Time-series forecasting models using Kalman-filters in PyTorch.
pip install git+https://github.com/strongio/torch-kalman.git#egg=torch_kalman
This dataset comes from the UCI Machine Learning Data Repository. It includes data on air pollutants and weather from 12 sites. To simplify the example, we'll focus on weekly averages for two measures: PM10 and SO2. Since these measures are strictly positive, we log-transform them.
date | station | SO2 | PM10 | TEMP | PRES | DEWP | |
0 | 2013-02-25 | Aotizhongxin | 36.541667 | 57.791667 | 2.525000 | 1022.777778 | -15.666667 |
1 | 2013-03-04 | Aotizhongxin | 65.280906 | 198.149701 | 7.797619 | 1008.958929 | -7.088690 |
2 | 2013-03-11 | Aotizhongxin | 57.416667 | 177.184524 | 6.402976 | 1014.233929 | -2.277976 |
3 | 2013-03-18 | Aotizhongxin | 19.750000 | 92.511905 | 4.535119 | 1009.782738 | -5.529762 |
4 | 2013-03-25 | Aotizhongxin | 41.559006 | 145.422619 | 6.991071 | 1012.829762 | -3.762500 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2515 | 2017-01-30 | Wanshouxigong | 27.666667 | 119.059524 | 0.768304 | 1024.101984 | -18.331548 |
2516 | 2017-02-06 | Wanshouxigong | 15.544910 | 61.395210 | 0.625298 | 1025.392857 | -16.977381 |
2517 | 2017-02-13 | Wanshouxigong | 26.166667 | 139.613095 | 2.870238 | 1019.840476 | -11.551190 |
2518 | 2017-02-20 | Wanshouxigong | 7.020833 | 46.372414 | 3.425000 | 1022.414881 | -11.811905 |
2519 | 2017-02-27 | Wanshouxigong | 9.613636 | 52.955556 | 9.647917 | 1016.014583 | -9.964583 |
2520 rows × 7 columns
One of the key advantages of torch-kalman
is the ability to train on a batch of time-serieses, instead of training a separate model for each individually. The TimeSeriesDataset
is similar to PyTorch's native TensorDataset
, with some useful metadata on the batch of time-serieses (the station names, the dates for each).
# preprocess our measures of interest:
measures = ['SO2','PM10']
measures_pp = [m + '_log10_scaled' for m in measures]
df_aq_weekly[measures_pp] = np.log10(df_aq_weekly[measures] / col_means[measures])
# create a dataset:
dataset_all = TimeSeriesDataset.from_dataframe(
# Train/Val split:
dataset_train, dataset_val = dataset_all.train_val_split(dt=SPLIT_DT)
dataset_train, dataset_val
(TimeSeriesDataset(sizes=[torch.Size([12, 156, 2])], measures=(('SO2_log10_scaled', 'PM10_log10_scaled'),)),
TimeSeriesDataset(sizes=[torch.Size([12, 54, 2])], measures=(('SO2_log10_scaled', 'PM10_log10_scaled'),)))
The KalmanFilter
subclasses torch.nn.Module
. We specify the model by passing processes
that capture the behaviors of our measures
processes = []
for measure in measures_pp:
LocalTrend(id=f'{measure}_trend', measure=measure),
LocalLevel(id=f'{measure}_local_level', decay=(.90,1.00), measure=measure),
FourierSeason(id=f'{measure}_day_in_year', period=365.25 / 7., dt_unit='W', K=4, measure=measure)
predict_variance = torch.nn.Embedding(
num_embeddings=len(dataset_all.group_names), embedding_dim=len(measures_pp), padding_idx=0
group_names_to_group_ids = {g : i for i,g in enumerate(dataset_all.group_names)}
kf_first = KalmanFilter(
measure_covariance=Covariance.for_measures(measures_pp, var_predict={'group_ids' : predict_variance})
Here we're showing off a few useful features of torch-kalman
- We are training on a multivarite time-series: that is, our time-series has two measures (SO2 and PM10) and our model will capture correlations across these.
- We are going to train on, and predictor for, multiple time-serieses (i.e. multiple stations) at once.
