Parabola is a WebGL rewrite of the Neverball renderer in plain old Javascript. See the demo.
Neverball is a tilt-and-roll action game. Check it out.
Parabola is incomplete, but fun to play with.
Parabola uses instanced arrays and vertex array objects to speed up rendering. A scene graph is used to compute modelview matrices. Neverball-style lighting is partially implemented as a vertex shader.
- Ball shadow (blob shadow)
- Mirrors (world mirror on XZ plane)
- ...
Not in any specific order:
- Non-moving level geometry (bodies that are not attached to a path) could be merged into a single static mesh. That might significantly reduce the number of modelview matrices that need to be computed and uploaded.
- Texture atlas support. Wouldn't it be cool if loading a SOL would download just a single additional image instead of N images where N is the number of materials.
- Sorting batches by distance to camera. A moving camera makes this complicated, but it doesn't have to be instant: a limited number of distance vallues could be computed per frame.
"Parabola" started out as an April Fools joke on the Neverball forum where I "forked" Neverball. The name is a play on the very real Nuncabola, a reimplementation of Neverball in Java.
Perhaps most famously, Parabola was secretly used to create neverball-poop.gif which I also posted on the Neverball forum:
npm install
npm start
# navigate to URL