
    • Well-known Symbols.
  • Maps and Sets
    • Maps
    • WeakMaps
    • Sets
    • WeakSets
  • Iterables and Iterators
    • coming soon...
  • Generators
    • coming soon...
  • Promises and async / await
    • coming soon...
  • Proxies and Reflect API
    • coming soon...
  • Several API additions
    • coming soon...
  • Decorators
    • coming soon...