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Email -

File metadata and controls

36 lines (32 loc) · 1.23 KB

List the 20 most rare file extensions recieved from emails

Query Information


This query list the 20 rarest file extentions that have been used in email attachments.


Rare file extensions may incidacte that an actor is trying trick users in opening malicious files.

Defender For Endpoint

// Only display inbound emails
| where EmailDirection == 'Inbound'
// Join the email events with the attachment information, that the email must have an attachment.
| join kind=inner EmailAttachmentInfo on NetworkMessageId
// extract the file extension from the filename
| extend FileExtension = tostring(extract(@'.*\.(.*)', 1, FileName))
| where isnotempty(FileExtension)
| summarize Total = count() by FileExtension
| top 20 by Total asc


// Only display inbound emails
| where EmailDirection == 'Inbound'
// Join the email events with the attachment information, that the email must have an attachment.
| join kind=inner EmailAttachmentInfo on NetworkMessageId
// extract the file extension from the filename
| extend FileExtension = tostring(extract(@'.*\.(.*)', 1, FileName))
| where isnotempty(FileExtension)
| summarize Total = count() by FileExtension
| top 20 by Total asc