feat: generate an empty canvas is map is empty
feat: generate an empty canvas is map is empty
If no map in wtg then display the canvas
If no map in wtg then display the canvas
Pull request merge
feat: if no map, display the canvas
feat: if no map, display the canvas
feat: add ability to add annotations
feat: add ability to add annotations
Force push
feat: add ability to add annotations
feat: add ability to add annotations
feat(wip): CUE for API
feat(wip): CUE for API
feat: add persistent storage
feat: add persistent storage
feat: preparing the persistent storage
feat: preparing the persistent storage
fix: better messages
fix: better messages
fix: tests with the newlinetoken
fix: tests with the newlinetoken
maps are stored in memory
maps are stored in memory
Force push
feat: add the environment variables and disable the controls for
feat: add the environment variables and disable the controls for
feat: add environment variables to tweak the generation
feat: add environment variables to tweak the generation
feat: add a sample Makefile and configuration
feat: add a sample Makefile and configuration
fix: cannot get comment if the line is the first element parsed
fix: cannot get comment if the line is the first element parsed
Force push
fix: cannot get comment if the line is the first element parsed
fix: cannot get comment if the line is the first element parsed