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This guide is written for our LANL collaborators that are kind enough to experiment with deltafs on their Cray systems.


Download, build, and install deltafs, deltafs friends, and their dependencies in a single highly-automated step.

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This guide is assuming a Linux Cray.

STEP-0: prepare git-lfs

First, we need to get a latest git-lfs release from

NOTE: the latest release version may be higher than 2.0.0.

tar xzf git-lfs-linux-amd64-2.0.0.tar.gz -C .

The entire git-lfs release consists of a single executable file so we can easily install it by moving it to a directory that belongs to the PATH, such as

mv git-lfs-2.0.0/git-lfs $HOME/bin/
which git-lfs

After that, initalize git-lfs once by

module load git  # load the original git
git lfs install

STEP-1: prepare cray programming env

First, let's set cray link type to dynamic (required to compile deltafs)

export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE="dynamic"

If CRAYOS_VERSION is not in the env, we have to explicitly set it. On Nersc Edison, CRAYOS_VERSION is pre-set by the Cray system. On Nersc Cori, which has a newer version of Cray, it is not set.


Make sure the desired processor-targeting module (such as craype-sandybridge, or craype-haswell, or craype-mic-knl, etc.) has been loaded. These targeting modules will configure the compiler driver scripts (cc, CC, ftn) to compile code optimized for the processors on the compute nodes.

module load craype-haswell  # Or module load craype-sandybridge if you want to run code on monitor nodes

Also make sure the desired compiler bundle (PrgEnv-* such as Intel, GNU, or Cray) has been configured, such as

module load PrgEnv-intel  # Or module load PrgEnv-gnu

If you are attempting to compile OFI (libfabrics) on the Cray, you cannot use the Intel compiler (PrgEnv-intel) because it lacks support for atomics that ofi requires. To resolve this, use the GNU compiler (you may need to "module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu").

Now, load a few addition modules needed by deltafs umbrella.

module load boost  # needed by mercury rpc
module load cmake  # at least v3.x

STEP-2: build deltafs suite

Assuming $INSTALL is a global file system location that is accessible from all compute, monitor, and head nodes, our plan is to build deltafs under $HOME/deltafs/src, and to install everything under $INSTALL/deltafs.

NOTE: after installation, the build dir $HOME/deltafs/src is no longer needed and can be safely discarded. $INSTALL/deltafs is going to be the only thing we need for running deltafs experiments.

NOTE: do not rename the install dir after installation is done. If the current install location is bad, simply remove the install dir and reinstall deltafs to a new place.

+ $INSTALL/deltafs
|  |- bin
|  |- decks (vpic input decks)
|  |- include
|  |- lib
|  |- scripts
|  -- share
+ $HOME/deltafs
|  -- src
|      +- deltafs-umbrella
|          |- cache.0
|          |- cache
|          -- build

First, let's get a recent deltafs-umbrella release from github:

mkdir -p $HOME/deltafs/src
cd $HOME/deltafs/src
git lfs clone
cd deltafs-umbrella

Second, prepolute the cache directory:

cd cache
ln -fs ../cache.0/* .
cd ..

Now, kick-off the cmake auto-building process:

NOTE: set -DCCI_VERBS=ON if cci-ibverbs is to be enabled.

mkdir build
cd build
# a. tell cmake that we are doing cross-compiling
# b. skip unit tests, and
# c. set -DCCI_VERBS=ON if we are to use cci+ibverbs
      -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..


NOTE: after installation, the build dir $HOME/deltafs/src is no longer needed and can be safely discarded. $INSTALL/deltafs is going to be the only thing we need for running deltafs experiments.

NOTE: do not rename the install dir after installation is done. If the current install location is bad, simply remove the install dir and reinstall deltafs to a new place.


mercury runner is a microbenchmark we coded to verify mercury suite functionality, as well as its compatibility with different native network transports including sm, bmi, cci (with ib, gni, ...), and mpi. Running mercury runner can also give us the baseline rpc performance on top of a specific HPC system.

The following scripts are involved in our mercury runner test.

NOTE: all scripts are in the install dir. Do not use the script templates in the build dir.

+ $INSTALL/deltafs
|  |- bin
|  |- decks (vpic input decks)
|  |- include
|  |- lib
|  +- scripts
|  |   |-
|  |   |-
|  |   --
|  |
|  -- share

NOTE: do not invoke directly. Use the wrapper script instead.

To do that, open, check the subnet option and modify it to match your network settings.

Next, set env JOBDIRHOME to the root of all job outputs, and env EXTRA_MPIOPTS to a list of extra aprun options.

export JOBDIRHOME="/lustre/ttscratch1/users/$USER"
export EXTRA_MPIOPTS="-cc cpu"

NOTE: if JOBDIRHOME has been set to /lustre/ttscratch1/users/$USER, our script will auto expand it to /lustre/ttscratch1/users/${USER}/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}.

Time to submit the job to the batch system !!

Our job requires 2 compute nodes to run, consists of a series of small mercury-testing tasks, and the entire job is expected to run for 2 hours.

After the job completes, the main script will parse the outputs generated by individual tests and print testing results to stdout, which usually looks like:


bmi   1 0.000107 sec per op, cli/srv sys time 4.276000 / 2.210000 sec, r=2
bmi   8 0.000042 sec per op, cli/srv sys time 4.676000 / 1.626000 sec, r=2
bmi  16 0.000043 sec per op, cli/srv sys time 4.666000 / 1.604000 sec, r=2


cci   1 0.000117 sec per op, cli/srv sys time 17.988000 / 16.812000 sec, r=2
cci   8 0.000062 sec per op, cli/srv sys time 14.998000 / 13.218000 sec, r=2
cci  16 0.000063 sec per op, cli/srv sys time 15.134000 / 13.526000 sec, r=2

Those final results may also be found at $JOBDIRHOME/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}/mercury-runner.log.




The following scripts are involved to run vpic baseline tests.

Each vpic baseline run consists of a write phase that generates N-N particle timestep dumps and a read phase that performs queries on one or more particle trajectroies.

NOTE: all scripts are in the install dir. Do not use the script templates in the build dir.

+ $INSTALL/deltafs
|  |- bin
|  |- decks (vpic input decks)
|  |- include
|  |- lib
|  +- scripts
|  |   |-
|  |   |-
|  |   --
|  |
|  -- share

NOTE: do not invoke directly. Use the wrapper script instead.

To do that, open

a) set test to baseline;

b) set subnet to match your network configurations, such as "11.128";

c) set nodes and ppn to control the number of compute nodes and cores to request -- since this will be a vpic-only test, it is recommended to set ppn to the total number of cores available on a compute node (32 for Trinitite compute nodes);

d) set num_vpic_dumps, px_factor, py_factor, and pz_factor to control the size of vpic simulations as well as the ratio between compute and I/O.

NOTE: to do an initial validation run to check code and debug scripts, set nodes to 1, num_vpic_dumps to 2, px_factor, pz_factor to 1, and py_factor to 4 (on a 32-core Trinitite node, this will result in a tiny run that lasts no more than 5 minites and generates data at 4MB/core/dump, and 256MB of data in total).

To do a standard vpic baseline test, set the above options as follows:

VPIC baseline Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Note
nodes 1 4 16 64
cores 32 128 512 2048 32 cpu cores per node (ppn=32)
num_vpic_dumps 8 8 8 8
px_factor 2 2 2 2 px=100
py_factor 20 20 20 20 py=640, 2560, 10K, 40K
pz_factor 2 2 2 2 pz=100
num_particles 640M 2560M 10G 40G 20M particles per core
estimated_output_size 320GB 1280GB 5TB 20TB roughly 1.28GB per core (64B per particle) per dump
estimated_files 1.25K 5K 20K 80K 4 PFS or BB files per core per dump

Next, set env JOBDIRHOME to a desired root for all job outputs, and env EXTRA_MPIOPTS to a list of extra aprun options.

export JOBDIRHOME="/lustre/ttscratch1/users/$USER"
export EXTRA_MPIOPTS="-cc cpu"

NOTE: if JOBDIRHOME has been set to /lustre/ttscratch1/users/$USER, our script will auto expand it to /lustre/ttscratch1/users/${USER}/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}.

Lastly, check if all #MSUB and #DW directives have been properly set.

!!! Time to submit the job to the batch system !!!

