applying background colour to some sections
scroll to next section button
add tooltips to logos
add 'take me to website' button on hover
modify the hover button for touch devices
add two more projects
try using boottrap row
- how to make the project items in a row the same size and bottom right align the logos
- may need to reorganize nesting of headings and sections
features that can be added
- a bottom arrow at the end of each section that scrolls nicely to the next section
- add an animation (like a metallic shine/reflection thing) to the arrow every x seconds
- create a function that helps you insert any project without too many clicks --> too much js can slow down website
- minified css/js
- if need to change them, replace the same name so the webpage updates accordingly
- open this on firefox, chrome, edge, mobile device
- try zooming in and out
- try using screen readers
- check for accessibility
3 in a row on medium screen
- col-md-4
2 in a row centered below a column of 3
- col-md-4 col-md-offset-2