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Technical Details for Developers: Custom Plugins Integration

Table of Contents


This document outlines the technical specifications for developers integrating custom plugins with our platform. The integration is based on real-time communication between domains through iframe postMessage, enabling developers to create a seamless user experience.

Communication Mechanism

The communication mechanism is designed for interaction between two domains via iframe. It includes:

  • Exchange of events for participant management
  • Information retrieval on participants
  • Custom communication between users within their respective domains

Event Handling

Explanation and specification of events are categorized based on their context.

Participant Information Retrieval Events

Events to retrieve information about participants linked or subscribed to an object. Note : We recommend using this event for initial communication.

Events Overview

		participant Custom Object
    participant Client Domain

		Note over Custom Object,Client Domain: Initial connection event

    Client Domain->>+Custom Object: parent.postMessage(ovice_get_participants)
    Custom Object->>-Client Domain: emit(ovice_participants)
    Note over Client Domain,Custom Object: Returns a list of users currently <br />subscribed to an object



  • Description: Triggered when the client's domain requests a list of participants, including the self-user, who have joined or subscribed to the object.

    { "type": "ovice_get_participants" }


  • Description: Triggered when client requests a list of participants by sending ovice_get_participants event

  • Data Format: Array of Participants

    • id (string or integer): Unique identifier of the user.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the object that the user is associated with.
    • objectType (string): Represents the type of the object (static or dynamic).
    • name (string): Name of the user.
    • avatarUrl (string): Avatar icon of the user.
    • workspaceId (string): Workspace ID of the user.
    • language (string, optional): Preferred language of the user.
    • status (string, optional): Current connection status of the user.
    • isHost (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the user is the owner of the dynamic object.
    • isSelf (boolean, optional): represents if the user is self.
    • isVisitor (boolean): represents if the user is visitor or guest.
      "type": "ovice_participants",
      "payload": [
          "id": "123456",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "objectId": "participantObjectId",
          "objectType": "static",
          "avatarUrl": "<>",
          "workspaceId": 987,
          "isHost": false,
          "isSelf": true,
          "isVisitor": false,
          "status": "joined",
          "language": "en"
          "id": "123456",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "objectId": "participantObjectId",
          "objectType": "static",
          "avatarUrl": "<>",
          "workspaceId": 987,
          "isHost": false,
          "isSelf": false,
          "isVisitor": true,
          "status": "subscribed",
          "language": "en"

Participant Related Events

These events manage the current user's interaction with custom objects.

Events Overview

		participant Custom Object
    participant Client Domain

		Note over Custom Object,Client Domain: Initial connection event

    Custom Object->>Client Domain: iframe.postMessage(ovice_participant_subscribed)
    Note over Client Domain,Custom Object: Send an event <br />when the user approaches a custom object

		Custom Object->>Client Domain: iframe.postMessage(ovice_participant_unsubscribed)
    Note over Client Domain,Custom Object: Send an event <br />when the user leaves the custom object

		Custom Object->>Client Domain: iframe.postMessage(ovice_participant_joined)
    Note over Client Domain,Custom Object: Send an event <br />when a user connects to a custom object

		Custom Object->>Client Domain: iframe.postMessage(ovice_participant_left)
    Note over Client Domain,Custom Object: Send an event <br />when a user disconnects from a custom object


  • Description: Triggered when the user who initiated the iframe subscribes to the object.

  • Data Format:

    • email (string, conditional): Email address of the user. Provided only when the owner of the organization grants permission from the custom plugin setting page.
    • id (string or integer): Unique identifier of the user.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the object that the user is associated with.
    • objectType (string): Represents the type of the object (static or dynamic).
    • name (string): Name of the user.
    • avatarUrl (string): Avatar icon of the user.
    • workspaceId (string): Workspace ID of the user.
    • language (string, optional): Preferred language of the user.
    • isHost (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the user is the owner of the dynamic object.
    • isSelf (boolean): represents if the user is self.
    • isVisitor (boolean): represents if the user is visitor or guest.
      "type": "ovice_participant_subscribed",
      "payload": {
        "id": "123456",
        "email": "[](<>)",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "objectId": "participantObjectId",
        "objectType": "dynamic",
        "avatarUrl": "",
        "workspaceId": 987,
        "isHost": false,
        "isSelf": true,
        "isVisitor": true,
        "language": "en"


  • Description: Triggered when the user who initiated the iframe unsubscribes from the object.