After the job completes, the main script will show the testing results, which may look like:

-INFO- jobdir = /users/qingzhen/jobs/
!!! WARNING !!! missing DW_JOB_STRIPED - putting data in jobdir for this test
-INFO- generating host lists...
-INFO- num vpic nodes = 1
-INFO- num bbos nodes = 0
--------------- [INPUT-DECK] --------------
!!! NOTICE !!! building vpic deck with cores = 4, px = 16, py = 100

/usr/bin/mpicxx -DVPIC_INSTALLED -DPACKAGE_NAME="VPIC" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME="vpic" -DPACKAGE_VERSION="" -DPACKAGE_STRING="VPIC\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT="" -DPACKAGE_URL="" -DPACKAGE="vpic" -DVERSION="" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_DLFCN_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=".libs/" -DENABLE_HOST=1 -DBUILDSTYLE=standard -DADDRESSING_64=1 -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX=1  -std=c++98 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -Wno-long-long -g -O2 -ffast-math -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -march=opteron -mfpmath=sse -DUSE_V4_SSE   -I/users/qingzhen/vpic-install/include -I/users/qingzhen/vpic-install/include/vpic /users/qingzhen/vpic-install/decks/main.cxx /users/qingzhen/vpic-install/decks/deck_wrapper.cxx -DINPUT_DECK=/users/qingzhen/jobs/ -o /users/qingzhen/jobs/ /users/qingzhen/vpic-install/lib/libvpic.a    -lpthread -lm
[DECK] --- 19884215 -rwxr-xr-x 1 2616946 7004 1944312 2017-03-16 13:18:28.433460000 -0600 /users/qingzhen/jobs/

-INFO- vpic deck installed at /users/qingzhen/jobs/
--------------- [    OK    ] --------------

--------------- [   DOIT   ] --------------
!!! NOTICE !!! starting exp >> >> baseline_P160K_C4_N1...

-INFO- creating exp dir...
[MPIEXEC] mpirun.mpich -np 1 -ppn 1    mkdir -p /users/qingzhen/jobs/
-INFO- done
-INFO- clearing node caches...
mpirunall n=4: sudo sh -c echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
-INFO- done

[DECK] --- 19884215 -rwxr-xr-x 1 2616946 7004 1944312 2017-03-16 13:18:28.433460000 -0600 /users/qingzhen/jobs/
!!! Running VPIC (baseline) with 160K particles on 4 cores !!!
> Using /users/qingzhen/jobs/
> Job dir is /users/qingzhen/jobs/
> Experiment dir is /users/qingzhen/jobs/
> Log to /users/qingzhen/jobs/
  + Log to /users/qingzhen/jobs/
    + Log to STDOUT

[MPIEXEC] mpirun.mpich -np 4  --host -env VPIC_current_working_dir /users/qingzhen/jobs/   /users/qingzhen/jobs/
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: Topology: X=4 Y=1 Z=1
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: num_step = 1000 nppc = 50
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: Particles: nx = 16 ny = 100 nz = 1
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: total # of particles = 160000
/users/qingzhen/vpic-install/decks/main.cxx(93): **** Beginning simulation advance with 1 tpp ****
Free Mem: 99.50%
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: Dumping trajectory data: step T.500
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: Dumping duration 0.104736
Free Mem: 99.48%
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: Dumping trajectory data: step T.1000
/users/qingzhen/jobs/[0]: Dumping duration 0.12373
/users/qingzhen/vpic-install/decks/main.cxx(101): simulation time: 16.085537

/users/qingzhen/vpic-install/decks/main.cxx(110): Maximum number of time steps reached.  Job has completed.

