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Tanzu Application Platform Quickstart Installation Guide

Note that Tanzu Application Platform is in Beta. These instructions are based upon the Beta 4 release builds.

Tanzu Application Platform // Component Diagram // Deployment Footprint // K8s Runtime Support

Create a new workload cluster

We're going to do this on AWS.

cat > zoolabs-app-platform.yml <<EOF
CLUSTER_NAME: zoolabs-app-platform
NAMESPACE: default
CNI: antrea
AWS_REGION: "us-west-2"
AWS_NODE_AZ: "us-west-2b"
AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME: "se-cphillipson-cloudgate-aws-us-west-2"

tanzu cluster create --file zoolabs-app-platform.yml

tanzu cluster scale zoolabs-app-platform --worker-machine-count 3

Replace occurrences of zoolabs-app-platform above with whatever name you'd like to give the workload cluster. You'll also want to replace the value of AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME with your own SSH key. Other property values may be updated as appropriate.

Obtain the new workload cluster kubectl configuration.

tanzu cluster kubeconfig get zoolabs-app-platform --admin

Replace occurrence of zoolabs-app-platform above with name you gave the workload cluster.

Sample output

Credentials of cluster 'zoolabs-app-platform' have been saved
You can now access the cluster by running 'kubectl config use-context zoolabs-app-platform-admin@zoolabs-app-platform'

Upgrade kapp-controller

Verify installed version

kubectl get deployment kapp-controller -n tkg-system -o yaml | grep

You should see version 0.23.0 if you've installed Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.4 or Tanzu Community Edition. We need to delete this version and install a newer version of the kapp-controller.

Install newer version

Log into management cluster

kubectl config use-context zoolabs-mgmt-admin@zoolabs-mgmt

Replace zoolabs-mgmt with your own management cluster name.

Apply this patch

kubectl patch app/zoolabs-app-platform-kapp-controller -n default -p '{"spec":{"paused":true}}' --type=merge

Replace zoolabs-app-platform with your own workload cluster name.

Login to workload cluster, teardown the existing kapp-controller deployment, and deploy a new version of kapp-controller.

kubectl config use-context zoolabs-app-platform-admin@zoolabs-app-platform
kubectl delete deployment kapp-controller -n tkg-system
kubectl apply -f

Replace occurrence of zoolabs-app-platform-admin@zoolabs-app-platform with your own workload cluster context.

Verify new release version installed

kubectl get deployment kapp-controller -n kapp-controller -o yaml | grep

How to undo patch to management cluster

This scenario only applies when you may have destroyed a workload cluster hosting TAP, then attempted to create a new workload cluster of the same name.

You will need to undo the patch. If you forget to do this then the workload cluster creation will stall.

Check with:

kubectl get app zoolabs-app-platform-kapp-controller -n default

Replace zoolabs-app-platform with your own workload cluster name.

To fix:

kubectl config use-context zoolabs-mgmt-admin@zoolabs-mgmt
kubectl patch app/zoolabs-app-platform-kapp-controller -n default -p '{"spec":{"paused":false}}' --type=merge

Replace zoolabs-mgmt with your own management cluster name and replace zoolabs-app-platform with your own workload cluster name.

After a few moments check in on the status of the cluster with:

tanzu cluster list

Your cluster should be up-and-running.

Install secret-gen-controller

kapp deploy -y -a sg -f

Verify install

kubectl get deployment secretgen-controller -n secretgen-controller -o yaml | grep

Add the Tanzu Application Platform specific plugins

This procedure expects that you want to maintain the Tanzu CLI core and plugins you installed previously for interacting with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid or Tanzu Community Edition.

You'll want to copy and save the contents of the to the machine where you had previously installed and used the tanzu CLI.

./ {tanzu-network-api-token}

Replace {tanzu-network-api-token} with a valid VMWare Tanzu Network API Token.

