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672 lines (470 loc) · 18.2 KB

File metadata and controls

672 lines (470 loc) · 18.2 KB



Patch Changes

  • 0fb28b6: SlotController: hasContent/isEmpty now respects text nodes


Patch Changes

  • 4a03ced: SSR: add shim for ResizeObserver


Patch Changes

  • 7c855a6: TabsARIAController: improve SSR compatibility


Patch Changes

  • 0ec7338: OverflowController: prevent browser from locking up in some scenarios


Patch Changes

  • 43b97bf: InternalsController: prevent Safari-detector from breaking SSR


Major Changes

  • c9bd577: RovingTabindexController, ListboxController: constructor options were changed. In particular, the initItems(items: Item[]) and setActiveItem(item: Item) methods were removed and replaced with the getItems: () => Item[] constructor option, and the atFocusedItemIndex accessor.


    #tabindex = new RovingTabindexController(this);
    firstUpdated() {
    updated(changed: PropertyValues<this>) {
      if (changed.has('activeItem')) {


    #tabindex = RovingTabindexController.of(this, {
      getItems: () => this.items,
    updated(changed: PropertyValues<this>) {
      if (changed.has('activeItem')) {
        this.#tabindex.atFocusedItemIndex = this.items.indexOf(this.activeItem);

    For further migration guidance, please see the sources in @patternfly/pfe-core, especially:

    • ATFocusController.ts,
    • RovingTabindexController.ts, and
    • ListboxController.ts.
  • c9bd577: Removed global pfeLog feature

  • c9bd577: Removed window.PfeConfig global config object

  • c9bd577: Removed global auto-reveal feature

  • c9bd577: Decorators: Added @observes. Use it to add property change callback by decorating them with the name of the property to observe

    class CustomButton extends LitElement {
      #internals = this.attachInternals();
      @property({ type: Boolean }) disabled = false;
      protected disabledChanged() {
        this.#internals.ariaDisabled = this.disabled
          ? "true"
          : this.ariaDisabled ?? "false";

    Breaking change: This commit makes some changes to the internal APIs of the pre-existing @observed observer, most notably it changes the constructor signature of the PropertyObserverController and associated functions. Most users should not have to make any changes, but if you directly import and use those functions, check the commit log to see how to update your call sites.

  • c9bd577: Removed global trackPerformance feature

Minor Changes

  • c9bd577: ✨ Added ActiveDescendantController

    This controller implements the WAI-ARIA activedescendant pattern for keyboard and screen-reader accessibility.

    #activedescendant = ActivedescendantController.of(this, {
      getItems: () => this.options,
      getItemsContainer: () => this.#listbox,
      getOrientation: () => "vertical",
      getActiveDescendantContainer: () => this.#input,
      getControlsElements: () => [this.#input, this.#button].filter((x) => !!x),
      setItemActive: (item, active) => void ( = active),
  • c9bd577: ✨ Added ComboboxController

    This controller implements the WAI-ARIA combobox pattern for both select-only and inline autocomplete comboboxes.

    #combobox = ComboboxController.of(this, {
      multi: this.multi,
      getItems: () => this.options,
      getFallbackLabel: () => this.accessibleLabel,
      getListboxElement: () => this._listbox ?? null,
      getToggleButton: () => this._toggleButton ?? null,
      getComboboxInput: () => this._toggleInput ?? null,
      isExpanded: () => this.expanded,
      requestShowListbox: () => void (this.expanded ||= true),
      requestHideListbox: () => void (this.expanded &&= false),
      setItemHidden: (item, hidden) => void (item.hidden = hidden),
      isItem: (item) => item instanceof PfOption,
      setItemActive: (item, active) => ( = active),
      setItemSelected: (item, selected) => (item.selected = selected),
  • 6d9045e: InternalsController: added static isSafari boolean flag

  • c9bd577: Decorators: Added @listen. Use it to attach element event listeners to class methods.

    class CustomInput extends LitElement {
      @property({ type: Boolean }) dirty = false;
      @listen("keyup", { once: true })
      protected onKeyup() {
        this.dirty = true;

Patch Changes

  • c9bd577: updated dependencies
  • c9bd577: InternalsController: corrected the types for aria IDL list attributes
  • c9bd577: Context: makeContextRoot no longer crashes SSR processes


Major Changes

  • 1d89f73: RovingTabindexController: deprecate the initItems method and add getItems and getItemContainer instead


    #tabindex = new RovingTabindexController(this);
    constructor() {


    #tabindex = new RovingTabindexController(this, {
      getItems: () => this.#items,
  • 3766961: @cascades: deprecated @cascades decorator and CascadeController. Use context instead.

