Thanks for your interest in contributing to PeTrack. There are different ways to contribute.
If you want to report a bug or propose a new feature, please open an issue in our GitLab repo.
For reporting a bug, please note the version of PeTrack you are using and steps to reproduce the issue.
We document PeTrack on Read the Docs. The documentation is contained in the docs
subdirectory of this repository. To propose a change in the documentation, you can open a PR on GitHub. Ideally, you also open an issue, since internally we mainly develop on GitLab. That way you can make sure we see your contribution. Please see the documentation at for how to set up a local build of the documentation web page.
If you want to contribute to the code, we recommend you open an issue beforehand so we can discuss the desired change.
We are hosted on, but this GitLab instance does not allow new users to create new projects. Therefore, we accept contributions via GitHub and mirror the PR to our GitLab instance.
TL;DR Create a PR on GitHub, as if we were hosted there and we'll do the rest.
For general information on coding guidelines or how to create a dev environment please consult the documentation at