If you need to revert back to the v1.4.0 version, run:

tanzu plugin clean
tanzu plugin install all --local {path-to-cli-directory}

Replace {path-to-cli-directory} with a relative path to the cli directory that hosts the v1.4.0 version. If you're using a jump box, it's typically just $HOME/cli.

Add the Tanzu Application Platform Package Repository

Create a new namespace

kubectl create ns tap-install

Create a registry secret

tanzu secret registry add tap-registry \
  --username "{tanzu-network-username}" --password "{tanzu-network-password}" \
  --server \
  --export-to-all-namespaces --yes --namespace tap-install

Replace {tanzu-network-username} and {tanzu-network-password} with the account credentials that you use to authenticate to the VMware Tanzu Network.

Add Tanzu Application Platform package repository to the cluster by running:

tanzu package repository add tanzu-tap-repository \
  --url \
  --namespace tap-install

Get the status of the Tanzu Application Platform package repository, and ensure the status updates to Reconcile succeeded by running:

tanzu package repository get tanzu-tap-repository --namespace tap-install

List the available packages by running:

tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

List versions of available packages. You'll want to copy and save the contents of the to the machine where you had previously installed and used the tanzu CLI.

Then run:


Install a Tanzu Application Platform Profile

To view possible configuration settings, run:

tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

Note that currently that the package does not show all configuration settings for packages it plans to install. To find them out, look at the individual package configuration settings via same tanzu package available get command (e.g. for CNRs use tanzu package available get -n tap-install --values-schema). Replace dashes with underscores. For example, if the package name is cloud-native-runtimes, use cloud_native_runtimes in the tap-values YAML file.

It's helpful to start with some sample configuration, so

cp tap-values.yaml.sample tap-values.yaml

Edit the tap-values.yaml file by supplying appropriate configuration values; particularly occurrences of the placeholder.

Then, install the package by running:

ytt -f tap-values.yaml -f tap-config.yaml > tap-reified-values.yaml
tanzu package install tap -p -v 1.0.0 --values-file tap-reified-values.yaml -n tap-install

This will take some time. Go grab a coffee and come back in 10 to 15 minutes.

Verify the package install by running:

tanzu package installed get tap -n tap-install

Verify that the status for the installed package is "Reconcile succeeded".

Verify all the necessary packages in the profile are installed by running:

tanzu package installed list -A

Sometimes the install will time out. That's ok. Attempt to execute the command above until you see something like the sample output below. If any of the packages has a "Reconcile failed" you'll need to troubleshoot and fix before proceeding. When you run the package install for TAP, it may fail fast because of sequencing. Depending on whether you enabled ingress for your tap-gui configuration, tap-gui will require an HttpProxy resource, but those CRDs won’t exist until later in the process when the Cloud Native Runtimes package installs Contour. If you're patient, everything will eventually get reconciled and figure itself out, but admittedly a fast failure is a poor experience for new users. This is a known issue and will be addressed in a subsequent release.

Sample output

$ tanzu package installed list -A
- Retrieving installed packages...
  NAME                                PACKAGE-NAME                                         PACKAGE-VERSION  STATUS               NAMESPACE
  accelerator                                   1.0.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  api-portal                                          1.0.8            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  appliveview                                    1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  appliveview-conventions                      1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  buildservice                                      1.4.2            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  cartographer                                      0.1.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  cert-manager                                      1.5.3+tap.1      Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  cnrs                                                      1.1.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  contour                                                1.18.2+tap.1     Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  conventions-controller             0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  developer-conventions                    0.5.0-build1     Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  fluxcd-source-controller              0.16.0           Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  grype                                          1.0.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  image-policy-webhook          1.0.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  learningcenter                                  0.1.0-build.6    Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  learningcenter-workshops              0.1.0-build.7    Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  metadata-store                             1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  ootb-delivery-basic                        0.5.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  ootb-supply-chain-testing-scanning  0.5.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  ootb-templates                                  0.5.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  scanning                                        1.0.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  service-bindings                               0.6.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  services-toolkit                              0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  source-controller                       0.2.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  spring-boot-conventions                0.3.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  tap                                                        1.0.0            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  tap-gui                                                1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  tap-telemetry                                    0.1.2            Reconcile succeeded  tap-install
  tekton-pipelines                                        0.30.0           Reconcile succeeded  tap-install

