Detects suspicious credential access commands. Alone they may be normal but in concert, they may be worth looking into
dir C:\Users{REDACTED}.ssh\known_hosts
dir C:\users{REDACTED}\appdata\roaming\Mozilla\firefox\profiles
reg query hklm\software\OpenSSH
reg query hklm\software\OpenSSH\Agent
reg query hklm\software\realvnc
reg query hklm\software\realvnc\vncserver
reg query hklm\software\realvnc\Allusers
reg query hklm\software\realvnc\Allusers\vncserver
reg query hkcu\software{REDACTED}\putty\session
reg save hklm\sam ss.dat
reg save hklm\system sy.dat
Volt Typhoon
{{ mitre("T1555")}}
Data Source(s): Command
let c1 = dynamic(["dir", ".ssh","known_hosts"]);
let c2 = dynamic(["dir", @"firefox\profiles"]);
let c3 = dynamic(["reg", " query", "OpenSSH"]);
let c4 = dynamic(["reg", " query", "realvnc"]);
let c5 = dynamic(["reg", " query", @"putty\session"]);
let c6 = dynamic(["reg", " save", @" hklm\sam", " ss.dat"]);
let c7 = dynamic(["reg", " save", @" hklm\system", " sy.dat"]);
find where (InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c1) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c1) or CommandLine has_all (c1)) or
(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c2) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c2) or CommandLine has_all (c2)) or
(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c3) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c3) or CommandLine has_all (c3)) or
(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c4) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c4) or CommandLine has_all (c4)) or
(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c5) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c5) or CommandLine has_all (c5)) or
(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c6) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c6) or CommandLine has_all (c6)) or
(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all (c7) or ProcessCommandLine has_all (c7) or CommandLine has_all (c7))
- Inspect if the activity is expected and approved. It may be performed by an admin or a service
- Pivot on the account, the host or the parent process and investigate additional activities
Version 1.0 (date: 10/07/2023)