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GitHub wiki

Nick Miyake edited this page Apr 29, 2018 · 17 revisions


The github-wiki task can be used to sync a particular directory with the GitHub wiki for a project.

Tutorial start state

  • ${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_PATH} exists, is the working directory and is initialized as a Git repository
  • Project contains godel and godelw
  • Project contains main.go
  • Project contains .gitignore that ignores GoLand files
  • Project contains echo/echo.go, echo/echo_test.go and echo/echoer.go
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to build echgo2
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.1
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to create distributions for echgo
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.2
  • Go files have license headers
  • godel/config/godel.yml is configured to add the go-generate plugin
  • godel/config/generate-plugin.yml is configured to generate string function
  • godel/config/godel.yml is configured to ignore all .+_string.go files
  • integration_test contains integration tests
  • godel/config/test-plugin.yml is configured to specify the "integration" tag

Sync a docs directory with a GitHub wiki

We will now add documentation for echgo2 and sync it with the GitHub wiki for the project.

Run the following to create a "docs" directory and add some documentation and commit the changes:

➜ mkdir -p docs
➜ echo "* [Home](https://${PROJECT_PATH}/wiki)" > docs/
➜ echo 'echgo2 is a tool that echoes the input provided by the user.' > docs/
➜ git add docs
➜ git commit -m "Add documentation"
[master 011ffe8] Add documentation
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/
 create mode 100644 docs/

The github-wiki task requires a project to have an existing GitHub wiki before it can work. In order to do this, one needs to be created using the GitHub UI. Navigate to the wiki for the project (for this example, the URL is, click on the "Create the first page" button and click on the "Save Page" button to save the first page with the default content.

Now that the wiki exists, run the github-wiki task to publish the docs directory to the GitHub wiki:

➜ ./godelw github-wiki --docs-dir docs
Pushing content of docs to

This commits the contents of the docs directory to the GitHub wiki repository:


Tutorial end state

  • ${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_PATH} exists, is the working directory and is initialized as a Git repository
  • Project contains godel and godelw
  • Project contains main.go
  • Project contains .gitignore that ignores GoLand files
  • Project contains echo/echo.go, echo/echo_test.go and echo/echoer.go
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to build echgo2
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.1
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to create distributions for echgo
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.2
  • Go files have license headers
  • godel/config/godel.yml is configured to add the go-generate plugin
  • godel/config/generate-plugin.yml is configured to generate string function
  • godel/config/godel.yml is configured to ignore all .+_string.go files
  • integration_test contains integration tests
  • godel/config/test-plugin.yml is configured to specify the "integration" tag
  • docs contains documentation

Tutorial next step

Verify project



GitHub wikis are often a convenient medium for providing documentation for a project. Although GitHub wikis are backed by a git repository, unlike primary repositories, there is no UI provided for issuing pull requests or conducting code reviews. Furthermore, because the GitHub wiki repository is separate from a project's primary repository, checking out only the primary repository does not provide the documentation.

gödel provides a github-wiki task that provides a workflow that addresses all of the above concerns. The github-wiki task can be used to sync the contents of a directory in a project with a GitHub wiki repository. With this mechanism, documentation changes are done as PRs on the primary repository and the documentation lives in a directory in the repository. The github-wiki task can then be used to push the contents of the documentation directory to the GitHub wiki, which provides the navigation features offered by GitHub wikis.

Note that the github-wiki task only performs a one-way publish -- any changes that are made to the wiki through the UI will be overwritten by the github-wiki publish task (the github-wiki task creates a commit that make the state of the GitHub wiki mirror the input directory exactly). However, the changes will still exist in the commit history of the repository, so any content that was added manually or through some other mechanism can be recovered from git history if necessary.