All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- New SelectAll method that returns a typed SelectBuilder that is awaitable.
- Renamed DbCommandBuilder to CommandBuilder
- Renamed DbTransactionWrapper to Transaction
- Renamed DbConnectionWrapper to Connection
- Removed SelectAsync override with a callback.
- Remove ExecuteScalar methods.
- A [NotMapped] attribute to prevent a Property or Field from being mapped
- Caching column details on Table class.
- A new SelectAsync override with a callback with the SelectBuilder
- InsertAsync returns model just inserted instead of rows affected.
- CreateConnection delegate.
- Normal.AspNetCore package
- Renamed DbContext to Database
- Updated SDK to .NET Core 3.1
- FastMember dependency
- Normal.Logging package
- Normal.Caching package
- Add ToEnumerable to IDbCommandExecutor.
- A changelog!
- A new Constructor on DbContext that takes a "configure" callback. The callback is passes a DbContextBuilder.
UseConnection<T>(string connectionString)
Added to DbContextBuilder.AddNormal
extension method forIServiceCollection
for easier dependency injection.
- Logging middleware doesn't insert newlines and tabs into log.
- IDbConnectionWrapper is no longer public
- Static
method GetOpenConnectionAsync
- Initial release of Normal