    BEFORE: The element in charge of the context cascades data down to specifically named children.

    import { LitElement } from "lit";
    import { property } from "lit/decorators/property.js";
    import { cascades } from "@patternfly/pfe-core/decorators/cascades.js";
    class MyMood extends LitElement {
      @cascades("my-eyes", "my-mouth")
      mood: "happy" | "sad" | "mad" | "glad";

    AFTER: children subscribe to updates from the context provider.

    import { LitElement } from "lit";
    import { property } from "lit/decorators/property.js";
    import { provide } from "@lit/context";
    import { createContextWithRoot } from "@patternfly/pfe-core/functions/context.js";
    export type Mood = "happy" | "sad" | "mad" | "glad";
    export const moodContext = createContextWithRoot<Mood>(Symbol("mood"));
    class MyMood extends LitElement {
      @provide({ context: moodContext })
      mood: Mood;
    import { LitElement } from "lit";
    import { property } from "lit/decorators/property.js";
    import { consume } from "@lit/context";
    import { moodContext, type Mood } from "./my-mood.js";
    class MyEyes extends LitElement {
      @consume({ context: moodContext, subscribe: true })
      private mood: Mood;
  • 0d92145: InternalsController: made the constructor private. Use InternalsController.of


    class PfJazzHands extends LitElement {
      #internals = new InternalsController(this);


    class PfJazzHands extends LitElement {
      #internals = InternalsController.of(this);
  • de4cfa4: Remove deprecatedCustomEvent

Minor Changes

  • ac0c376: SlotController: Add isEmpty method to check if a slot is empty. If no slot name is provided it will check the default slot. (#2603) SlotController: hasSlotted method now returns default slot if no slot name is provided. (#2603)

  • d4e5411: Context: added createContextWithRoot. Use this when creating contexts that are shared with child elements.

  • c71bbe5: InternalsController: added computedLabelText read-only property

  • c71bbe5: InternalsController: reflect all methods and properties from ElementInternals

  • fa50164: Logger: loosen the type of allowed controller hosts

  • fa50164: OverflowController: recalculate overflow when the window size changes and when tabs are dynamically created.

  • 0d92145: RovingTabindexController: keyboard navigation includes first-character navigation.

  • fa50164: TabsAriaController: Added TabsAriaController, used to manage the accesibility tree for tabs and panels.

    #tabs = new TabsAriaController(this, {
      isTab: (x: Node): x is PfTab => x instanceof PfTab,
      isPanel: (x: Node): x is PfTabPanel => x instanceof PfTabPanel,

    Please review the Tabs 2.4 to 3.0 migration guide for more information.

Patch Changes

  • 24d43bd: Logger: add and Logger.debug
  • e62244f: InternalsController: added missing ariaDescription defined by ARIAMixin
  • 24d43bd: SlotController: move debug logs to Logger.debug
  • 50f462c: Update dependencies, including Lit version 3


Patch Changes

  • 5b16b3b04: SlotController: ensure first render is correct when used in certain javascript frameworks


Minor Changes

  • a81bcb133: Controllers: Added timestamp controller

Patch Changes

  • 7055add74: FloatingDOMController: fixed an incorrect typescript import


Patch Changes

  • c5d95880c: roving-tabindex-controller: fixes arrow keydown event listeners


Minor Changes

  • 78c8e4416: Added StringListConverter for managing comma-separated list attributes.

Patch Changes

  • 37c23c398: overflow-controller:
    • improves display calculations for overflow scroll buttons
    • adds smooth scroll behavior


Minor Changes

  • 83024fe5e: roving-tabindex-controller: notify the host when the focused item changes.
  • 83024fe5e: roving-tabindex-controller: allow component authors to specify the type of items.


Minor Changes

  • e45f5eb5a: roving-tabindex-controller: enabled controller to be used by aria-expanded elements


Major Changes

  • e8788c7214: Initial Release 🎉

    @patternfly/pfe-core provides utilities for building PatternFly elements, like TypeScript decorators and Lit reactive controllers. Core utilities replace the PFElement base class.


    export class PfeJazzHands extends PFElement {
      static get tag() {
        return "pfe-jazz-hands";
      static get properties() {
        return {
          cool: {
            type: Boolean,
            observer: "_upgradeObserver",


    export class PfJazzHands extends LitElement {
      @property({ type: Boolean })
      cool = true;
      _upgradeObserver() {


    • ✨ Added FloatingDOMController for use with components that require popover content. For example, in BaseTooltip we use the controller in this manner:

      import { FloatingDOMController } from "@patternfly/pfe-core/controllers/floating-dom-controller.js";
      export class BaseTooltip extends LitElement {
        #domController = new FloatingDOMController(this);
    • ✨ Added InternalsController, providing preliminary facility for ElementInternals

    • ✨ Added ScrollSpyController which sets an attribute (active by default) on one of it's children when that child's href attribute is to a hash reference to an ID'd heading on the page.

    • ✨ Added RovingTabindexController which implements roving tabindex, as described in WAI-ARIA practices. Added RovingTabindexController.

    See README and the docs for more info.

Minor Changes

  • 530ef7155: ✨ Added OverflowController

    When added to a container and given a child array of elements, OverflowController checks to see if those elements exceed the bounds of the container.