  • Data Format:

    • email (string, conditional): Email address of the user. Provided only when the owner of the organization grants permission from the custom plugin setting page.
    • id (string or integer): Unique identifier of the user.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the object that the user is associated with.
    • objectType (string): Represents the type of the object (static or dynamic).
    • name (string): Name of the user.
    • avatarUrl (string): Avatar icon of the user.
    • workspaceId (string): Workspace ID of the user.
    • language (string, optional): Preferred language of the user.
    • isHost (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the user is the owner of the dynamic object.
    • isSelf (boolean, optional): represents if the user is self.
    • isVisitor (boolean): represents if the user is visitor or guest.
      "type": "ovice_participant_unsubscribed",
      "payload": {
        "id": "123456",
        "email": "[](<>)",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "objectId": "participantObjectId",
        "objectType": "dynamic",
        "avatarUrl": "",
        "workspaceId": 987,
        "isHost": false,
        "isSelf": true,
        "isVisitor": true,
        "language": "en"


  • Description: Triggered when the user who initiated the iframe links to the object.

  • Data Format:

    • email (string, conditional): Email address of the user. Provided only when the owner of the organization grants permission from the custom plugin setting page.
    • id (string or integer): Unique identifier of the user.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the object that the user is associated with.
    • objectType (string): Represents the type of the object (static or dynamic).
    • name (string): Name of the user.
    • avatarUrl (string): Avatar icon of the user.
    • workspaceId (string): Workspace ID of the user.
    • language (string, optional): Preferred language of the user.
    • isHost (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the user is the owner of the dynamic object.
    • isSelf (boolean, optional): represents if the user is self.
    • isVisitor (boolean): represents if the user is visitor or guest.
      "type": "ovice_participant_joined",
      "payload": {
        "id": "123456",
        "email": "[](<>)",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "objectId": "participantObjectId",
        "objectType": "static",
        "avatarUrl": "<>",
        "workspaceId": 987,
        "isHost": true,
        "isSelf": true,
        "isVisitor": true,
        "language": "en"


  • Description: Triggered when the user who initiated the iframe unlinks from the object.

  • Data Format:

    • email (string, conditional): Email address of the user. Provided only when the owner of the organization grants permission from the custom plugin setting page.
    • id (string or integer): Unique identifier of the user.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the object that the user is associated with.
    • objectType (string): Represents the type of the object (static or dynamic).
    • name (string): Name of the user.
    • avatarUrl (string): Avatar icon of the user.
    • workspaceId (string): Workspace ID of the user.
    • language (string, optional): Preferred language of the user.
    • isHost (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the user is the owner of the dynamic object.
    • isSelf (boolean, optional): represents if the user is self.
    • isVisitor (boolean): represents if the user is visitor or guest.
      "type": "ovice_participant_left",
      "payload": {
        "id": "123456",
        "email": "[](<>)",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "objectId": "participantObjectId",
        "objectType": "static",
        "avatarUrl": "<>",
        "workspaceId": 987,
        "isHost": false,
        "isSelf": true,
        "isVisitor": true,
        "language": "en"

Real-time Communication Events

Facilitate custom interactions among users who are linked or subscribed to the same object.


  • Description: Allows the client to send their own event to other users that are subscribed to or joined to the same object.

  • Payload:

    • source (string): Identifier for the source of the event (user id).
    • event (string): The type of event being sent.
    • objectId (string): The unique identifier of the object.
    • message (unknown): The payload of the event, which can be a string, object, array, or number.
      • Note: The payload size for message is limited to 2MB.
  • Additional Behavior:

    • When the targeted users receive this event, it will be reflected back to the client domain as an ovice_message. The payload of the ovice_message will include information about the source, event type, object identifier, and the original message payload.
      "type": "ovice_broadcast_message",
      "payload": {
        "source": "12",
        "event": "exampleEvent",
        "objectId": "L124",
        "message": {
          "key1": "value1",
          "key2": 42,
          "key3": ["item1", "item2"]


  • Description: Allows the client to send their own event to a specific user who has joined or subscribed to the object.

  • Payload:

    • source (string): Identifier for the source of the event (user id).
    • event (string): The type of event being sent.
    • objectId (string): The unique identifier of the object.
    • message (unknown): The payload of the event, which can be a string, object, array, or number.
      • Note: The payload size for message is limited to 2MB.
    • to (string): The identifier of the specific user to whom the event is targeted.
  • Additional Behavior:

    • When the targeted user receives this event, it will be reflected back to the client domain as an ovice_message. The payload of the ovice_message will include information about the source, event type, object identifier, the original message payload, and the identifier of the user to whom the event was targeted (to).
      "type": "ovice_emit_message",
      "payload": {
        "source": "12",
        "event": "exampleEvent",
        "objectId": "L123",
        "message": {
          "key1": "value1",
          "key2": 42,
          "key3": ["item1", "item2"]
        "to": "123"

Reflected Event

Events Overview

		participant UserA
		participant UserB
		participant Iframe
    participant Client Server
		participant myself

		Note over UserA, myself: Initial connection event

		myself->>Client Server: send Data
    Client Server->>+Iframe: parent.postMessage(ovice_broadcast_message)
    Iframe->>UserB: emit(ovice_message)
		Iframe->>-UserA: emit(ovice_message)
    Note over Client Server,Iframe: Send a message to all users <br />subscribed to the object

		Client Server->>+Iframe: parent.postMessage(ovice_emit_message, UserA)
    Iframe->>-UserA: emit(ovice_message)
    Note over Client Server,Iframe: Send a message to a specific user <br /> who has subscribed to an object


  • Description: Reflects events sent from the client to targeted users back to the client domain.

  • Payload:

    • source (string): Identifier for the source of the reflected event.
    • event (string): The type of reflected event.
    • objectId (string): The unique identifier of the object.
    • message (unknown): The payload of the reflected event, which includes information about the original event.
      "type": "ovice_message",
      "payload": {
        "source": "12",
        "event": "exampleEvent",
        "objectId": "L123",
        "message": {
          "key1": "value1",
          "key2": 42,
          "key3": ["item1", "item2"]

Data Management Events (under development)

Events Overview

    participant UserA
    participant Iframe
    participant Client Server
    participant myself

    Note over UserA, myself: Initial connection event

    myself->>+Client Server: send Data
    Client Server->>+Iframe: parent.postMessage(ovice_get_data)
    Iframe->>-Client Server: emit(ovice_saved_data)
    Client Server->>-myself: response Data
    Note over Client Server,Iframe: Request data transmission to obtain the latest data.

    myself->>+Client Server: send Data
    Client Server->>+Iframe: parent.postMessage(ovice_save_and_emit_data)
    Iframe->>UserA: emit(ovice_shared_data)
    Iframe->>-Client Server: emit(ovice_data_saved_success)
    Client Server->>-myself: response Data
    Note over Client Server,Iframe: Store the data and send data updates to users <br />who have access to the data.


  • Description: Triggered when a client's domain requests the latest data associated with an object.

    { "type": "ovice_get_data" }


  • Description: Signifies that the requested data has been successfully retrieved and saved, confirming the completion of the data retrieval process.

  • Payload:

    • payload (object): Data stored in the object
      • Note: The payload size for payload is limited to 500KB.
      "type": "ovice_saved_data",
      "payload": {
        "value1": "12",
        "value2": "test"


  • Description: Instructs the system to save the provided data and simultaneously emit an update to all relevant users who are subscribed to or monitoring the data.

  • Payload:

    • payload (object): Data stored in the object
      • Note: The payload size for payload is limited to 500KB.
      "type": "ovice_save_and_emit_data",
      "payload": {
        "value1": "12",
        "value2": "test"


  • Description: Indicates that the data has been shared or made available to specific users who are part of the data-sharing process or have subscribed to receive updates.

  • Payload:

    • payload (object): Data stored in the object
      • Note: The payload size for payload is limited to 500KB.
      "type": "ovice_shared_data",
      "payload": {
        "value1": "12",
        "value2": "test"


  • Description: Confirms that the data has been successfully saved in the system, ensuring that the data storage process is complete and reliable.

  • Payload:

    • payload (object): Data stored in the object
      • Note: The payload size for payload is limited to 500KB.
    • updated_at (number, optional): Timestamp of updated date and time.
      "type": "ovice_data_saved_success",
      "payload": {
        "updated_at": 1703214224,
        "value1": "12",
        "value2": "test"

Additional Information for Status:

  • "subscribed": User is within the range of the object but not linked.
  • "joined": User is linked to the object.
  • "left": User was linked but left the object.
  • "unsubscribed": User was linked or within the range of the object but moved out of range.