Most of my projects are personal tools or solutions I've created for myself
I like to release them to the public for the two-way benefits of feedback and bug reports for me while you get useful free software
I currently work professionally in C#, and I use mostly F# outside of work
I generally recommend using different stacks, IDEs, color schemes in and out of work to protect your sanity - I often pull 20-30 hours a week on hobby projects on top of my job
Currently solidifying my foundations to ensure I have a long-lasting successful career in software
- "Interlude", part of my 'Yet another vertically scrolling rhythm game' project
- Advent of code 2024
- "Ultimate Inventory" Minecraft plugin
The best way to optimise your program is to just do less stuff
Scala is the only language I've looked at that appears not committed to a gimmick that slowly drags you down
If you want to learn programming, I recommend learning it second after the popular choices because it's awesome and has a bit of everything
F# is my current language of choice - I dislike much of the syntax but it sure is lightyears ahead of its peers when it comes to utility
I sense a lot of Zig in my future, when it's a bit more mature