  • 2e1fb5705: InternalsController: added labels and validity getters; added setFormValue, setValidity, checkValidity and reportValidity methods

Patch Changes

  • 5d3315fd4: Prepared release candidate


Minor Changes

  • 530ef7155: ✨ Added OverflowController

    When added to a container and given a child array of elements, OverflowController checks to see if those elements exceed the bounds of the container.

  • 2e1fb5705: InternalsController: added labels and validity getters; added setFormValue, setValidity, checkValidity and reportValidity methods


Patch Changes

  • 5d3315fd: Prepared release candidate


Minor Changes

  • 82da44c11: ✨ Added ScrollSpyController ✨ Added RovingTabindexController

    • ScrollSpyController sets an attribute (active by default) on one of it's children when that child's href attribute is to a hash reference to an IDd heading on the page.
    • RovingTabindexController implements roving tabindex, as described in WAI-ARIA practices.


Major Changes

  • b841afe40: FloatingDOMController: Removed popperjs dependency and replaced it with floating-ui dependency.

    • removed the initialized property
    • removed the create method
    • added show(options) method with placement and offset options.
    • added arrow, flip, padding, and shift options
    • added read-only alignment, anchor, placement, and styles properties.
    • made open property read-only.

    Now, FloatingDOMControllers constructor requires certain options, at least content, which is an HTMLElement or a function returning an HTMLElement.


    class MyElement extends LitElement {
      #floating = new FloatingDOMController(this);


    class MyElement extends LitElement {
      #floating = new FloatingDOMController(this, {
        content: () => this.shadowRoot.getElementById('content');

Minor Changes

  • 0fe6c52db: Added options to InternalsController. Use them to initialize ARIA properties.

      role: 'listbox',
  • 0fe6c52db: InternalsController: hook into host's formDisabledCallback


Minor Changes

  • 6b6e2617: Add InternalsController, providing preliminary facility for ElementInternals


Minor Changes

  • b6bb3818: ### pfe-tabs: Rewrites <pfe-tabs> to align with Patternfly v4.

    With this change we are adding base class components BaseTabs, BaseTab, and BaseTabPanel which can be extended for uses in other components in child repositories such as RHDS. Also aligns the API and style closer to that of PatternFly v4.

      <pfe-tab slot="tab" id="users">Users</pfe-tab>
      <pfe-tab slot="tab">Containers</pfe-tab>
      <pfe-tab-panel>Containers <a href="#">Focusable element</a></pfe-tab-panel>
      <pfe-tab slot="tab">Database</pfe-tab>
        <pfe-icon slot="icon" icon="rh-atom"></pfe-icon>
        <!-- <pfe-icon> or <svg> -->
      <pfe-tab slot="tab" disabled>Disabled</pfe-tab>
      <pfe-tab slot="tab" aria-disabled="true">Aria Disabled</pfe-tab>
      <pfe-tab-panel>Aria Disabled</pfe-tab-panel>

    For now, does not implement:

    • sub tabs feature
    • nav element feature
    • separate content (trigger) feature
    • child tab-panel mounting features
    • dynamic closable tabs feature
    • loading a tab via external toggle

    These feature sets can be added retroactively.

    pfe-core: Adds isElementInView.ts function to pfe-core

    The isElementInView function is borrowed from the Patternfly React core helper utilities.


Patch Changes

  • 07ad1d3d: Updates use of <pfe-icon>


Minor Changes

  • 166ecee1: Improves performance of floating DOM (tooltip) by lazily initializing


Patch Changes

  • bfad8b4b: Updates dependencies


Minor Changes

  • 7c9b85cc: Adds floating DOM controller into pfe-core for use with components that require popover content.

    For example, in BaseTooltip we use the controller in this manner:

    import { FloatingDOMController } from "@patternfly/pfe-core/controllers/floating-dom-controller.js";
    export class BaseTooltip extends LitElement {
      #domController = new FloatingDOMController(this);


Patch Changes

  • 34ecd410: SlotController now correctly initializes when given a single string slot name as config argument


Patch Changes

  • 55e843c8: - If on attribute is set in HTML, it overrides color context from providers


Major Changes


Patch Changes

  • 447b2d75: Remove esbuild export condition, as this anyways was a runtime error


Patch Changes

  • c84a4366: Explicitly adds each module to the export map


Patch Changes

  • 999cdfdd: Register context providers even if they upgrade after the consumers


Major Changes

  • e8788c72: Initial Release 🎉

    @patternfly/pfe-core provides utilities for building PatternFly elements, like TypeScript decorators and Lit reactive controllers. Core utilities replace the PFElement base class.


    export class PfeJazzHands extends PFElement {
      static get tag() {
        return "pfe-jazz-hands";
      static get properties() {
        return {
          cool: {
            type: Boolean,
            observer: "_upgradeObserver",


    export class PfeJazzHands extends LitElement {
      static readonly version = "{{version}}";
      @property({ type: Boolean })
      cool = true;

    See README and the docs for more info.