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UAV Motion Planning

0. Quick Installation within 3 Minutes

Tested on ubuntu 20.04 LTS with ROS Noetic.

  1. Install ROS (Desktop-Full Install Recommended).

  2. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  3. Install dependences.

    # eigen
    sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
    # osqp and osqp-eigen
    cd uav_motion_planning
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    ## osqp
    cd 3rd/osqp
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..  # NOTE: if error occurs on cmake version, just change the cmake_minimum_required in the first line of CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make install
    ## osqp-eigen
    cd 3rd/osqp-eigen
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
  4. Compile the code.

    catkin_make -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14

1. Search-Based Methods

1.1. A*

  • Quick start:

    # in one terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch plan_manage single_run_in_sim.launch
    # in another terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch test test_astar_searching.launch
  • Parameters:

    <!-- astar parameters -->
    <param name="astar/resolution" value="0.1"/>
    <param name="astar/lambda_heu" value="1.5"/>
    <param name="astar/allocated_node_num" value="1000000"/>
    • astar/resolution: astar search resolution, control the search resolution

    • astar/lambda_heu: $f = g(n) + \lambda * h(n)$

    • astar/allocated_node_num: pre-allocated search node num, avoid too many nodes

  • Methods:

    • tie_breaker: enhance the speed of searching

    • weighted A*:


  • Simulation:


1.2. Kinodynamic A*

  • Quick start:

    # in one terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch plan_manage single_run_in_sim.launch
    # in another terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch test test_kino_astar_searching.launch
  • Parameters: NOTE: Some parameters need to change.

    • kino_astar/collision_check_type: 1: kino_astar planning, 2: kino_se(3) planning

    • (map_type change) simulator.xml: map/fix_map_type: 0: generate random map, 1: generate fix wall map

     <!-- kino_astar parameters -->
    <param name="kino_astar/rou_time" value="20.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/lambda_heu" value="3.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/allocated_node_num" value="100000"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/goal_tolerance" value="2.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/time_step_size" value="0.075"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/max_velocity" value="7.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/max_accelration" value="10.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/acc_resolution" value="4.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/sample_tau" value="0.3"/>
    <!-- collision check type 1: kino_astar, 2: kino_se3 -->
    <param name="kino_astar/collision_check_type" value="2"/>
    <!-- robot ellipsoid parameters -->
    <param name="kino_se3/robot_r" value="0.4"/>
    <param name="kino_se3/robot_h" value="0.1"/>
  • Methods:

  • Simulation:


1.3. SE(3) Planning

  • Quick start:

    # in one terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch plan_manage single_run_in_sim.launch
    # in another terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch test test_kino_astar_searching.launch
  • Parameters: NOTE: Some parameters need to change.

    • kino_astar/collision_check_type: 1: kino_astar planning, 2: kino_se(3) planning

    • (map_type change) simulator.xml: map/fix_map_type: 0: generate random map, 1: generate fix wall map

     <!-- kino_astar parameters -->
    <param name="kino_astar/rou_time" value="20.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/lambda_heu" value="3.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/allocated_node_num" value="100000"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/goal_tolerance" value="2.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/time_step_size" value="0.075"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/max_velocity" value="7.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/max_accelration" value="10.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/acc_resolution" value="4.0"/>
    <param name="kino_astar/sample_tau" value="0.3"/>
    <!-- collision check type 1: kino_astar, 2: kino_se3 -->
    <param name="kino_astar/collision_check_type" value="2"/>
    <!-- robot ellipsoid parameters -->
    <param name="kino_se3/robot_r" value="0.4"/>
    <param name="kino_se3/robot_h" value="0.1"/>
  • Methods:

  • Simulation:


2. Sampling-Based Methods

2.1. RRT

  • Quick start:

    # in one terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch plan_manage single_run_in_sim.launch
    # in another terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch test test_rrt_searching.launch
  • Parameters:

    <!-- rrt parameters -->
    <param name="rrt/max_tree_node_num" value="100000"/>
    <param name="rrt/step_length" value="0.5"/>
    <param name="rrt/max_allowed_time" value="5"/>
    <param name="rrt/search_radius" value="1.0"/>

​ - rrt/max_tree_node_num: rrt max tree node num, avoid too many tree nodes

​ - rrt/step_length: rrt step(x1, x2, length), control the step length

​ - rrt/max_allowed_time: rrt max allowed time, avoid too long search time

​ - rrt/search_radius: rrt goal tolerance, control the error between search end and real_end

  • Methods:

    • kdtree-acceleration: find nearest tree node
  • Simulation:


2.2. RRT*:

  • Quick start:

    # in one terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch plan_manage single_run_in_sim.launch
    # in another terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch test test_rrt_star_searching.launch
  • Parameters:

    <param name="rrt_star/max_tree_node_num" value="100000"/>
    <param name="rrt_star/step_length" value="0.5"/>
    <param name="rrt_star/search_radius" value="1.0"/>
  • Methods:

    • kdtree-acceleration: find nearest tree node
  • Simulation:


3. Trajectory Optimization

3.1. RRT* + Minimum Snap :

  • Quick start:

    # in one terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch plan_manage single_run_in_sim.launch
    # in another terminal
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch test test_minimum_jerk.launch
  • Methods:

    • Front-End (Path Finding): RRT* or other search-based method, this project is based on RRT*

    • Back-End (Trajectory Optimization): construct a Quadratic Program(QP) based on the discrete waypoints obtained by front RRT*, I use OSQP Solver to solve the QP

    • Paper:: D. Mellinger and V. Kumar, “Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors”

  • Simulation:


    • Red Line: RRT* Path
    • Red Sphere: RRT* Waypoints
    • Purple Line: minimum jerk trajectory