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Standard errors missing (NA) for spatial range and spatial standard deviations #113

Answered by seananderson
seananderson asked this question in Q&A
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We did that because the standard errors are more representative in log space for those and figured it would be confusing if the SEs didn't match the confidence intervals. You’ll see the confidence intervals if you set = TRUE in tidy(), which uses the log space standard error. See ?tidy.sdmTMB. You can get them from the SD report if you want:

fit <- sdmTMB(
  density ~ s(depth),
  data = pcod_2011, mesh = pcod_mesh_2011,
  family = tweedie(link = "log")

tidy(fit, "ran_pars", = TRUE)
#>        term  estimate std.error   conf.low conf.high
#> 1     range 16.839875        NA  3.4026237 83.341979
#> 3       phi 13.677114        NA 12.4377763 15.039942
#> 4 …

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