Projects of Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning Course - Fall 2022 - University of Tehran
- Q1: McCulloch-Pitts neural model - 2-Bit Binary Multiplier
- Q2: AdalLine and MadaLine - Binary Classification
- Q3: Restricted Boltzmann Machine - Collaborative Filtering
- Q4: Multi Layer Perceptron - House Price Prediction
- Q1: Effects of Varying Resolution on Performance of CNN based Image Classification
- Q2: CNN Model for Image Classification on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST Dataset
- Q1: Transfer Learning - AlexNet
- Q2: Delving into High-Quality Synthetic Face Occlusion Segmentation Datasets
- Q3: YOLOv6: Real-Time Object Detection
- Q1: Air‑pollution prediction in smart city, deep learning approach
- Q2: Fake News Detection: A hybrid CNN-RNN based deep learning approach
- Q1: Implementation of BERT
- Q2: BEIT: BERT Pre-Training of Image Transformers
- Q1: Implementation Deep Convolutional GAN
- Q2: implementation Auxiliary Classifier GAN
- Q1: Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Autoencoders
- Q3: A recognition model for handwritten PersianArabic