- Use doc to browse examples and jump to implementation.
- ImageDataBunch can load multiple data-label formats.
- fast.ai documentation are jupyter notebooks.
- What is a DataBunch? <<>> Base class forvarious kinds data sets.
- What does DataBunch encapsulate? <<>> Tr/V/T data and their labels.
- What are the subclasses of DataBunch? <<>> Images, text, tables...
- What does data normalization do? <<>> Converts data to have same mean and std. dev.
- What is a Learner? <<>> Base class for things that can learn to fit a model.
- What are the documentation modes? <<>> ?sym, ??sym, doc(sym)
- Who are the authors of paper visualizing layers of a DNN? <<>> Zeiler & Fergus
- What are the ways to analyze results? <<>> top_losses, confusion_matrix, most_confused
- L01-Kata-Classification