Contributions are most certainly welcome! Either submit a pull request, or email
I'd also appreciate any feedback on usefulness of this tool.
The most useful contributions at the moment would be:
Did Juggle do what you expected?
- If you submitted a query to Juggle but can't work out why it responded in the way it did, then I've probably not got the user interface quite right.
- Let me know what query you used, what results you saw, and what results you expected to see.
Did Juggle barf?
- Juggle should never experience an unhandled exception or emit unintelligible output. If it outputs junk I'd like to know.
- What query did you use? What did you see?
Do you find the query syntax confusing or clumsy?
- My intent is to keep Juggle's query syntax as close as possible to Java declarations.
- Ideally you should be able to take a declaration line from a Java source file and use that as a query. Juggle should include the original declaration in its results.
- If you omit any component from a declaration, Juggle should still include the original query in its results.
- Please let me know if it doesn't behave this way, or you find you are having to use strange syntax for the query.