Module built over jsonRPC module required for generating secure true random numbers
Main entities in the model are RandomOrgAPI and RandomOrgClient.
The first one is internal and used only as RPC client implementation, and the second one is a high-level API which used by bot.
There are also rpc package with rpc requests generators
You can see, the api implementation is a little bit 'low level' as it uses JsonObjects everywhere instead of serializers, it is because I'm lazy to implement custom serializer like that:
@JRPCMethod (
// Optional, by default should be extracted as [ClassName.camelCaseToSnakeCase]
name = "generateIntegers"
class GenerateIntegersMethod (
// Marker of rpc id property
val rpcId: Int,
val apiKey: String,
val n: Int,
val min: Int,
val max: Int
So PRs with implementation are welcome