Updating TAP packages

To update all packages, run:

tanzu package installed update tap -v 1.0.0 --values-file tap-reified-values.yaml -n tap-install

You'll need to do this when you add, adjust, or remove any key-value you specify in tap-reified-values.yaml. Your mileage may vary. The "nuclear" (and recommended) option if you're in a hurry is to just just delete the tap package and any lingering resources, then re-install.

Setting up Ingress

We're going to adapt the setup process to automate it even more by employing Let's Encrypt, cert-manager, and external-dns with Contour.

TAP already installed Contour. We can verify that API resources were created by running:

kubectl api-resources | grep contour

Setting up an A or CNAME record for a wildcard Domain

The envoy service within the contour-external namespace references an ELB.

Install external-dns

TKG clusters include external-dns as part of the tanzu-package-repo-global namespace. To verify this you can run:

tanzu package available list -n tanzu-package-repo-global

Sample output

$ tanzu package available list -n tanzu-package-repo-global
- Retrieving package versions for
  NAME                           VERSION               RELEASED-AT  0.8.0+vmware.1-tkg.1  2021-06-11 11:00:00 -0700 PDT

We can check in on what we can configure

tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tanzu-package-repo-global

Let's install the external-dns package with a script

./ {aws-access-key-id} {aws-secret-access-key} {domain} {hosted-zone-id}

This script simplifies the process of configuring and installing external-dns on your cluster hosted on AWS. See step 6 here. You will need to have created an IAM Policy with required permissions to interact with (a) target HostedZone(s) in Route53.

Manual DNS

If you chose not to install external-dns, then you will have to manually add a wildcard domain as an A or CNAME record to the HostedZone within Route53.

To add an A record we'll want to configure Route53 to route traffic to it via an alias record.

To add a CNAME record (e.g., when managing Route53 hosted zone record in a separate account)

Create a new record in a hosted zone for a domain you're managing in Route53

Specifying a Wildcard domain where CNAME record references ELB

Change the wildcard domain and ELB address above to suit your needs.

Install a mkcert managed Certificate

Recommended option if you've been following the Tanzu Advanced evaluation guide to this point.

We'll create a ClusterIssuer and Certificate, and Secret on a TKG cluster on AWS where cert-manager is already installed.

./ {domain} {path-to-cert-pem-filename} {path-to-key-pem-filename}

The .pem files mentioned above should already exist if you had followed the instructions here.

Install a Let's Encrypt managed Certificate

Make sure that any self-hosted container image registry (e.g., Harbor) you're interacting with has been configured to trust the same CA via Let's Encrypt.

We'll create a ClusterIssuer and Certificate, and Secret on a TKG cluster on AWS where cert-manager is already installed.

./ {email-address} {aws-access-key-id} {aws-secret-access-key} {aws-region} {domain} {hosted-zone-id}

This script also makes use of kubernetes-reflector to automatically mirror the knative-tls secret in the contour-external namespace into the educates namespace.

Create a new Tanzu Application Platform GUI catalog

We're going to fetch some baseline configuration for a blank catalog from the Tanzu Network.

./ {tanzu-network-api-token}

Replace {tanzu-network-api-token} with a valid VMware Tanzu Network account API Token.

