Detects an attempt to leverage dnscmd.exe to enumerate the DNS zones of a domain. DNS zones used to host the DNS records for a particular domain
dnscmd . /enumrecords /zone {REDACTED}
dnscmd . /enumzones
dnscmd /enumrecords {REDACTED} . /additional
LOLBins Discovery
{{ mitre("T1016")}}
Data Source(s): Command, Process
let selection_cli = dynamic(['/enumrecords','/enumzones','/ZonePrint','/info']);
| where FolderPath endswith @"dnscmd.exe" and ProcessCommandLine has_any (selection_cli)
//| summarize count(), num_distinctDevices = dcount(DeviceName), set_ProcessCMD=make_set(ProcessCommandLine), set_InitiatingProcessCMD=make_set(InitiatingProcessCommandLine), first_ = min(TimeGenerated), last_ = max(TimeGenerated) by InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessFileName, FolderPath, FileName, AccountName, TenantId
- Remove the comment "//" in 'summarize' statement in above KQL to assist in analysis and removing data duplicates.
- Examine the FolderPath and the command-line whether the activity is suspicious
- Inspect if the activity was expected and approved
Legitimate administration use
Version 1.0 (date: 20/03/2024)