- We are predicting the variance from the groups -- i.e., we are giving each group its own variance-estimate.
When we call our KalmanFilter, we get predictions which come with a mean and covariance, and so can be evaluated against the actual data using a (negative) log-probability critierion.
kf_first.opt = LBFGS(kf_first.parameters(), max_iter=10, line_search_fn='strong_wolfe')
def closure():
pred = kf_first(
group_ids=[group_names_to_group_ids[g] for g in dataset_train.group_names]
loss = -pred.log_prob(dataset_train.tensors[0]).mean()
return loss
for epoch in range(12):
train_loss = kf_first.opt.step(closure).item()
with torch.no_grad():
pred = kf_first(
group_ids=[group_names_to_group_ids[g] for g in dataset_val.group_names]
val_loss = -pred.log_prob(dataset_val.tensors[0]).mean().item()
print(f"EPOCH {epoch}, TRAIN LOSS {train_loss}, VAL LOSS {val_loss}")
EPOCH 0, TRAIN LOSS 2.3094546794891357, VAL LOSS -0.5816877484321594
EPOCH 1, TRAIN LOSS -0.6860888004302979, VAL LOSS -0.4119633436203003
EPOCH 2, TRAIN LOSS -0.8100854754447937, VAL LOSS -0.4584827125072479
EPOCH 3, TRAIN LOSS -0.8445957899093628, VAL LOSS -0.5061981678009033
EPOCH 4, TRAIN LOSS -0.8639442324638367, VAL LOSS -0.5387625694274902
EPOCH 5, TRAIN LOSS -0.8791329264640808, VAL LOSS -0.6225013732910156
EPOCH 6, TRAIN LOSS -0.8944583535194397, VAL LOSS -0.683154284954071
EPOCH 7, TRAIN LOSS -0.908904492855072, VAL LOSS -0.7305331826210022
EPOCH 8, TRAIN LOSS -0.9150485992431641, VAL LOSS -0.7309569120407104
EPOCH 9, TRAIN LOSS -0.9249271750450134, VAL LOSS -0.6934330463409424
EPOCH 10, TRAIN LOSS -0.9311220645904541, VAL LOSS -0.6813281774520874
EPOCH 11, TRAIN LOSS -0.935217559337616, VAL LOSS -0.6527152061462402
def inverse_transform(df: pd.DataFrame, col_means: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
df = df.copy()
df['measure'] = df['measure'].str.replace('_log10_scaled','')
std = (df['upper'] - df['lower']) / 1.96
for col in ['mean','lower','upper','actual']:
if col == 'mean':
# bias correction:
df[col] = df[col] + .5 * std ** 2
df[col] = 10 ** df[col] # inverse log10
df[col] *= df['measure'].map(col_means.to_dict()) # inverse scaling
return df
with torch.no_grad():
pred = kf_first(
group_ids=[group_names_to_group_ids[g] for g in dataset_train.group_names],
df_pred = inverse_transform(pred.to_dataframe(dataset_all), col_means)
print(pred.plot(df_pred.query("group=='Changping'"), split_dt=SPLIT_DT))
/Users/jacobdink/miniconda3/envs/nuenergen-enertrac/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotnine/facets/facet.py:549: PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
<ggplot: (8794281264713)>
print(pred.plot(pred.to_dataframe(dataset_all, type='components').query("group=='Changping'"), split_dt=SPLIT_DT))
/Users/jacobdink/miniconda3/envs/nuenergen-enertrac/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotnine/facets/facet.py:549: PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
<ggplot: (8794281637949)>
Here, we'll use the weather to predict our measures of interest. We add these predictors by adding a LinearModel
process to our model. torch-kalman
also supports using any neural network to generate latent states for our model -- see the NN
predictors = ['TEMP', 'PRES', 'DEWP']
predictors_pp = [x + '_scaled' for x in predictors]
df_aq_weekly[predictors_pp] = (df_aq_weekly[predictors] - col_means[predictors]) / col_stds[predictors]
dataset_all = TimeSeriesDataset.from_dataframe(
