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Welcome everyone to give advice ,giveStar

Add more attributes to the step indicator, more customizable styles



Because of their own project needs, fork the project Made some improvements,This step indicator provides more properties, such as dashed lines, dashed borders, in-character text, step description text Will continue to do more styles in the future


pod 'EasyStepIndicator'




IBOutlet weak var indicator: EasyStepIndicator!

If you want to set the inline text and description text Open the options in the Storyboard


Then set the text

indicator.stepCircleTexts = ["A","B","C","D"]
indicator.stepDescriptionTexts = \["Alarm\ntriggered", "Dispatch\na guard", "Track\nprogress", "Finishes\ninvestigation", "Site\nsecured"]

If you want to set the direction of the step progress


Raw value Meaning Description
0 leftToRight From left to right
1 rightToLeft From right to left
2 topToBottom From top to bottom
3 bottomToTop From bottom to top

If you want to do all the work on the Storyboard

The properties in the figure are described below.



    self.indicator = EasyStepIndicator.init(frame: CGRect.init(origin:, size: CGSize.init(width: self.view.bounds.width, height: self.view.bounds.width/2)))
    self.indicator?.center =
    indicator?.numberOfSteps = 4 // must be given the first time

Storyboard and the public part of the code

If you want to set the circle internal text and description text

self.indicator.dataSource = self

extension VerticalController:EasyStepIndicatorDataSource {
    func characterForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int) -> String {
    func titleForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int) -> String {
        ["Yours faithfully", " This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business. We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.", "Track progress", "Finishes\ninvestigation"][index]

If you want to set each circle separately

self.indicator.delegate = self

extension VerticalController :EasyStepIndicatorDelegate {

     func stepConfigForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int, config: inout StepConfig){
         if index == 2{
             config.radius = 30
         if index == 3 {
             config.stepText.fontSize = 30
         config.stepText.colors.complete = randomColor()
         config.stepText.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
         config.annular.colors.complete = randomColor()
         config.annular.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
         config.tint.colors.complete = randomColor()
         config.tint.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
     func lineConfigForProcess(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int, config:inout LineConfig){
         config.colors.complete = randomColor()
         config.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
     func titleConfigForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int, config:inout TitleConfig){
         config.colors.complete = randomColor()
         config.colors.incomplete = randomColor()

You can make your own customizations for each attribute of each element.



Property Name Description Location
numberOfSteps Total number of steps
currentStep Current Step
currentStepAsIncomplete The current step is considered incomplete
circleRadius circle size
circleAnnularIncompleteColor Indicates the color when the round frame is not completed
circleAnnularCompleteColor indicates the color when the round frame is completed
circleStrokeWidth indicates the width of the circle line
circleAnnularLineDashWidth indicates the length of the dotted circle
circleAnnularLineDashMargin indicates round frame dashed interval
circleTintIncompleteColor The color of the circle when the circle is not completed ④corresponds to the circle
circleTintCompleteColor The color at the completion of the circle
lineIncompleteColor points to the unfinished color of the line
lineCompleteColor points to the color of the line completion the color between A-B
lineMargin points to the distance of the line from the circle
lineStrokeWidth points to line width
lineImaginaryMargin points to the dotted line spacing
lineImaginaryWidth points to the line with a small dashed width
direction Progress direction, you can set when writing code, select value in the enumeration value a-b-c-d
circleTextIncompleteColor Color inside the circle when the text is not completed C's color
circleTextCompleteColor Color inside the circle when the text is finished A's color
stepDescriptionTextIncompleteColor Describe the color when the text is not completed 11
stepDescriptionTextCompleteColor Describe the color when the text is completed 13
stepDescriptionTextMargin Margin between Indicator and Description 12
stepDescriptionTextFontSize Step Description Text Size 13
stepLineFitDescriptionText Line adapts to the height of the text. If there is too much text, it is recommended to open (more text will overflow superview). If it is closed, the height of Line is associated with SuperView, it will not overflow superview
maxContentWidth Maximum content width (only available horizontally)
minContentMargin Descriptive text forced minimum spacing
contentScrollView Content scroll view
freezeZone Freeze area, area will have no content, leave blank

Codeable Attributes

Class Attribute Description
StepConfig stepText Circle related attributes
StepConfig annular annular related properties
StepConfig tint Related properties in circles
StepConfig radius Circle Radius
StepConfig stepIndex Step No.
StepConfig titleMargin Describe the distance between the text and the bottom of the circle
- - -
LineConfig colors Line color related properties
LineConfig dashPatternComplete The dotted line related properties of the completed line
LineConfig dashPatternIncomplete Dash line related properties of unfinished lines
LineConfig strokeWidth Line Width
LineConfig marginBetweenCircle The distance from the line to the circle
LineConfig processIndex Line index
- - -
TitleConfig title Describe title related attributes
TitleConfig colors Describe title color related properties
TitleConfig stepIndex Description title index

About alignmentMode

public var alignmentMode: AlignmentMode = .center

Value Description
top The starting alignment of each title and circle
center Each title and start are aligned with the center of the circle,


About shouldStepLineFitDescriptionText

    func shouldStepLineFitDescriptionText() -> Bool {

true: the length of the entire indicator varies with the amount of description

false: the length of the entire indicator is fixed to the length of the superview



Welcome everyone to provide comments and suggestions

  • uploaded to Cocoapods;
  • describes the text adaptation to the vertical direction;
  • Demo
  • code description
  • displays the excess as "..."
  • Adaptive excess is set to scroll
  • View of the custom description section, not limited to text