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151 lines (147 loc) · 4.47 KB

File metadata and controls

151 lines (147 loc) · 4.47 KB



CREATE TABLE paths__manuscripts (
    id                  INTEGER       PRIMARY KEY,
    creator             TEXT,
    cmclid              TEXT,
    tm                  TEXT,
    ldab                TEXT,
    lcbm                TEXT,
    dbmnt               TEXT,
    alias               TEXT,
    issinglefrag        TEXT,
    isbookbinding       TEXT,
    reusedinbinding     BOOLEAN,
    stratigraphy        TEXT,
    modernhistory       TEXT,
    contents            TEXT,
    dialect             TEXT,
    dialectnotes        TEXT,
    chronofrom          INTEGER,
    chronoto            INTEGER,
    datingsource        TEXT,
    datingcriteria      TEXT,
    bookform            TEXT,
    writingsupport      TEXT,
    leaftotextant       TEXT,
    fragtot             INTEGER,
    fragdim             TEXT,
    leaftotestimated    INTEGER,
    quiresextant        INTEGER,
    gennotes            TEXT,
    columns             TEXT,
    colnotes            TEXT,
    linespercolumn      INTEGER,
    charsperline        INTEGER,
    alignment           TEXT,
    alignmentnotes      TEXT,
    leafw               INTEGER,
    leafh               TEXT,
    framew              TEXT,
    frameh              INTEGER,
    intercolumnium      TEXT,
    marginup            TEXT,
    marginlow           TEXT,
    marginout           TEXT,
    marginin            TEXT,
    marginleft          TEXT,
    marginright         TEXT,
    heighttenlines      TEXT,
    prophw              TEXT,
    propwt              TEXT,
    dimnotes            TEXT,
    quirenotes          TEXT,
    quiresig            INTEGER,
    quiretype           TEXT,
    quireposition       TEXT,
    quirenrnotes        TEXT,
    pagination          INTEGER,
    pagtype             TEXT,
    pagposition         TEXT,
    pagnote             TEXT,
    foliation           INTEGER,
    foltype             TEXT,
    folposition         TEXT,
    folnotes            TEXT,
    handstot            INTEGER,
    lectionalsigns      TEXT,
    structuralsigns     TEXT,
    signsnotes          TEXT,
    abbreviations       TEXT,
    abbrnotes           TEXT,
    ruling              BOOLEAN,
    rulingtype          TEXT,
    rulingtool          TEXT,
    pricking            BOOLEAN,
    rulingnotes         TEXT,
    leaftabs            BOOLEAN,
    leaftabsnotes       TEXT,
    kolleseis           INTEGER,
    kolleseseisdescr    TEXT,
    tracesnotes         TEXT,
    kollemata           INTEGER,
    kollno              INTEGER,
    kolldim             TEXT,
    bindings            INTEGER,
    bindformer          TEXT,
    boardw              INTEGER,
    boardh              INTEGER,
    boardt              INTEGER,
    spinew              INTEGER,
    boarddimnotes       TEXT,
    sewings             INTEGER,
    sewingtype          TEXT,
    sewingstationsno    INTEGER,
    foldpattern         TEXT,
    sewingnotes         TEXT,
    boardmat            TEXT,
    boardfeatures       TEXT,
    boardattachment     TEXT,
    boardnotes          TEXT,
    covers              TEXT,
    covermat            TEXT,
    turnins             TEXT,
    mitres              TEXT,
    foreedgeflap        INTEGER,
    coverdecoration     TEXT,
    covernotes          TEXT,
    splinelining        TEXT,
    endbandtype         TEXT,
    endbandnotes        TEXT,
    fasteningtype       TEXT,
    fasteningnotes      TEXT,
    othertiesposition   TEXT,
    othertiesnotes      TEXT,
    marginalnotes       TEXT,
    greekminuscule      BOOLEAN,
    greekminusculenotes TEXT,
    palimpsest          BOOLEAN,
    palimpsestnotes     TEXT,
    restancient         TEXT,
    restmodern          TEXT,
    pgmcol              TEXT,
    pgmlocation         TEXT,
    pgmnotes            TEXT,
    blktype             TEXT,
    blklocation         TEXT,
    blknotes            TEXT,
    inks                TEXT,
    redink              BOOLEAN,
    redinknotes         TEXT,
    decortype           TEXT,
    decorsubj           TEXT,
    decorationdescr     TEXT,
    enlargedinitials    TEXT,
    sourceinfo          TEXT,
    editors             VARCHAR (255),
    status              VARCHAR (255),
    lastmodified        TEXT


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  • manuscripts —< m_quires
  • manuscripts >—< collections (via m_shelfmarks [+ shelfmark, pp])
  • manuscripts >—< places (via paths__m_msplaces [+ type, source info, source note])
  • manuscripts >—< works (via paths__userlinks)