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A MySQL Protocol Implementation in Java

Forked from

This project is useful on:

  • Implementing a database and making it ready to connect with MySQL compatible clients.
  • Proxy an arbitrary data source and make it act as a MySQL server.
  • Studying on MySQL Protocol.

Quick start

Run unit tests

To make sure the downloaded codes are complete, you can run to see if it can be passed successfully.

The test first runs a MySQL server with any queries resulting 'Hello World !'. Then it raises a JDBC connection and send a SQL to the server, checks the result and finally closes the server.

Create your own MySQL server

The first thing you need to do is implementing a SqlEngine

public class YourSqlEngine implements SqlEngine {

To respond SQLs from the client, you need to implement query().

public void query(ResultSetWriter resultSetWriter, String database, String userName, byte[] scramble411, byte[] authSeed, String sql) throws IOException {
    // Build a result returning just one string column named 'col1'
    // writeColumns() must be called before any invoking of writeRow()
    resultSetWriter.writeColumns(List.of(new QueryResultColumn("col1", "varchar(255)")));

    // Return just one row with content 'Hello World !'
    resultSetWriter.writeRow(List.of("Hello World !"));

    // Do not forget to finish the response

To protect your server from disallowed visiting, you need to implement authenticate().

public void authenticate(String database, String userName, byte[] scramble411, byte[] authSeed) throws IOException {
    // Block user if not named 'github'
    String validUser = "github";
    if (!userName.equals(validUser)) {
        throw new IOException(new IllegalAccessException("Authentication failed: User " + userName + " is not allowed to connect"));
    // Check if the password is '123456'
    String validPassword = "123456";
    // SHA1 and encode the password
    String validPasswordSha1 = SHAUtils.SHA(validPassword, SHAUtils.SHA_1);
    String validScramble411WithSeed20 = Utils.scramble411(validPasswordSha1, authSeed);
    // Compare and throw an exception if needed
    if (!Utils.compareDigest(validScramble411WithSeed20, Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(scramble411))) {
        throw new IOException(new IllegalAccessException("Authentication failed: Validation failed"));

Once the engine definition is ready, you can pass it into MySqlListener and then it will start listening a TCP port.

// Start and listen port 3307
new MySqlListener(3307, 100, new YourSqlEngine());

// For test you can sleep for a while so you have enough time to connect to it.
Thread.sleep(1000L * 60 * 10);

After starting of the server, you can open any favorite MySQL client to connect to it.

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -ugithub -p123456 dummy_db
> select * from dummy_table;
| col1          |
| Hello World ! |
1 row in set (0.006 sec)


This project is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • Thanks mheath for providing beautiful implementation codes.
  • Minimal version of Java: JDK11. (JDK8 under testing)
  • Contact - Wechat: 95634620 Mail: