The requirements for a basic installation of a CREAM site are:
- Scientific Linux 6, Cent OS version 7 or compatibile distributions.
- The UMD4 extension as described in the UMD guide
The basic installation of a CREAM site consists on the following mandatory packages:
- canl-java-tomcat
- cleanup-grid-accounts
- bdii
- dynsched-generic
- glite-ce-cream
- glite-info-provider-service
- globus-gridftp-server-progs
- globus-proxy-utils
- glue-schema
- kill-stale-ftp
- lcg-expiregridmapdir
- mariadb
- sudo
If the authorization framework used is based on glexec the following packages are mandatory:
- glexec
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface
- lcas-plugins-basic
- lcas-plugins-check-executable
- lcas-plugins-voms
- lcmaps-plugins-basic
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy
- lcmaps-plugins-voms
if the authorization framework used is based on Argus the following package is mandatory:
- argus-gsi-pep-callout
The following packages are optional:
- apel-parsers : if the support for APEL accounting is enabled
- glite-lb-logger : if the support for the Logging and Bookkeping is enabled
- info-dynamic-scheduler-lsf : if the batch system used is LSF
- info-dynamic-scheduler-lsf-btools : if the batch system used is LSF
- info-dynamic-scheduler-slurm : if the batch system used is SLURM
- lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-condor : if the batch system used is HTCondor
- lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-pbs : if the batch system used is TORQUE
The standard procedure for the installation and configuration of a CREAM site makes use of the puppet framework. The puppet module checks for the presence of the packages described above, and in case they're not available on the system it installs them.
This section illustrate an example of installation of a CREAM site by means of a standalone execution of puppet. In the following examples the FQDN of the CREAM CE is myhost.mydomain.
The required steps are:
Installation of the packages for puppet:
yum -y install puppet
Verification of the puppet environment:
facter | grep -E 'hostname|fqdn'
If the FQDN of the host is not correctly resolved it is necessary to specify the parameter
Installation of the CREAM CE module for puppet:
puppet module install infnpd-creamce
Creation of the required directories:
mkdir -p /etc/puppet/manifests /var/lib/hiera/node /etc/grid-security
Creation of the file
with the following definitionnode 'myhost.mydomain' { require creamce }
Creation of the file
with the following definitions:--- :backends: - yaml :hierarchy: - "node/%{fqdn}" :yaml: :datadir: /var/lib/hiera
Creation of the symbolic link
ln -s /etc/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
Creation of the CREAM CE description file
, an example of minimal configuration is:--- creamce::mysql::root_password : mysqlp@$$w0rd creamce::creamdb::password : creamp@$$w0rd creamce::creamdb::minpriv_password : minp@$$w0rd apel::db::pass : apelp@$$w0rd creamce::batch_system : pbs creamce::use_argus : false creamce::default_pool_size : 10 gridftp::params::certificate : "/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem" gridftp::params::key : "/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem" gridftp::params::port : 2811 creamce::queues : long : { groups : [ dteam, dteamprod ] } short : { groups : [ dteamsgm ] } creamce::vo_table : dteam : { vo_app_dir : /afs/dteam, vo_default_se :, servers : [ { server :, port : 15004, dn : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/, ca_dn : "/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016" }, { server :, port : 15004, dn : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/, ca_dn : "/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016" } ], groups : { dteam : { fqan : [ "/dteam" ], gid : 9000 }, dteamsgm : { fqan : [ "/dteam/sgm/ROLE=developer" ], gid : 9001, pub_admin : true }, dteamprod : { fqan : [ "/dteam/prod/ROLE=developer" ], gid : 9002 } }, users : { dteamusr : { first_uid : 6000, fqan : [ "/dteam" ], name_pattern : "%<prefix>s%03<index>d" }, dteamsgmusr : { first_uid : 6100, fqan : [ "/dteam/sgm/ROLE=developer", "/dteam" ], pool_size : 5, name_pattern : "%<prefix>s%02<index>d" }, dteamprodusr : { first_uid : 6200, fqan : [ "/dteam/prod/ROLE=developer", "/dteam" ], pool_size : 5, name_pattern : "%<prefix>s%02<index>d" } } } creamce::hardware_table : subcluster001 : { ce_cpu_model : XEON, ce_cpu_speed : 2500, ce_cpu_vendor : Intel, ce_cpu_version : 5.1, ce_physcpu : 2, ce_logcpu : 2, ce_minphysmem : 2048, ce_minvirtmem : 4096, ce_os_family : "linux", ce_os_name : "CentOS", ce_os_arch : "x86_64", ce_os_release : "7.0.1406", ce_outboundip : true, ce_inboundip : false, ce_runtimeenv : [ "tomcat_6_0", "mysql_5_1" ], subcluster_tmpdir : /var/tmp/subcluster001, subcluster_wntmdir : /var/glite/subcluster001, ce_benchmarks : { specfp2000 : 420, specint2000 : 380, hep-spec06 : 780 }, nodes : [ "node-01.mydomain", "node-02.mydomain", "node-03.mydomain" ] # Experimental support to GPUs accelerators : { acc_device_001 : { type : GPU, log_acc : 4, phys_acc : 2, vendor : NVidia, model : "Tesla k80", version : 4.0, clock_speed : 3000, memory : 4000 } } } creamce::software_table : tomcat_6_0 : { name : "tomcat", version : "6.0.24", license : "ASL 2.0", description : "Tomcat is the servlet container" } mysql_5_1 : { name : "mysql", version : "5.1.73", license : "GPLv2 with exceptions", description : "MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server" } creamce::vo_software_dir : /afs creamce::se_table : : { mount_dir : "/data/mount", export_dir : "/storage/export", type : Storm, default : true } : { mount_dir : "/data/mount", export_dir : "/storage/export", type : Dcache }
The permissions of the file
must be set to600
.Deployment of the host private key in
Deployment of the host certificate in
Execution of puppet
puppet apply /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp