All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changelog.
- removed passwd_encrypt tool source code from httpapi_exporter: created a new stand-alone package passwd_encrypt. Passwd_encrypt is still installed when building and added to the released archiv.
- updated prometheus/exporter-toolkit to 0.13.0 (log => log/slog)
- renamed entrypoint /healthz to /health : response format depends on "accept" header (application/json, text/plain, text/html default)
- updated entrypoint /status, /loglevel /targets /config: response format depends on "accept" header (application/json, text/plain, text/html default)
- added cmd line --model_name to perform test with model and uri in dry-run mode
- added out format for passwd_encrypt that can be cut/pasted into config file.
- added GET /loglevel to retrieve current level, add POST /loglevel[/level] to set loglevel to level directly
- loglevel link in landing page
- fixed typos
- added oracledb building and metrics (standard and pdbs)
- add proxy mode : allow to scrap remote servers using connection string as target
- add hanadb exporter and standard metrics.
- add basic encryption for user/passwords used to connect to database: password are not in plain text in configuration file.
- added multi-targets
- add db2
- remove multi drivers compilations: use tags instead to have specific exporter for each one supported (mssql, db2, oracle)
- add contribs for standard statistics (mssql, db2)
- forked from mgit-at/sqlexporter