- Data lake vs Data warehouse
- more unorganized (no need to define relationships or write the schema)
- faster, and cheaper
- Data swamp → No useful data for further usage such as can’t join, or different file type
- ETL vs ELT
- ETL - Small data → ready for further use (organized)
- ELT - Large data → need further processes before usage
- Cloud provider
- GCP - Google Cloud - Cloud Storage
- AWS - Amazon Web Service - S3
- Azure - Microsoft Azure - Azure Blob
- orchestration: governing data flow respecting orchestration rules and business logic
- data flow: binding disparate sets of applications together, so they can run schedule
- Core of orchestration
- Remote execution
- scheduling
- retries
- caching
- integrated with external system (APIs, databases)
- Ad-hoc runs
- Parameterization
- Alerting when something fail
all about Prefect deployment is skipped
Popular orchestration tools: Airflow, Prefect
Airflow consist of 3 main component
- Webserver: UI
- Scheduler (Executor)
- Metadata Database (backend airflow environment)
Setting up Airflow
create sub-directory
at the current project dir -
set Airflow user: do in GitBash in airflow directory
mkdir -p ./dags ./logs ./plugins echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
or create .env file and then type in “AIRFLOW_UID=50000”
import the latest official setup template
filecurl -LfO 'https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/docker-compose.yaml'
which contain a lot of services defined. check cleaned version of docker-compose.yml
Ingest Data into postgres database
- Writing DAG
- make it scheduling and parameterizing (accept different url or save different file name)
- connect with Postgres database ( create_engine → connect() → load by chuck )
- if run the docker-compose file separately, we need to use the network to make containers communicable
- Data Transfer in gcp
- it can transfer data from S3 (aws) or azure blob (microsoft) to gcs
- Note: to transfer s3 to gcs, we need access key → get access key from aws site
- we are able to set to make transferring scheduling (not recommend due to cost)
- config like creating a new bucket
- it can transfer data from S3 (aws) or azure blob (microsoft) to gcs
- done by
- GCP UI →
Data Transfer
- Terraform →
Terraform google storage transfer job
- GCP UI →