dataset_train, dataset_val = dataset_all.train_val_split(dt=SPLIT_DT)
# impute nans (since standardized, imputing w/zeros means imputing w/mean)
for _dataset in (dataset_all, dataset_train, dataset_val):
_, X = _dataset.tensors
X[torch.isnan(X)] = 0.0
kf_pred = KalmanFilter(
processes=[deepcopy(p) for p in processes] + [
LinearModel(id=f'{m}_predictors', predictors=predictors_pp, measure=m)
for m in measures_pp
measure_covariance=Covariance.for_measures(measures_pp, var_predict={'group_ids' : deepcopy(predict_variance)})
kf_pred.opt = LBFGS(kf_pred.parameters(), max_iter=10, line_search_fn='strong_wolfe')
def closure():
y, X = dataset_train.tensors
pred = kf_pred(
group_ids=[group_names_to_group_ids[g] for g in dataset_train.group_names]
loss = -pred.log_prob(y).mean()
return loss
for epoch in range(15):
train_loss = kf_pred.opt.step(closure).item()
y, X = dataset_val.tensors
with torch.no_grad():
pred = kf_pred(
group_ids=[group_names_to_group_ids[g] for g in dataset_val.group_names]
val_loss = -pred.log_prob(y).mean().item()
print(f"EPOCH {epoch}, TRAIN LOSS {train_loss}, VAL LOSS {val_loss}")
EPOCH 0, TRAIN LOSS 2.439788818359375, VAL LOSS 0.042325180023908615
EPOCH 1, TRAIN LOSS -0.888689398765564, VAL LOSS -0.6226305365562439
EPOCH 2, TRAIN LOSS -0.9990025758743286, VAL LOSS -0.6390435695648193
EPOCH 3, TRAIN LOSS -1.0735762119293213, VAL LOSS -0.6287018656730652
EPOCH 4, TRAIN LOSS -1.1046671867370605, VAL LOSS -0.5175223350524902
EPOCH 5, TRAIN LOSS -1.1253938674926758, VAL LOSS -0.5689218044281006
EPOCH 6, TRAIN LOSS -1.1366777420043945, VAL LOSS -0.5966846942901611
EPOCH 7, TRAIN LOSS -1.143223762512207, VAL LOSS -0.6886044144630432
EPOCH 8, TRAIN LOSS -1.14899480342865, VAL LOSS -0.7130133509635925
EPOCH 9, TRAIN LOSS -1.1522138118743896, VAL LOSS -0.7169275879859924
EPOCH 10, TRAIN LOSS -1.1553481817245483, VAL LOSS -0.7140083909034729
EPOCH 11, TRAIN LOSS -1.1583540439605713, VAL LOSS -0.6799390316009521
EPOCH 12, TRAIN LOSS -1.1606409549713135, VAL LOSS -0.6513524651527405
EPOCH 13, TRAIN LOSS -1.1625326871871948, VAL LOSS -0.5699852108955383
EPOCH 14, TRAIN LOSS -1.1652331352233887, VAL LOSS -0.4974578022956848
y, _ = dataset_train.tensors # only input air-pollutant data from 'train' period
_, X = dataset_all.tensors # but provide exogenous predictors from both 'train' and 'validation' periods
with torch.no_grad():
pred = kf_pred(
group_ids=[group_names_to_group_ids[g] for g in dataset_val.group_names]
pred.plot(inverse_transform(pred.to_dataframe(dataset_all).query("group=='Changping'"), col_means),split_dt=SPLIT_DT)
df_components = pred.to_dataframe(dataset_all, type='components')
print(pred.plot(df_components.query("group=='Changping'"), split_dt=SPLIT_DT))
/Users/jacobdink/miniconda3/envs/nuenergen-enertrac/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotnine/facets/facet.py:549: PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
<ggplot: (8794238694108)>
/Users/jacobdink/miniconda3/envs/nuenergen-enertrac/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotnine/facets/facet.py:549: PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
<ggplot: (8794281696519)>
print(pred.plot(df_components.query("(group=='Changping') & (process.str.endswith('predictors'))"), split_dt=SPLIT_DT))
/Users/jacobdink/miniconda3/envs/nuenergen-enertrac/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotnine/facets/facet.py:549: PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
<ggplot: (8794239844783)>