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We provide a set of solvers for the program as described below. The routines and preset objective functions correspond to the Poisson, Gaussian population- and expectation-based Spatial Scan Statistic, see examples below. Features

  • Choice of Gaussian, Poisson, or Rational score function
  • Further specification of risk partitioning or multiple clustering objective
  • OLS-based optimal paritition size determination
  • C++, Python interface


Utilities to demonstrate use of the consecutive partitions property (CPP) in combinatorial optimization problems, notably those arising in the context of Spatial Scan Statistics. The routines were used to generate tables, figures for

Charles A. Pehlivanian, Daniel B. Neill, Efficient Optimization of Partition Scan Statistics via the Consecutive Partitions Property, preprint, 2021

Let be the ground set, for some integer n and let represent a partition of the ground set into t subsets. The C++ optimizer routines provide exact solutions in time to the program

for f satsifying certain regularity conditions. Note that the cardinality of the set of partitions of the ground set is a Stirling number of the second kind, which grows super-exponentially. The underlying optimizer engine is callable from Python via SWIG bindings provided, and asynchronous, distributed (using native C++ primitives) versions are also provided. Build instructions follow the theory.

In the spatial scan statistics partition setting, as opposed to the single subset case, the usual population-based and expectation-based approaches generalize to two objectives and two optimal problems: risk partitioning (optimal allocation of risk across subsets) and multiple clustering (optimal identification of highest scoring cluster configuration). Closed form objective functions can be computed for distributions belonging to a separable exponential family . For the risk partitioning problem, the objective is naturally expressed as an F-divergence, while in the multiple clustering case, it is a Bregman divergence. The resulting maximization problem above then admits an exact solution in time. Note that a naive maximization over all partitions is infeasible.

For example, for the NYC census track data multiple clustering problem below, there are 2089 tracts and 4 subsets per partition. The number of partitions of size 4 of a 2089 element set is a Stirling number of the second kind with more than 1256 digits:

In [1]: stir = Stirling_n_k(2089,4); stir
Out[1]: 21043144740980019129658372783222683906523792789112246030710636863335348411722359823811415381998892048609981119

In [2]: math.log(stir,10)                                                                                                              
Out[2]: 1256.3231106424016

We display an exact solution over this space obtained in ~ 100 millis on a single Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz in the heat maps below.

Prostate cancer incidence for NYC census tract data:


COVID confirmed cases, Minnesota, a/o 09-01-2020:


COVID confirmed cases, Japan, a/o 09-01-2020:


Runtimes on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz by varying n, T are shown as well as a least-squares 3-parameter power-rule fit with p(x) = a + b*x^c We expect c ~ 2.0 when T is held fixed, and c ~ 1.0 for fixed n.

Runtimes for varying n

plot plot

Runtimes for varying T

plot plot

NYC tract data, JHU CSSE Covid data plots can be generated by:

$ python 5 prostate -dist 1 -obj False
$ python Minnesota 4 -d 09-01-2020 12-01-2020 -no-C
$ python Japan 3 -d 09-01-2020 12-01-2020

CPU time in the document plots can be generated by:

$ ./src/scripts/ 5000 100 10 10

C++ api

Build requirements:

  • cmake
  • swig
  • eigen >= 3.0
  • google mock, test [optional]

C++ cmake build options: {CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, GTEST, SWIG_BINDINGS, USE_C++17}

Compile to ./build with tests, SWIG bindings as in

$ cmake --build build -- -j4

Demos, unittests are straightforward.

Google test suite for C++ engine run via

$ ./build/tests/gtest_all

Python unittests run via

$ python

Python api

Compile binarys with -DSWIG_BINDINGS=ON or from command line:

Stand alone compilation of SWIG bindings

$ swig -c++ -python -I./include -outdir ../python proto.i
$ clang++ -std=c++17 -c -fPIC -mavx2 -O3 -I/usr/local/include/eigen3 LTSS.cpp \
  python_dpsolver.cpp DP.cpp python_ltsssolver.cpp proto_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python3.8 -I./include
$ clang++ -std=c++17 -O3 -shared python_dpsolver.o DP.o python_ltsssolver.o \ 
  LTSS.o proto_wrap.o -o ../python/ -lstdc++

Please replace the /usr/include/python3.8 path with the location of Python.h, as in

In [1]: from sysconfig import get_paths                                                                                  
In [2]: from pprint import pprint                                                                                        
In [3]: pprint(get_paths())                                                                                                                
{'data': '/usr',

 'include': '/usr/include/python3.8',

 'platinclude': '/usr/include/python3.8', 
 'platlib': '/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages',
 'platstdlib': '/usr/lib/python3.8',
 'purelib': '/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages',
 'scripts': '/usr/bin',
 'stdlib': '/usr/lib/python3.8'}

Test of SWIG bindings

$ python ./src/python/

Python examples

$ python ./src/python/

C++ excutables demonstrating solver API

|--DP_solver_demo   // Partition solver demo
|--LTSS_solver_demo // Single subset (LTSS) solver demo
|--solver_timer     // Timing utility; wrapped by