cf api {cloud_foundry_foundation_api_endpoint}
above with an API endpoint
Sample interaction
cf api
cf login
With single sign-on
cf login --sso
With a username and password
cf login -u {username} -p "{password}"
above respectively with your account's username and password.
If your user account has OrgManager
and SpaceManager
permissions, then you can create your own organization and space with
cf create-org {organization_name}
cf create-space -o {organization_name} {space_name}
above with names of your design
To target a space
cf target -o {organization_name} -s {space_name}
above with an existing organization and space your account has access to
Sample interaction
cf create-org zoolabs
cf create-space -o zoolabs dev
cf target -o zoolabs -s dev
Verify that the foundation has the service offerings required
cf m -e genai
cf m -e postgres
cf -m e credhub
Sample interaction
❯ cf m -e genai
Getting service plan information for service offering genai in org zoolabs / space dev as
broker: genai-service
plan description free or paid costs
llama3.1 Access to the llama3.1 model. Capabilities: chat, tools. Aliases: gpt-turbo-3.5. free
llava Access to the llava model. Capabilities: chat, vision. free
nomic-embed-text Access to the nomic-embed-text model. Capabilities: embedding. Aliases: text-ada-embedding-002. free
❯ cf m -e postgres
Getting service plan information for service offering postgres in org zoolabs / space dev as
broker: postgres-odb
plan description free or paid costs
on-demand-postgres-small A single e2-micro with 2GB of storage free
❯ cf m -e credhub
Getting service plan information for service offering credhub in org zoolabs / space dev as
broker: credhub-broker
plan description free or paid costs
default Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub free
Visit StackHero, create an account, a project, and launch an instance of Mattermost.
This is an optional step and can be skipped if you already have and administrator credentials to an instance along with a base URL. When you sign-up for a new account, you'll receive a USD 50 credit that you can use over a 1-month duration. You can launch new Hobby instances of Mattermost. If you don't supply a payment method each time you launch an instance, it will be automatically destroyed after 24-hours.
Then, create a configuration file
mkdir -p $HOME/.mattermost
touch $HOME/.mattermost/config
Edit the above file and make sure it has either comination of the following environment variables exported:
Replace the values below enclosed in
with appropriate values for your instance. Note: if the instance is hosted on Stackhero, the first attempt to login will force you to create a new account which will grant admin access.
export MATTERMOST_BASE_URL=<mattermost-base-url>
export MATTERMOST_USERNAME='<your_admin_account_username>'
export MATTERMOST_PASSWORD='<your_admin_account_password>'
export MATTERMOST_BASE_URL=<mattermost-base-url>
export MATTERMOST_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN='<your_perosnal_access_token>'
gh repo clone pacphi/mattermost-ai-service
cd mattermost-ai-service
mvn clean package -Dvector-db-provider=pgvector
Take a look at the deployment script
cat scripts/
Make any required edits to the environment variables for the services and plans.
Execute the deployment script
./scripts/ setup
To teardown, execute
./scripts/ teardown
Create a service key for the service instance, with:
cf create-service-key mais-db cf-psql
Sample interaction
❯ cf create-service-key mais-db cf-psql
Creating service key cf-psql for service instance mais-db as
❯ cf service-key mais-db cf-psql
Getting key cf-psql for service instance mais-db as
"credentials": {
"db": "postgres",
"hosts": [
"jdbcUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://q-s0.postgres-instance.dhaka-services-subnet.service-instance-967aa687-1b73-4448-8505-dca0fa2ee079.bosh:5432/postgres?user=pgadmin&password=Z8ybS105mdY7i6h923H4",
Open two terminal sessions.
In the first session, execute:
❯ cf ssh -L 55432:q-s0.postgres-instance.dhaka-services-subnet.service-instance-967aa687-1b73-4448-8505-dca0fa2ee079.bosh:5432 mais
We are creating a tunnel between the host and the service instance via the application. The host will listen on port 55432.
Switch to the second session, then execute:
❯ psql -U pgadmin -W postgres -h -p 55432
Enter the password. See that it is specified at the end fo the "jdbcUrl" JSON fragment above.
And you should see:
psql (12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 15.6)
WARNING: psql major version 12, server major version 15.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
From here you can show tables with \dt
postgres=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | vector_store | table | pgadmin
(1 row)
You can describe the table with \d vector_store
postgres=# \d vector_store
Table "public.vector_store"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | uuid | | not null | uuid_generate_v4()
content | text | | |
metadata | json | | |
embedding | vector(1536) | | |
"vector_store_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"spring_ai_vector_index" hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops)
And you can execute arbitrary SQL (e.g., SELECT * from vector_store
If you need to ALTER the dimensions of the embedding
column to adapt to the limits of an embedding model you chose, then you could, for example, execute:
-- Step 1: Drop the existing index
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS spring_ai_vector_index;
-- Step 2: Drop the existing column
ALTER TABLE public.vector_store DROP COLUMN embedding;
-- Step 3: Add the new column with the desired vector size
ALTER TABLE public.vector_store ADD COLUMN embedding vector(768);
-- Step 4: Recreate the index
CREATE INDEX spring_ai_vector_index ON public.vector_store USING hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops);
To exit, just type exit