-INFO- checking output size...
[MPIEXEC] mpirun.mpich -np 1 -ppn 1    du -sb /users/qingzhen/jobs/
26944448        /users/qingzhen/jobs/
[MPIEXEC] mpirun.mpich -np 1 -ppn 1    du -h /users/qingzhen/jobs/
9.9M    /users/qingzhen/jobs/
9.9M    /users/qingzhen/jobs/
20M     /users/qingzhen/jobs/

!!! Query VPIC (baseline) using 2 cores !!!
> Using /users/qingzhen/vpic-install/bin/vpic-reader
> Experiment dir is /users/qingzhen/jobs/
> Log to /users/qingzhen/jobs/
  + Log to /users/qingzhen/jobs/
    + Log to STDOUT

[MPIEXEC] mpirun.mpich -np 2  --host   /users/qingzhen/vpic-install/bin/vpic-reader -i /users/qingzhen/jobs/ -n 1

Number of particles: 160000

Querying 1 particles (3 retries)
Overall: 21ms / query, 20 ms / particle
Overall: 18ms / query, 17 ms / particle
Overall: 17ms / query, 16 ms / particle
Querying results: 17 ms / query, 17 ms / particle

--------------- [    OK    ] --------------
Script complete.
start: Thu Mar 16 13:18:33 MDT 2017
  end: Thu Mar 16 13:18:56 MDT 2017

Those final results from the experiment can also be found at $JOBDIRHOME/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}/baseline_P{XX}_C{YY}_N{ZZ}/baseline_P{XX}_C{YY}_N{ZZ}.log. Here XX will be the number of particles simulated, YY the number of cores, and ZZ the number of compute nodes used.

In addition, the entire job log can be found at $JOBDIRHOME/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}.log.

NOTE: Each individual vpic baseline run will potentially generate a large amount of data. These data can be safely removed after each run. The only thing we need is the log file generated by the script set. To locate all job log files, use find $JOBDIRHOME -maxdepth 3 -iname '*.log'.



SHUFFLE TEST [under construction]

shuffle test is designed to touch only the rpc and inter-process communication functionality within the deltafs micro-service stack so all file-system related activities have been removed and converted to no-op. The main goal of running a shuffle test is to evaluate and quantify the overhead incurred by deltafs to move particles around.

The following scripts are involved in our shuffle test.

NOTE: all scripts are in the install dir. Do not use the script templates in the build dir.

# $INSTALL/deltafs
#  -- bin
#  -- decks (vpic input decks)
#  -- include
#  -- lib
#  -- scripts
#      --
#      --
#      --
#  -- share

NOTE: do not call directly. Instead, call the wrapper script.

First, open, at Line 20-30ish, set cores_per_node to 32 perhaps, nodes to 4 for the 1st test run, and as many as 128 for later runs. Update ip_subnet to the subnet used by your compute nodes, such as something like "10.4", "172.16.3".

# Node topology

# DeltaFS config

Next let's check if the following system envrionments used by our scripts are in control.

# environment variables we set/use:
#  $JOBDIRHOME - where to put job dirs (default: $HOME/jobs)
#                example: /lustre/ttscratch1/users/$USER
# environment variables we use as input:
#  $HOME - your home directory
#  $MOAB_JOBNAME - jobname (cray)
#  $PBS_JOBID - job id (cray)
#  $PBS_NODEFILE - file with list of all nodes (cray)

JOBDIRHOME is expected to be set by you. The rest are expected to be set by the system.

If you set JOBDIRHOME to /lustre/ttscratch1/users/$USER, our script will auto expand it to /lustre/ttscratch1/users/${USER}/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID} ^_^

One last thing, go to Line 210ish, add -cc numa_node as an additional option to aprun. We think this will ask aprun to bind each process to a speicifc CPU socket.

Time to submit the job to the batch system.

After the job is done, in ${JOBDIRHOME}/${MOAB_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}, there will be a set of result directories like:


Pxxx is the number of particles, Cxxx is the number of cores, and Nxxx is the number of compute nodes used.

Inside each result directory, you will see something like:

# shuffle_test_P240K_C8_N8
#  -- data  fields  global.vpc  hydro  info  info.bin  metadata
#  -- restart0  restart1  restart2  rundata
#  -- plfs
#      -- vpic-deltafs-mon-reduced-20170302-16:34:26.bin
#      -- vpic-deltafs-mon-reduced-20170302-16:34:26.txt
#      -- vpic-deltafs-mon-reduced.bin
#      -- vpic-deltafs-mon-reduced.txt
#  -- shuffle_test_P960K_C32_N8.log

Two files are important: shuffle_test_P960K_C32_N8.log and vpic-deltafs-mon-reduced.txt.

We hope you can send these two files back to us ^_^

This concludes the shuffle test.


Thanks for trying deltafs :-)