Only some steps, that you can build your node.js module to connect your rest service.
- Prepare: Install it...
npm install rest-api-connector - Step1: Create a config file, that include the rest server ip, port, authentication, and url information.
- Step2: Create a module file, to require rest-api-connector. And config a object that include the rest connect information.
- Step3: Use the module that you create in the pre step, and the config object first level key will be your function name.
To config your api server information, currently only support for base64 authorization.
"API_CFG": {
"USERNAME":"user", //Will use for Authentication
"PASSWORD":"passwd", //Will use for Authentication
In this step, you can create a sample module to operate your api service. You need to copy the api document about url, method, headers, and the input column information that include: type, size and some validator factor.
var api = require('rest-api-connector').api
, apiDef = {};
apiDef.firstApiCall = {
method: 'GET',
//optional, if null, will use the
headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + new Buffer('user:password').toString('base64')},
cfg file setting
input: [
{ name:"uuid", value:'', type:"string", max:40, nullable:false, skipcheck: true }
notvalidate: false,
output: {
status: ['ERROR','SUCCESS'], msg: ""
//optional, if null, will use default validator
validator: function(iargs){
return {"valid":true};
//optional, just for descript
descript: "Get zone information by uuid, the uuid is the unique id of smartmachine."
//The basic config for use...
apiDef.sencondApiCall = {
method: 'GET',
input: [
{ name:"uuid", value:'', type:"string", max:40, nullable:false }
//Setup and compile the api node module'/lib/api.cfg',apiDef);
exports.invoke = api;
You can require the module you write in the step2 (ex: the instance is "api"), and you can use api.invoke.your config to use your api.
var api = require('./sampleModule')
File: api.cfg
"USERNAME": "your api username", //api password
"PASSWORD": "your api password", //api username
"BASE_URL": "" //api url
File: apiDefinition.json
"apiCall": {
"method": "GET",
"input": [
{ "name":"id", "value":"", "type":"string", "max":40, "nullable":false }
var api = require('rest-api-connector').api;
//Setup and compile the api node module
api.readJsonCfg(__dirname + '/api.cfg'),
api.readJsonCfg(__dirname + '/apiDefinition.json')
//Use the api module
api.apiCall(uuid, function(e,r,d){
If you want to post form data in the api module. You can just define the api like:
apiCall: {
method: "GET",
form: true,
input: [
{ "name":"id", "value":"", "type":"string", "max":40, "nullable":false }
And then, you must put the form object (a json format object) to the n-2 arguments. The example:
api.apiCall(uuid, {field1:123, field2:"test field 2"}, function(e,r,d){
if(e) console.log(e);
API definition will be the operation information of a api, that looks like:
apiCall: {
method: "GET",
form: true,
input: [
{ "name":"id", "value":"", "type":"string", "max":40, "nullable":false }
The all avaliable column of a apiCall (that will be generate to a api module function, that can present to other object to call) includes:
- url (string, cannot null): The rest request url for the apiCall. Like ExpressJS, you can use ":key" for parameter input. It will merge with input for final rest request.
- method (string, optional, default is GET): The rest request method. If empty, will use default method: GET.
- headers (json object, optional): The rest request header. If empty, will check the connection definition's username and password for base64 authorization
- form (true|false, optional): If true, will check the n-2 arguments must be a json object to be the form input.
- input (json array, optional): The input configure for default validator use. If empty, will skip all check.
- output (json object, optional): Define a sample output value. A dummy column for juest define.
- validator (function, optional) If empty, will use default validator to parse the input definition
- descript (string, optional): A definition column to record the api description.
Default validator will use the input config for validating the api module function that generated by api config. And the avaliable config for validate list bellow:
- name: String value, the name of the api input .
- type: The input value's type.
- max: The max size of a input parametet.
- nullable: If true, the input cannot be a null value.
- skipcheck: If true, will skip check process.
In some situation, you may want to add some request options to every request. You can setup to the API_CFG with REQ_OPTS parameter. Like this:
{ //define the api connection info
USERNAME: "your-account", //api access username
PASSWORD: "your-password", //api access password
BASE_URL: "https://your-api-server-address", //api url
rejectUnauthorized: false
{ //define the api definition
getNodesInfo: {
method: "GET" }