TODO: On pause show current settings
TODO: Allow an input mechanism to access all possible values
TODO: make menu accept a dictionary or something and have it
return one as well!
- Use the keys of the dictionary to allow tab
completion and scrolling of the inputs as well
TODO: Make operant a function like habituation TODO: Refactor to separate the reporting from running the trial
[DONE]: include contingency to report on lick early without breaking? - ie monitor licks during the stimulus period and report this value TODO: Allow early licks to deliver a reward if correct. - Requires monitoring of first lick or some such thing
TODO: make verbosity a scale instead of Boolean
Presently the new box compiles.
Remove all deprecated features from this Read Me!
Make the thresholds for each sensor independent, and modifiable through python
Make a nice way to switch between GnG and 2AFC
Make a flag for the buzzer to turn on and off.
Make sure all existing / relevant variables can be accessed through python menu
make the python menu accept a dict or something for general interfacing.
- consider tab completion and raw_input to access all variables.
- Have both a quick hotkey menu and tab completing complete interface.
What I would like is to report a matrix of times of lick events back to the python program.
Conceptually to do this I would replace the constant print outs with a single boiler plate variable which contains all the relevant values. the ultimate printout might be something like this:
- trial: 03d #These values all got printed in one hit before commencing a trial - parameters: - variable: value - variable: value - variable: value - variable: value #These get printed in a stream as the licksensor runs... - licks: [t, ..., t] #These values would all be printed at the end of the - events: - event: [status, time] - event: [status, time] - event: [status, time] - event: [status, time]