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How to run on Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry

Target a foundation

cf api {cloud_foundry_foundation_api_endpoint}

Replace {cloud_foundry_foundation_api_endpoint} above with an API endpoint

Sample interaction

cf api



cf login

With single sign-on

cf login --sso

With a username and password

cf login -u {username} -p "{password}"

Replace {username} and {password} above respectively with your account's username and password.

Target space

If your user account has OrgManager and SpaceManager permissions, then you can create your own organization and space with

cf create-org {organization_name}
cf create-space -o {organization_name} {space_name}

Replace {organization_name} and {space_name} above with names of your design

To target a space

cf target -o {organization_name} -s {space_name}

Replace {organization_name} and {space_name} above with an existing organization and space your account has access to

Sample interaction

cf create-org zoolabs
cf create-space -o zoolabs dev
cf target -o zoolabs -s dev

Verify services

Verify that the foundation has the service offerings required

cf m -e genai
cf m -e postgres
cf -m e credhub

Sample interaction

❯ cf m -e genai
Getting service plan information for service offering genai in org zoolabs / space dev as

broker: genai-service
   plan               description                                                                                       free or paid   costs
   llama3.1           Access to the llama3.1 model. Capabilities: chat, tools. Aliases: gpt-turbo-3.5.                  free
   llava              Access to the llava model. Capabilities: chat, vision.                                            free
   nomic-embed-text   Access to the nomic-embed-text model. Capabilities: embedding. Aliases: text-ada-embedding-002.   free

❯ cf m -e postgres
Getting service plan information for service offering postgres in org zoolabs / space dev as

broker: postgres-odb
   plan                       description                             free or paid   costs
   on-demand-postgres-small   A single e2-micro with 2GB of storage   free

❯ cf m -e credhub
Getting service plan information for service offering credhub in org zoolabs / space dev as

broker: credhub-broker
   plan      description                                           free or paid   costs
   default   Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub   free

Create a Mattermost instance

Visit StackHero, create an account, a project, and launch an instance of Mattermost.

This is an optional step and can be skipped if you already have and administrator credentials to an instance along with a base URL. When you sign-up for a new account, you'll receive a USD 50 credit that you can use over a 1-month duration. You can launch new Hobby instances of Mattermost. If you don't supply a payment method each time you launch an instance, it will be automatically destroyed after 24-hours.

Create configuration for Mattermost instance

Then, create a configuration file

mkdir -p $HOME/.mattermost
touch $HOME/.mattermost/config

Edit the above file and make sure it has either comination of the following environment variables exported:

Replace the values below enclosed in <> with appropriate values for your instance. Note: if the instance is hosted on Stackhero, the first attempt to login will force you to create a new account which will grant admin access.

with username and password

export MATTERMOST_BASE_URL=<mattermost-base-url>
export MATTERMOST_USERNAME='<your_admin_account_username>'
export MATTERMOST_PASSWORD='<your_admin_account_password>'

with personal access token

export MATTERMOST_BASE_URL=<mattermost-base-url>
export MATTERMOST_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN='<your_perosnal_access_token>'

Clone and build the app

gh repo clone pacphi/mattermost-ai-service
cd mattermost-ai-service
mvn clean package -Dvector-db-provider=pgvector


Take a look at the deployment script

cat scripts/

Make any required edits to the environment variables for the services and plans.

Execute the deployment script

./scripts/ setup

To teardown, execute

./scripts/ teardown

Inspect and/or update the PgVector store database instance

Create a service key for the service instance, with:

cf create-service-key mais-db cf-psql

Sample interaction

❯ cf create-service-key mais-db cf-psql
Creating service key cf-psql for service instance mais-db as

❯ cf service-key mais-db cf-psql
Getting key cf-psql for service instance mais-db as

  "credentials": {
    "db": "postgres",
    "hosts": [
    "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://q-s0.postgres-instance.dhaka-services-subnet.service-instance-967aa687-1b73-4448-8505-dca0fa2ee079.bosh:5432/postgres?user=pgadmin&password=Z8ybS105mdY7i6h923H4",

Open two terminal sessions.

In the first session, execute:

❯ cf ssh -L 55432:q-s0.postgres-instance.dhaka-services-subnet.service-instance-967aa687-1b73-4448-8505-dca0fa2ee079.bosh:5432 mais

We are creating a tunnel between the host and the service instance via the application. The host will listen on port 55432.

Switch to the second session, then execute:

❯ psql -U pgadmin -W postgres -h -p 55432

Enter the password. See that it is specified at the end fo the "jdbcUrl" JSON fragment above.

And you should see:

psql (12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 15.6)
WARNING: psql major version 12, server major version 15.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.


From here you can show tables with \dt

postgres=# \dt
            List of relations
 Schema |     Name     | Type  |  Owner
 public | vector_store | table | pgadmin
(1 row)

You can describe the table with \d vector_store

postgres=# \d vector_store
                     Table "public.vector_store"
  Column   |     Type     | Collation | Nullable |      Default
 id        | uuid         |           | not null | uuid_generate_v4()
 content   | text         |           |          |
 metadata  | json         |           |          |
 embedding | vector(1536) |           |          |
    "vector_store_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "spring_ai_vector_index" hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops)

And you can execute arbitrary SQL (e.g., SELECT * from vector_store).

If you need to ALTER the dimensions of the embedding column to adapt to the limits of an embedding model you chose, then you could, for example, execute:

-- Step 1: Drop the existing index
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS spring_ai_vector_index;

-- Step 2: Drop the existing column
ALTER TABLE public.vector_store DROP COLUMN embedding;

-- Step 3: Add the new column with the desired vector size
ALTER TABLE public.vector_store ADD COLUMN embedding vector(768);

-- Step 4: Recreate the index
CREATE INDEX spring_ai_vector_index ON public.vector_store USING hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops);

To exit, just type exit.