Then we'll create a new Git repository to host the catalog. (In this example we'll use Github, but you could target any git-compatible repository provider).

cd /tmp
tar xvf tap-gui-blank-catalog.tgz
cd blank
git init
gh repo create tap-gui-catalog
git branch -m master main
git add .
git status
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main --force

Verify Contour HTTP proxies

Finally we can execute:

kubectl get httpproxy -A

to see all of the HTTPS endpoints for the TAP components

Sample output

$ kubectl get httpproxy -A
tap-gui     tap-gui   contour-tls/tls   valid    Valid HTTPProxy

Installing the Visual Studio Code TAP Extension

You may use the convenience script to download a .vsix file for installation as an extension to VSCode.

./ {tanzu-network-api-token}

Replace {tanzu-network-api-token} with a valid VMWare Tanzu Network API Token

Troubleshooting a Tanzu Application Platform Profile installation

Problem with build-service

What would you do if you saw the following after executing tanzu package installed list -A?

buildservice                                      1.4.2                    Reconcile failed: Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)  tap-install

Start by getting more detail about the error by running:

tanzu package installed get buildservice -n tap-install

Sample output

$ tanzu package installed get buildservice -n tap-install
/ Retrieving installation details for buildservice...
NAME:                    buildservice
PACKAGE-VERSION:         1.4.2
STATUS:                  Reconcile failed: Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)
CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileFailed True  Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)}]
USEFUL-ERROR-MESSAGE:    kapp: Error: waiting on reconcile tanzunetdependencyupdater/dependency-updater ( namespace: build-service:
  Finished unsuccessfully (Encountered failure condition Ready == False: CannotImportDescriptor (message:  "default" not ready: Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority))

This is telling us that we're missing a CA. What do we need to add to tap-values.yml then?

tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

Sample output

$ tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
| Retrieving package details for
  KEY                             DEFAULT  TYPE    DESCRIPTION
  kp_default_repository           <nil>    string  docker repository (required)
  kp_default_repository_password  <nil>    string  registry password (required)
  kp_default_repository_username  <nil>    string  registry username (required)
  tanzunet_password               <nil>    string  tanzunet registry password (required for dependency updater feature)
  tanzunet_username               <nil>    string  tanzunet registry username (required for dependency updater feature)
  ca_cert_data                    <nil>    string  tbs registry ca certificate (used for self signed registry)

So we'll need to add a child property key named ca_cert_data: and an associated multi-line value underneath buildservice:.

Then run:

tanzu package installed update tap -v 1.0.0 --values-file tap-values.yml -n tap-install

Problem with tap-gui

Maybe you notice that the Tanzu Application Platform GUI is missing an entry for the application you just deployed?

Verify that the app-config version has your updates.

kubectl get secrets -n tap-gui
kubectl get secret app-config-ver-{version} -n tap-gui -o "jsonpath={\.yaml}" | base64 -d

Replace {version} above with the latest version of the secret available

If not, try

kubectl delete po -l component=backstage-server -n tap-gui

Then wait ~ 2 minutes and re-verify.

Uninstall Tanzu Application Platform

Delete the package install

tanzu package installed delete tap -n tap-install -y

Be patient! This can take up to 10m or more. It may even timeout. Just wait a little longer. Then verify that the only two packages remaining are: antrea, external-dns and metrics-server by executing tanzu package installed list -A.

Delete lingering resources

kubectl delete secret tap-tap-install-values -n tap-install
kubectl delete sa tap-tap-install-sa -n tap-install
kubectl delete tap-tap-install-cluster-role
kubectl delete tap-tap-install-cluster-rolebinding

Delete the package repository

tanzu package repository delete tanzu-tap-repository -n tap-install

Uninstall external-dns

Run this script


Uninstall the Let's Encrypt managed certificate

Run this script


Uninstall mkcert managed certificate

Run this script


Teardown the cluster

tanzu cluster delete zoolabs-app-platform
kubectl config delete-context zoolabs-app-platform-admin@zoolabs-app-platform

Replace occurrences of zoolabs-app-platform and zoolabs-app-platform-admin@zoolabs-app-platform with your own workload cluster name and context.