November 2019
tl;dr: Build the 2D/3D constraints optimization into neural network and use iterative method to refine cropped cases.
This paper is heavily based on deep3Dbox and adds a few improvement to handle corner cases.
The paper has a very good introduction to mono 3DOD methods.
- 3D reconstruction layer: instead of solving an over-constrained equation, MVRA used a reconstruction layer to lift 2D to 3D.
- IoU loss in perspective view, between the reprojected 3D bbox and the 2d bbox in IoU.
- L2 loss in BEV loss between estimated distance and gt distance.
- Iterative orientation refinement for truncated bbox: use only 3 constraints instead of 4, excluding the xmin (for left truncated) or xmax (for right truncated) cars. Try pi/8 interval and find best, then try pi/32 interval to find best. After two iterations, the performance is good enough.
- Bbox jitter to make the 3D reconstruction layer more robust.
- The use of IoU to pick the best configuration is proposed before in Shift RCNN.
- The BEV loss term can be used to incorporate radar into training process.