class Servable server where
serveWith :: server -> Request -> Response -> List String -> Maybe (Effect Unit)
A type class for types of values which define servers.
Servers are built from the Method
data type, which
defines the method, record types which define routes
and function types which make things like the request
body and query parameters available.
(IsSymbol method, IsResponse response) => Servable (Method method response)
(IsRequest request, Servable service) => Servable (RequestBody request -> service)
(Servable service) => Servable (Capture -> service)
(RowToList r l, ServableList l r) => Servable { | r }
class IsResponse response where
encodeResponse :: response -> String
responseType :: Proxy response -> String
A type class for response data.
IsResponse String
(Encode a) => IsResponse (JSON a)
class IsRequest request where
decodeRequest :: String -> Either String request
requestType :: Proxy request -> String
A type class for request data.
IsRequest String
(Decode a) => IsRequest (JSON a)
newtype JSON a
= JSON a
A request/response type which uses JSON as its data representation.
Newtype (JSON a) _
(Encode a) => IsResponse (JSON a)
(Decode a) => IsRequest (JSON a)
newtype Method (m :: Symbol) response
= Method (Aff response)
A Servable
type constructor which indicates the expected
method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) using a type-level string.
Newtype (Method m response) _
Functor (Method m)
Apply (Method m)
Applicative (Method m)
Bind (Method m)
Monad (Method m)
MonadEffect (Method m)
MonadAff (Method m)
(IsSymbol method, IsResponse response) => Servable (Method method response)
type GET = Method "GET"
A resource which responds to GET requests.
type POST = Method "POST"
A resource which responds to POST requests.
type PUT = Method "PUT"
A resource which responds to PUT requests.
newtype RequestBody a
= RequestBody a
can be used to read the request body.
To read the request body, use a function type with a function
argument type which has an IsRequest
main = quickServe opts echo where
echo :: RequestBody String -> GET String
echo (RequestBody s) = pure s
Newtype (RequestBody a) _
(IsRequest request, Servable service) => Servable (RequestBody request -> service)
newtype Capture
= Capture String
can be used to capture a part of the route.
Use a function type with a function
argument of type Capture
main = quickServe opts echo' where
echo' :: Capture -> GET String
echo' (Capture s) = pure s
Newtype Capture _
(Servable service) => Servable (Capture -> service)
quickServe :: forall server. Servable server => ListenOptions -> server -> Effect Unit
Start a web server given some Servable
and an implementation of that type.
For example:
opts = { hostname: "localhost"
, port: 3000
, backlog: Nothing
main = quickServe opts hello where
hello :: GET String
hello = pure "Hello, World!""
class ServableList (l :: RowList) (r :: # Type) | l -> r where
serveListWith :: RLProxy l -> { | r } -> Request -> Response -> List String -> Maybe (Effect Unit)
ServableList Nil ()
(IsSymbol route, Servable s, ServableList l r1, Cons route s r1 r) => ServableList (Cons route s l) r