The P# race detector detects data races that occur during the execution of a P# program. It intstruments all the memory accesses of the program under test and reports a pair of access as a race if 1) at least one of the accesses is a write and 2) the accesses are not causally ordered.
###Extended Reflection DLLs
The P# race detector depends on these DLLs to dynamically instrument the memory accesses of the program.
The race detector requires two DLLs 1)Microsoft.ExtendedReflection.dll
and 2) Microsoft.ExtendedReflection.ClrMonitor.X86.dll
which come with the CHESS tool that can be obtained here.
Place these DLLs in the directory
where ${PATH_TO_PSharp} is the path to your PSharp directory.
cd ${PATH_TO_PSharp}\Source\AddOns\DynamicRaceDetection\
Open DynamicRaceDetection.sln
with Visual studio in administrator mode and build it.
cd ${PATH_TO_PSharp}\Source\Binaries
.\PSharpRaceDetector.exe /test:${DLL_PATH}\${DLL_NAME}.dll
where ${DLL_PATH} is the path to your P# program and ${DLL_NAME} is the name of your P# program.
The example at Samples\Experimental\RaceTest contains a data race.
Execute the following command from ${PATH_TO_PSharp}\Source:
.\Binaries\PSharpRaceDetector.exe /test:${PATH_TO_PSharpLab}\Samples\Experimental\RaceTest\RaceTest\bin\Debug\RaceTest.dll
It produces the following output:
... Using 'Random' strategy.
..... Iteration #1
. Done
. Searching for data races
RACE: D:\PSharpLab\Samples\Experimental\RaceTest\RaceTest\Server.cs;OnInint;21;write AND D:\PSharpLab\Samples\Experimental\RaceTest\RaceTest\Client.cs;OnPing;29;read
. Done
The line starting with 'RACE:' gives information about the racing accesses. It gives the name of the file in which the access occurs, its corresponding method name and the line number. It also indicates if the access was a read or a write.