Enhanced multicall sdk to safely make multicalls within the gas limit.
Inspired by the 1inch multicall.
$ pnpm add @pancakeswap/multicall @pancakeswap/sdk viem
By default the calls will be splitted into chunks based on gas limit of each call and the rpc call gas limit of the chain
import { ChainId } from '@pancakeswap/chains'
import { multicallByGasLimit, MulticallRequestWithGas } from '@pancakeswap/multicall'
const calls: MulticallRequestWithGas[] = [
// Target contract to call
target: '0x',
// Encoded call data
callData: '',
// The maximum gas limit set to this single call
gasLimit: 1_000_000,
const { results, blockNumber } = await multicallByGasLimit(calls, {
chainId: ChainId.BSC,
// Rpc client. Please refer to `PublicClient` from viem
for (const { success, result, gasUsed } of results) {
if (success) {
// Decode result
The rpc call gas limit can be overriden if provided. Once provided, the multicall sdk won't ask for the gas limit from on chain.
const { results, blockNumber } = await multicallByGasLimit(calls, {
chainId: ChainId.BSC,
gasLimit: 150_000_000,
import { ChainId } from '@pancakeswap/chains'
import { getGasLimitOnChain } from '@pancakeswap/multicall'
// Get the rpc call gas limit of the specified chain
const gasLimit = await getGasLimitOnChain(ChainId.BSC)
For supported chains and contract addresses, please refer to multicall contracts.